more brutal teabaggers

I can lay some real shit on ya. Perhaps I'm the one you're really looking for. I have some very elemental ideas. What is it you're looking for?

Something other than the usual talking points. If I wanted that, I'd go to a political site. Shit should be out of the box. Given the nature of this site, I know there are some deep thinking mother fuckers on here.

I'll start. I think most of our public servants are bought and paid for by special interests. Therefore I have a very difficult time voting for a democrat. Giving more power to the federal government gives more power to the special interests that control the government. So I look to the libertarians for a solution. I have a difficult time going that way because it gives too much power to the large corporations. If the government ceases to regulate, how do you prevent massive pollution? How do you prevent massive fraud, collusion, and price fixing? We'd be in a situation where a large, multinational, corporation could be potentially more powerful than our government. So where can one turn next? Anarchism? What do you think of Anonymous? They seem to fuck with all sides, but to what end? Is it to take out the whole system? Of course, they do get alot of press for a group of hackers. Maybe they're just CIA funded false flag to give the government an excuse to crack down on the internet. What do you think?
Something other than the usual talking points. If I wanted that, I'd go to a political site. Shit should be out of the box. Given the nature of this site, I know there are some deep thinking mother fuckers on here.

I'll start. I think most of our public servants are bought and paid for by special interests. Therefore I have a very difficult time voting for a democrat. Giving more power to the federal government gives more power to the special interests that control the government. So I look to the libertarians for a solution. I have a difficult time going that way because it gives too much power to the large corporations. If the government ceases to regulate, how do you prevent massive pollution? How do you prevent massive fraud, collusion, and price fixing? We'd be in a situation where a large, multinational, corporation could be potentially more powerful than our government. So where can one turn next? Anarchism? What do you think of Anonymous? They seem to fuck with all sides, but to what end? Is it to take out the whole system? Of course, they do get alot of press for a group of hackers. Maybe they're just CIA funded false flag to give the government an excuse to crack down on the internet. What do you think?

I think your a deep thinker that actually gets it question is which is the lesser of two evils
if you didn't know i don't need a learn at home CD... i already know the qwerty keyboard, and i graduated with a bachelor's of science in business administration... that's how i was given this job. b/c i have a degree.

i applied to over 1,000 jobs per month for over two years after graduating. got over 200 interviews.... nothing..... now this.. finally. and this company deserves a tax break b/c their merchandise that's sold in the US is built in the US.

most components for their international production lines are also produced in the US. now a company like walmart..... that's a different story....

Good for you, seriously. Glad to hear it.
Something other than the usual talking points. If I wanted that, I'd go to a political site. Shit should be out of the box. Given the nature of this site, I know there are some deep thinking mother fuckers on here.

I'll start. I think most of our public servants are bought and paid for by special interests. Therefore I have a very difficult time voting for a democrat. Giving more power to the federal government gives more power to the special interests that control the government. So I look to the libertarians for a solution. I have a difficult time going that way because it gives too much power to the large corporations. If the government ceases to regulate, how do you prevent massive pollution? How do you prevent massive fraud, collusion, and price fixing? We'd be in a situation where a large, multinational, corporation could be potentially more powerful than our government. So where can one turn next? Anarchism? What do you think of Anonymous? They seem to fuck with all sides, but to what end? Is it to take out the whole system? Of course, they do get alot of press for a group of hackers. Maybe they're just CIA funded false flag to give the government an excuse to crack down on the internet. What do you think?

I am not for total deregulation. I believe in conservation, thus the term conservative. I recycle. I don't pollute. Even my 75 horse Mercury motor on my boat is set to California emission standards. I clean up my camp site. I don't pollute the water. I have always enjoyed a clean environment and pollution is what I hate. I'm 63 years old and I've seen younger people toss trash and pollute areas much more than my generation.

The kind of regulation we need to remove is all these needless things the Obama administration is putting on business in the name of "fairness". There are too many special interests in government who want to rule over corporations and they have absolutely no idea what they are doing. We could have been off of foreign oil years ago? Why aren't we? Special interest environmental idiots in the name of ecology who have no idea what they're doing. I live about 150 miles from the Columbia River Gorge in Washington State. There are hundreds of wind machines up on the bluffs. Now we find out they're killing birds that are at risk of extinction. Idiots. We have idiots making decisions who should have no authority at all. It's very frustrating. The majority of corporations are not the evil devil the left wants to make them appear to be. We need moderation. First thing we need to do is remove Obama and put people in office who know business, understand business, and have a record of producing jobs. Obama has none of those attributes.
this is the last time you call me a fool. get it?>? good.

Don't EVER bother to try to use that bullshit Mod title you were inappropriately given to threaten me. You insult and belittle people on here with the best of them, if you think you're not gonna be called FAR WORSE by me in the next 5 hours, let alone the next 5 months, you're dreaming. I don't care if some idiot gives an asshat like you a title of "king of RIU" you will get exactly as good as you get. BAN AWAY, DOUCHEBAG.

Laughable, gonna try that shit over the word FOOL? I've seen you use a thousand times worse in the last couple of months. How the FUCK did one of the worse offenders of the forum's conduct rules get appointed to be a mod. Screw it, I'll change my name a thousand times before I let this coward threaten me.
Don't EVER bother to try to use that bullshit Mod title you were inappropriately given to threaten me. You insult and belittle people on here with the best of them, if you think you're not gonna be called FAR WORSE by me in the next 5 hours, let alone the next 5 months, you're dreaming. I don't care if some idiot gives an asshat like you a title of "king of RIU" you will get exactly as good as you get. BAN AWAY, DOUCHEBAG.

Laughable, gonna try that shit over the word FOOL? I've seen you use a thousand times worse in the last couple of months. How the FUCK did one of the worse offenders of the forum's conduct rules get appointed to be a mod. Screw it, I'll change my name a thousand times before I let this coward threaten me.

This politics forum is a joke. It's moderated by complete full blown collosal glittering idiots. Must be a reflection on the owner. I suspect they can't even wipe their ass without help from the govt.
This politics forum is a joke. It's moderated by complete full blown collosal glittering idiots. Must be a reflection on the owner. I suspect they can't even wipe their ass without help from the govt.

they have a conservative moderator too. budlover13. But yes, redivider is on the far left. His name says it all
The National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation, established in 1968, is a nonprofit, charitable organization providing free legal aid to employees whose human or civil rights have been violated by abuses of compulsory unionism.

The National Right to Work Foundation is a public foundation that operates under the tax-exempt status of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code meaning it is eligible for tax-deductible donations. The Foundation says its supporters are "union members, former union members, independent employees, business owners, and others" and that individuals, corporations, companies, associations and foundations" are eligible to donate, but that the group receives no government support.[4] It says it has received donations from "more than 350,000 Americans."[3]
The identities of donors are not disclosed, but some of its funding has been traced to conservative foundations.[5]<<<<<<NO SHIT

Role of National Right to Work in the Anti-Union Network
National Right to Work is the country&#8217;s oldest organization dedicated solely to destroying unions. Its network consists of four organizations that share leadership, offices, resources and staff, all with the common goal of undermining workers&#8217; freedom of association. To carry out this mission, the National Right to Work Committee employs over 200 staff to lobby, fundraise, distribute propaganda, and interfere with workers&#8217; union organizing efforts, and the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation employs nearly 50 staff for its litigation efforts.1
While the organization has doggedly pursued an anti-union agenda for a half century, its public profile has recently been eclipsed by the big-budget anti-union front group the Center for Union Facts .
Does National Right to Work have anything to do with right-to-work laws?

When anti-union ideologues lost an effort to enact a national law weakening unions, they created the National Right to Work Committee in 1955 to pass such laws at the state level. The group&#8217;s single-minded focus of doing away with unions was as unambiguous then, as it is today, however the name it shares with the very legislation it was created to pass, is purposely confusing. For more background on this deceptively-titled legislation, click here .
What is the True Agenda Behind National Right to Work?

Does National Right to Work advocate on behalf of workers?

The group claims to be a &#8220;worker advocate.&#8221;2 But the organization doesn&#8217;t concern itself with improving workers&#8217; job conditions, benefits, or treatment. An examination of press releases issued by the National Right to Work Foundation between 2003 and 2005 reveals there was no discussion by the group of improving benefits for workers, better working conditions, or workplace dignity; and only one reference to increasing wages. There were, however, 267 negative references to unions.
"The terrorist could then use his influence with the union to make it easier for a terrorist colleague to board a plane or to get a bomb through baggage screening."
- National Right to Work's warning that an airport screeners&#8217; union could be infiltrated by terrorists32

If National Right to Work is really advocating for workers, why is does it refuse to disclose its donors?

Whose interests are they really fighting for? The funding trail that exists points to anti-union businesses:3

  • A lawsuit revealed that 84 percent of the National Right to Work Committee&#8217;s 1973 budget was funded by corporations, and other employers.4
  • Early known donors include:
    • Wofford Camp who served on a U.S. Chamber of Commerce committee and was a California grower who fought efforts by farm workers to organize unions.5
    • Roger Milliken, former president of Milliken & Company, who shut down one of his southern textile plants as retaliation against his employees&#8217; vote to form a union.6
  • The Foundation bragged that &#8220;over 350 Presidents and Chairmen of the Board listed in Dun & Bradstreet&#8217;s Directory of Million Dollar Corporations,&#8221; were associated with it.7
  • Anti-union companies indirectly fund National Right to Work through foundations. The network has received major grants from the Walton Family Foundation (funded with profits from Wal-Mart), Castle Rock Foundation (funded with profits from Coors beer), and Publix Super Markets Charities.8
The group&#8217;s original leadership also suggests an anti-union agenda shaped by the interest of employers. For instance, the Committee&#8217;s first chairman of the board was Edwin Dillard, president of Old Dominion Box Company, who vehemently fought his workers&#8217; efforts to organize his company&#8217;s plants in the South.9 Fred Hartley, the Committee&#8217;s first president, was the former Congressman who sponsored the Taft-Hartley Act amending the National Labor Relations Act to expand employers&#8217; rights, not workers.
This politics forum is a joke. It's moderated by complete full blown collosal glittering idiots. Must be a reflection on the owner. I suspect they can't even wipe their ass without help from the govt.




He paid into his social security, thats his money. Of course it belongs to him!. Thats the problem. I'm paying into a system that will be dry by the time I'm old enough to collect. Its not a ponzi scheme. Its even worse. Lets not get rid of the program, but its in need of a serious tune up. The way the government opperates these programs its like we're living in the 1960's. We need a more efficient, effective business model. But democraps won't let anybody touch it. They want to continue to use it as a piggy bank "slush fund". Just like Bush did to fund the wars. F*cking hypocrites.


Nothing new from you either. You all have the same old tired soundbites.

Socialism is when you receive something you haven't earned from others who have. I have been paying into SS and Med since 1965 when I went to work full time at the age of 16. I also have put money away and I still have my own medical insurance. I'mnk retired right now, so you think about that and figure it out for yourself. You obviously are used to dealing with miscreants like yourself.

You're tired, weak, and so very pitiful. Thanks again for proving my point.
Nothing new from you either. You all have the same old tired soundbites.

Socialism is when you receive something you haven't earned from others who have. I have been paying into SS and Med since 1965 when I went to work full time at the age of 16. I also have put money away and I still have my own medical insurance. I'mnk retired right now, so you think about that and figure it out for yourself. You obviously are used to dealing with miscreants like yourself.

You're tired, weak, and so very pitiful. Thanks again for proving my point.
Well I been paying into Social Security and medicare for over 30 years
but you jack azzes want to end it?
And what exactly do you do for a living now? Are you even working?
I am not for total deregulation. I believe in conservation, thus the term conservative. I recycle. I don't pollute. Even my 75 horse Mercury motor on my boat is set to California emission standards. I clean up my camp site. I don't pollute the water. I have always enjoyed a clean environment and pollution is what I hate. I'm 63 years old and I've seen younger people toss trash and pollute areas much more than my generation.

The kind of regulation we need to remove is all these needless things the Obama administration is putting on business in the name of "fairness". There are too many special interests in government who want to rule over corporations and they have absolutely no idea what they are doing. We could have been off of foreign oil years ago? Why aren't we? Special interest environmental idiots in the name of ecology who have no idea what they're doing. I live about 150 miles from the Columbia River Gorge in Washington State. There are hundreds of wind machines up on the bluffs. Now we find out they're killing birds that are at risk of extinction. Idiots. We have idiots making decisions who should have no authority at all. It's very frustrating. The majority of corporations are not the evil devil the left wants to make them appear to be. We need moderation. First thing we need to do is remove Obama and put people in office who know business, understand business, and have a record of producing jobs. Obama has none of those attributes.

How does the government produce jobs other than hiring more bureaucrats? Do you mean cutting "job killing" regulations? Which ones specifically? If creating a shit ton of jobs was as easy as cutting a few regulations, why hasn't Obama done that? He just loves those regulations too goddamn much? I think you simplify the problem. I don't think electing a CEO to the presidency will do anything but strengthen the status quo... You know what, fuck it. This is the kind of shit I was talking about. I know all the talking points and probably a few a you don't know on why electing some corporate whore to the white house fucks us all, but I'm not going to bother. The last five presidents were all corporate whores which might be part of why we're so fucked up now.

Maybe endless economic growth isn't possible. Resources aren't as limitless as our appetites. Maybe those jobs aren't coming back. All that prosperity was an illusion based on debt. It's fucking gone now. The banks got burned on that debt once and they aren't giving us endless credit anymore. Better learn to live off the land, motherfuckers. I'm gonna bust out my spikey shoulder pads and my shotgun and hit the road. Gonna fuck some shit up Road Warrior style.
He paid into his social security, thats his money. Of course it belongs to him!. Thats the problem. I'm paying into a system that will be dry by the time I'm old enough to collect. Its not a ponzi scheme. Its even worse. Lets not get rid of the program, but its in need of a serious tune up. The way the government opperates these programs its like we're living in the 1960's. We need a more efficient, effective business model. But democraps won't let anybody touch it. They want to continue to use it as a piggy bank "slush fund". Just like Bush did to fund the wars. F*cking hypocrites.

Hey duke, you going to respond to that? What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?

Well I been paying into Social Security and medicare for over 30 years
but you jack azzes want to end it?
And what exactly do you do for a living now? Are you even working?

Ohhh that same question, hmm , how could I have guessed.. Hey btw, If you are going to call names at least spell them right jackass*
Define business model for social security? Is that code for give it to wall street?

Doesnt Ron Paul advocate getting rid of social security and medicare?
Oh now i understand. The ceo of the same company is entitled to benefits and the employees dont deserve shit

you are a troll. you refuse to read what he said. you are petty, a whiner, and infantile.

so yes, the ceo responsible for the productivity, the profit, the safety, the facilities, the property, of a company is entitled to more compensation than a guy who comes in to sweep the floors. accept it and move on.
Change it to Homophobic Racist dick head
Well thats how I always recognize you anyways

If you EVER came up with a post that didn't accuse all your opponents of being racist it would shock EVERYONE on this forum. I just spent two days going back and forth with Buck, defending gay rights and supporting gay marriage, I know you saw it because you were commenting... do you just throw out the racist, homophobic slurs because you can't come up with anything else?

You and the ilk like you are at the very core of what's wrong with our society. I have no doubt that if you were given moderator controls, every non-liberal on this site would be banned in 24 hours. Liberals, champions of free speech and open debate...HORSESHIT.
Which ones specifically? If creating a shit ton of jobs was as easy as cutting a few regulations, why hasn't Obama done that? .

is this a serious question? here is a start, every regulation that comes out of the epa should be abolished. every state has their own epa, my state has 3 epa type beauracracies and many contradict the other.

we have talked about all kinds of specific regs that should be abolished. you are either thick skulled, stubborn, stupid, or blind if you cant think af any "specific" regulations that should be repealed.

and to go a step further, many of the people who have enforced these regulations should be behind bars.
we have talked about all kinds of specific regs that should be abolished. you are either thick skulled, stubborn, stupid, or blind if you cant think af any "specific" regulations that should be repealed.

Ditto, isn't anyone else besides me tired of arguing the same pointless narrow-minded soundbytes over and over? Where's the genuine conversations nowadays?