more brutal teabaggers

Well I been paying into Social Security and medicare for over 30 years
but you jack azzes want to end it?
And what exactly do you do for a living now? Are you even working?

You're confused, son. No one is going to end SS or Medicare. Your Dear Leader is the one who raped Medicare to the tune of 500 billion to help fund his disastrous health care bill. I don't see you whining about that.

I do what I want to do. I've worked full time since 1965 and I live in the beautiful northewest in Washington right near Idaho and Canada. You should visit some day. It's just beautiful. Good fishing, mild climate, nice people.

Actually, my "job" as I see it these days is to post on political forums and watch moonbat heads explode like yours has been. It's very entertaining.
How does the government produce jobs other than hiring more bureaucrats? Do you mean cutting "job killing" regulations? Which ones specifically? If creating a shit ton of jobs was as easy as cutting a few regulations, why hasn't Obama done that? He just loves those regulations too goddamn much? I think you simplify the problem. I don't think electing a CEO to the presidency will do anything but strengthen the status quo... You know what, fuck it. This is the kind of shit I was talking about. I know all the talking points and probably a few a you don't know on why electing some corporate whore to the white house fucks us all, but I'm not going to bother. The last five presidents were all corporate whores which might be part of why we're so fucked up now.

Maybe endless economic growth isn't possible. Resources aren't as limitless as our appetites. Maybe those jobs aren't coming back. All that prosperity was an illusion based on debt. It's fucking gone now. The banks got burned on that debt once and they aren't giving us endless credit anymore. Better learn to live off the land, motherfuckers. I'm gonna bust out my spikey shoulder pads and my shotgun and hit the road. Gonna fuck some shit up Road Warrior style.

Well, good luck with that.
The Tax Policy Center’s estimate means that some 76 million households won’t pay federal income tax in 2011.

  • For 50 percent of those that don’t pay federal income taxes, standard deductions and personal exemptions are enough to counteract their taxable earnings. A couple with two children earning less than $26,400, for example, will pay no federal income tax in 2011 because their $11,600 standard deduction and four exemptions of $3,700 cuts their taxable income to nil.
  • 22 percent are senior citizens who get a more generous standard deduction, can exclude some or all of their Social Security income and may have tax-exempt interest from mutual funds and municipal bonds. For those who itemize, charitable contributions and medical expense deductions also subtract from their tax liability.
  • 15 percent are working families, many of them low-income, who qualify for one or all of the Earned Income tax credit, the Child tax credit, the Child and Dependent Care tax credit. The earned-income credit is fully refundable, and the Child credit is partially refundable this year, meaning some households may get refunds from the government even if they owe no income taxes.
  • The remaining 13 percent are a mix of mostly higher-income individuals with enough itemized deductions for items like mortgage interest, health payments, or charitable contributions, education tax credits, or tax exempt interest to zero out their income taxes.
is this a serious question? here is a start, every regulation that comes out of the epa should be abolished. every state has their own epa, my state has 3 epa type beauracracies and many contradict the other.

we have talked about all kinds of specific regs that should be abolished. you are either thick skulled, stubborn, stupid, or blind if you cant think af any "specific" regulations that should be repealed.

and to go a step further, many of the people who have enforced these regulations should be behind bars.

I'm a fucking retard, so you're going have the connect the dots for me. Which regulations, if repealed, will create a shit ton of jobs?

To get back to where we were, we need to create 500,000 jobs a month. Just to keep up with population growth we need about 150,000 (give or take, I don't recall the exact number). If you're telling me that there are stupid regulations out there, then you're preaching to the quire. But if you're telling me that those regulations are preventing the hiring of a half million people every month, then I think you're dreaming.

I'm saying that growth is slowing. It has to. Energy is more scarce and more expensive now than ever before. There is more demand for that energy now than ever before. The whole system is contracting. The Fed is pouring as much money into the system as they can to prevent this but it's not working. There is still not enough liquidity out there.

Now I'll admit that I'm a thick skulled, stubborn, stupid, blind, ape raper but I still don't think that the deregulation road leads to the Emerald City.
I'm a fucking retard, so you're going have the connect the dots for me. Which regulations, if repealed, will create a shit ton of jobs?

To get back to where we were, we need to create 500,000 jobs a month. Just to keep up with population growth we need about 150,000 (give or take, I don't recall the exact number). If you're telling me that there are stupid regulations out there, then you're preaching to the quire. But if you're telling me that those regulations are preventing the hiring of a half million people every month, then I think you're dreaming.

I'm saying that growth is slowing. It has to. Energy is more scarce and more expensive now than ever before. There is more demand for that energy now than ever before. The whole system is contracting. The Fed is pouring as much money into the system as they can to prevent this but it's not working. There is still not enough liquidity out there.

Now I'll admit that I'm a thick skulled, stubborn, stupid, blind, ape raper but I still don't think that the deregulation road leads to the Emerald City.

lets start with cafe standards.

next, go to your city/county/state building department and try to get a permit to build, remodel, change zoning, etc. you want to see red tape that pushes people out of the market.

try upgrading your house in any city with a building permit system. when you are done, your house wil be reassessed and it will cost you more in taxes besides all the beauracrat inspectors you will have to pay. many people dont get work done because they cant afford the additional charges for permits, taxes ect.

try logging your own property. you will have about 3 federal agencies and untold state agencies inspecting everything from the lizards on your land, to wetlands, to silt fencing and a whole bunch of stuff you never dreamed of.

you have coal on your property where you have mineral rights? try getting that out of the ground. msha, osha, epa, dcnr, dep, game commission, and a couple others will make sure that doesnt happen, or if it does, only super big companies will be able to afford the overhead.

all these things either delay, stop, add expenses to projects that people would undertake if they werent so hassled and charged exhorbinate costs by govt.

i never said anything about ape raping. thats just rude and dangerous.
Fact Check doesn't do a very good job explaining a lot of things in my opinion. About as credible as Wiki.



and jeff:

logging has an effect on soil erosion that could ruin properties adjacent to yours. that is why you need to study the soil before you begin logging.

upgrading your house in a city with a permit system is usually very straight forward. it is not such a pain in the ass to go to the county office and to do the paperwork, unless you are just lazy... it helps ensure quality of your work and ensures that any construction you are doing doesn't in someway affect or harm the properties next to yours, and vice-versa. and since it's a government function, the taxes are usually 50-200 bucks. not exactly the prohibitive...

the federal agencies that regulate the coal industry will work with anybody that's willing to work with them. there is a system in place to ensure that all the toxic waste that could be generated from mining and processing coal is disposed of as properly as possible. and BTW, the premise is shut b/c to be profitable you need large volumes of coal to be mined. you can't mine 1,000 lbs of coal per day, and expect anything else but to lose money.


and jeff:

logging has an effect on soil erosion that could ruin properties adjacent to yours. that is why you need to study the soil before you begin logging.

upgrading your house in a city with a permit system is usually very straight forward. it is not such a pain in the ass to go to the county office and to do the paperwork, unless you are just lazy... it helps ensure quality of your work and ensures that any construction you are doing doesn't in someway affect or harm the properties next to yours, and vice-versa. and since it's a government function, the taxes are usually 50-200 bucks. not exactly the prohibitive...

the federal agencies that regulate the coal industry will work with anybody that's willing to work with them. there is a system in place to ensure that all the toxic waste that could be generated from mining and processing coal is disposed of as properly as possible. and BTW, the premise is shut b/c to be profitable you need large volumes of coal to be mined. you can't mine 1,000 lbs of coal per day, and expect anything else but to lose money.

there you go folks. spoken from a true statist that loves nothing more than holding other people down and appointing police to monitor everything you do. he never owned a piece of property, never has been to the building department for a permit, knows nothing about logging (other than they killed the polar bears), never had his own business, never had to incorporate, never hired anyone, never filed taxes for self employed, never owned a rental property. and has certainly never touched hand tools like a shovel.

thanks for chiming in red. i couldnt have said it any better
lets start with cafe standards.

next, go to your city/county/state building department and try to get a permit to build, remodel, change zoning, etc. you want to see red tape that pushes people out of the market.

try upgrading your house in any city with a building permit system. when you are done, your house wil be reassessed and it will cost you more in taxes besides all the beauracrat inspectors you will have to pay. many people dont get work done because they cant afford the additional charges for permits, taxes ect.

try logging your own property. you will have about 3 federal agencies and untold state agencies inspecting everything from the lizards on your land, to wetlands, to silt fencing and a whole bunch of stuff you never dreamed of.

you have coal on your property where you have mineral rights? try getting that out of the ground. msha, osha, epa, dcnr, dep, game commission, and a couple others will make sure that doesnt happen, or if it does, only super big companies will be able to afford the overhead.

all these things either delay, stop, add expenses to projects that people would undertake if they werent so hassled and charged exhorbinate costs by govt.

i never said anything about ape raping. thats just rude and dangerous.

I agree that those are some lame regulations. I'm not convinced that removing them will cheapen the services enough to increase demand significantly. At least not to the tune of a half mil jobs a month.

If a politician wants to try and remove those regulations, then that's fine. A president would have a difficult time doing it because, as you mentioned, we're not just talking federal regulations but state as well. So when a president says that his plan for creating jobs is to simply remove those regulations, I need to see some proof. Show me some kind of statistic that shows millions of people can't wait to log their property and upgrade their houses and the only thing stopping them is the cost of the permits.

Here's an alternative: how about a marriage of right wing and left wing ideas. On one hand, we'll do some deregulation and on the other hand we'll tear up our free trade agreements and go back to tariffs.

I'm a Ron Paul guy. Ending the fed and the drug war is reason enough for me to vote for him, but my biggest problem with him is that he says he wants to return to our founding ideals yet he also has bought into this theory of free markets. Our founders did not have a free market economy as defined by Adam Smith or Milton Friedman. They used tariffs for revenue. I don't know how one can pay lip service to the founders and then shit all over the way they ran their economy. On top of that, there is very little real world evidence to prove that those kinds of free market policies will do what they're suppose to do. It was tried in Chile, it failed miserable for most people (I think it worked out OK for the wealthy). Argentina tried it and it collapsed the entire economy, even those rich motherfuckers lost their asses. It's an experiment we've been slowly moving closer to over the last thirty years and I think it's time we reverse course and go back to what worked.
there you go folks. spoken from a true statist that loves nothing more than holding other people down and appointing police to monitor everything you do. he never owned a piece of property, never has been to the building department for a permit, knows nothing about logging (other than they killed the polar bears), never had his own business, never had to incorporate, never hired anyone, never filed taxes for self employed, never owned a rental property. and has certainly never touched hand tools like a shovel.

thanks for chiming in red. i couldnt have said it any better

He makes a good point about the logging. I live on the side of a mountain and if the property owner behind me were to cut down all of his trees, my house would get fucking buried.
actually, i have registered assumed names, incorporated, filed for alcohol licenses, i own a property with my sisters, and i have started my own business. i've also helped other business owners open their own business. it's not called WORK because it's easy. if not it would be called partying, or playing......

if you can't deal with the simplicity of the paperwork of opening a business, you don't have what it takes to run your own business, and you blame the regulations....

yup, i even filed for a sign permit so i could hang a sign outside. it's not too hard, you just can't be LAZY. did i think it was ridiculous that i needed a permit for my sign, yup, but then i looked outside, and there were 25 other businesses that also had to do the same thing... didn't stop them... bitching about it wouldn't help....
Building permits are Bullshit
You think they ever had building permits in Rio?
View attachment 1781586

Or Haiti?

I've gotten a few building permits in my time its no big deal

I would rather have a permit and inspection system than have your house burn down and start my house on fire becuase you THOUGHT You could do electrical work
I agree that those are some lame regulations. I'm not convinced that removing them will cheapen the services enough to increase demand significantly. At least not to the tune of a half mil jobs a month.

If a politician wants to try and remove those regulations, then that's fine. A president would have a difficult time doing it because, as you mentioned, we're not just talking federal regulations but state as well. So when a president says that his plan for creating jobs is to simply remove those regulations, I need to see some proof. Show me some kind of statistic that shows millions of people can't wait to log their property and upgrade their houses and the only thing stopping them is the cost of the permits.

Here's an alternative: how about a marriage of right wing and left wing ideas. On one hand, we'll do some deregulation and on the other hand we'll tear up our free trade agreements and go back to tariffs.

I'm a Ron Paul guy. Ending the fed and the drug war is reason enough for me to vote for him, but my biggest problem with him is that he says he wants to return to our founding ideals yet he also has bought into this theory of free markets. Our founders did not have a free market economy as defined by Adam Smith or Milton Friedman. They used tariffs for revenue. I don't know how one can pay lip service to the founders and then shit all over the way they ran their economy. On top of that their is very little real world evidence to prove that those kinds of free market policies will do what they're suppose to do. It was tried in Chile, it failed miserable for most people (I think it worked out OK for the wealthy). Argentina tried it and it collapsed the entire economy, even those rich motherfuckers lost their asses. It's an experiment we've been slowly moving closer to over the last thirty years and I think it's time we reverse course and go back to what worked.

those regulations absoulutely crush small business. as a small builder of homes, i can tell you the profit margins on building are so tight, you cant imagine.

when you quote a person 28K to remodel a basement, they get a permit, which i recomended against, theeir final cost was 48K. once the different inspectors regulators got in there, they made them replace septic systems, mechanical rooms, and a whole bunch of other things. the building inspectors shut their project down 3 times, nothing to do with me, all to do with demanding more things be done.

the project nearly bankrupted the family and my business, with no gain to them whatsoever. if they had known another 20k in cost was coming, they wouldnt have done the project.

i can assure you that they told friends and family and that changed their minds on remodeling.

do you know that building inspectors will come to a job sight and inspect your extension chords? yes, there is a color coding system that must be changed monthly. if not, you get fined. seriously, no joke.

talk to someone you kow who has actually built a house and had to comply with building department codes.

i build, i have a million stories.

a freidn of mine built a 250k house. on the day of closing they wouldnt give him a certificate of occupancy because, hold onto your hat, he had the wrong lightbulbs and fixtures in his house CLOSETS. cost him 2 days work and 500 bucks to get them changed. he had to change a toilet because the one he used had the flushing handle closer than 12 inches from the wall. yep, thats a new plumbing rule. if your toilet handle is closer than 12 to the wall, you have to get a toilet that flushes from the other side.

dont get me started about coal mining. a very good friend has a quarry crusher operation. pretty large emplys about 20 locals who have worked there forever. thay are completely removing a mountain on about 100 acres. this land is loaded with coal and sandstone. they cant mine the coal. when they dig the coal, they are required by law to dump it and cover it with dirt. no bullshit.

so now we could be getting coal for 50 bucks a ton, we have to pay 165 a ton.

those are some job killing regs bigtime
If you EVER came up with a post that didn't accuse all your opponents of being racist it would shock EVERYONE on this forum. I just spent two days going back and forth with Buck, defending gay rights and supporting gay marriage, I know you saw it because you were commenting... do you just throw out the racist, homophobic slurs because you can't come up with anything else?

You and the ilk like you are at the very core of what's wrong with our society. I have no doubt that if you were given moderator controls, every non-liberal on this site would be banned in 24 hours. Liberals, champions of free speech and open debate...HORSESHIT.

Got no problems with COnservatives
its you Racist dickheads that I have issue with
you recommended against a home inspection??

you aren't a builder, you are a ghetto rigger. how can you seriously consider yourself a big time player in an industry if you can't even do things in accordance to established regulations??? the guys that make it big don't do it by taking shortcuts.... you better believe it.

there's simple rules not just you, EVERYBODY has to follow.

and to your guy with the 250k house, if he'd done it right the first time...... jeez... he didn't do something right and he blames the regulations.....