word to the wise


New Member
Word to the wise: LET YOUR BUD DRY/CURE before smoking any significant amount of it

I see/hear soooo many people this time of year making excuses to cut their plant early...bitch there are no excuses. You invested your time, your dough, your body/effort...possibly risked legal troubles, to cultivate and you had the patience to make it THIS far, so there's NO DAMN REASON TO JIZZ YOUR PANTS AND SNIP A 3-4 WEEK OLD BUD THATS GONNA BUILD 10x more RESIN HEADS IN WEEKS 6,7,8 and weigh 5 times more than it does now. Just buy some pot, seriously, it's worth buying weed over getting impatient and smoking some premature wet flowers

Oh and speaking of that also...be patient enough to dry/cure for total of 4-6 weeks

I guess what I'm trying to say is, if you had the vision to grow the dankest sticky nugs at the beginning of the project....then you should have the foresight, determination and disciplined to see it through by following through with a proper dry/cure. I swear my buds have tasted infinately smoother and somehow seemed to become more crystally after a good dry and 3-5 week cure/burp phase.

You're gonna enjoy your final project 10000000000x more ;)bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
3 - 4 Weeks I hope no one would do that shit, that would be sad as fuck. But if you have a gorilla garden i could see taking plants 1 to 2 weeks early.


Active Member
In all witness he didn't take care of them at all!! He really is just one of those old school pieces of shit that think they're addicted to it. He's a fucking moron!! I was so pissed when I heard about that... He could of just taken off a single branch from the bottom if he really absolutely NEEDED it!! Makes me sick, that people that really take this shit seriously are the ones getting busted, and he's the fucking idiot that takes everyone and their mother down to his garden to show it off, and nothing ever happens to him.

Ps it's illegal still over where we live.


Well-Known Member
i smoked a 3 week old bud just because a 6 inch bottom branch snapped off and i happened to find it on the ground. i dont have a high tolerance so i actually got a decent head high off of it

again just to make myself clear, i didnt intentionally cut any buds early, it was mother nature that did it


Active Member
Why the heck would anyone move from Hawaii???

My wife didnt like it down there... Shes originally from pa, so she wanted to move back. I was cool with a change, but didnt think it was gonna be this bad!! Oh well... guess i gotta finally go get some jeans since i dont have any STILL!!


Active Member
Yea stupid... If you live on a island you live on a island right??
Well... In all fairness, it's a wonderful place... To visit, not live. I guess it would be different if I had family there, but during my experience living there for quite a few years, I only had my wife and kids... If my family, and my wife's family were there, I'm sure it would have been different. To visit for a month would be about the right amount of time to really enjoy a vacation there, and enough time to do everything worth doing down there... Any shorter you're gonna miss out on some things you really want to do. You can plan for months, but you find out about the best stuff on the island while you're on the island.