I think it's inappropriate and hypocritical on every level,but hey I guess the rules are don't apply the same for everyone. Edit: I love how racism is called name calling when done by the left![]()
generalize much???
I think it's inappropriate and hypocritical on every level,but hey I guess the rules are don't apply the same for everyone. Edit: I love how racism is called name calling when done by the left![]()
it's not class warfare. and the wealthy pay lower tax RATES than anyone in this nation. while earning more than 1000x what the mean wage is. i am not demonizing corporations, i am all for reforming the tax code and lowering the corporate tax rate as long as the corporations outsourcing jobs pay more than corporations that keep jobs at home.
Obama derangement syndrome much???
So when are you going to hold Obama accountable and Jeffery Imelt, his job czar?
HAHA! Oh man these retorts are laughable.
hold obama accountable for what???
republicans are the ones who's main goal is to make sure obama is a one term president.
obama isn't the one with his priorities up his ass....
i bet.... laughing so hard you can't make a good point....
hold obama accountable for what???
republicans are the ones who's main goal is to make sure obama is a one term president.
obama isn't the one with his priorities up his ass....
It's the goal of EVERY party that isn't in power to make sure the president is a one termer...grow up. Remember Bush, you fool.
Obama is an empty suit, reads a nice speech, but has NO IDEA what he is doing. Surrounds himself with more empty suits that have no idea how anything works beyond a textbook. People who cant do, teach, and then apparently get cabinet appointments so they can run the economy into the ground. Obama could have passed ANYTHING in the first two years of his administration, ANYTHING... they didn't need a single Republican vote so you don't get to say they "blocked him". It was IMPOSSIBLE for them to block anything. Sorry, lame argument decimated.
calling someone a nigger is "name calling".
i love how calling someone a nigger is "bullying". i bet it really hurts, down on the inside.
this is the last time you call me a fool. get it?>? good.
no. it is the party's goal to put forth policies which the people agree with, which in turn gets them votes.
he's less of an empty suit than the shills in the republican party who have mastered the use of euphemisms so well that the large under-educated masses believe them.
actually, the Democratic-led congress was met with a filibuster threat, by the MINORITY party in power.... you forgot that too right?? democrats had 59 votes, one short of being able to pass ANYTHING, as you stated....
sorry man, i know it's easy to be wrong, it's extremely hard to get called out on it. especially on public forum.
your questions are self-answering.
what's obama's jobs czar supposed to do??? maybe advise obama on what programs might be useful to create jobs...
and bam. not too long after his appointment, obama unveils a brand spanking new jobs plan....
useless czars... always advising the president... lol
Jesus...A bunch of people shouting nigger outside his business isn't bullying? I guess if they rushed in, put his head in a toilette and gave him a swirly you would conceed the point.
I'm sure if FDD was ever in the middle of a bunch of angry black men aggressively shouting cracker and white devil at him, he would stand there unthreatened and calmly state "Sticks and Stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me". But rest assured....it would not be bullying
pretty much, yeah.
i've lived in oakland.![]()