more brutal teabaggers

At My company the management got bonuses

We got an increase in our Health insurance a Change in our 401k and now have to pony up more money for our Uniforms

Yeah I know
Business owners are all benevolent and shit
Blah blah blah
Oh My God. Now that's funny coming from you. I think you should post some more of your pictures. They're very enlightening. Your game is very lame and weak. Lots of bigotry and insults, but when it comes to actual ideas, you bring up the "rear".......if you know what I mean.

Notice how Uncle Buck is done talking now. I doubt he agrees with me, his views on EVERYTHING is extremely radical. Hes like the retarded love child of Karl Marx and Joseph Stalin. Uncle Suck a Buck thinks Obama is not liberal enouph. He says he can't wipe his ass without the governments help. His mouth has got the runs and a bad case of diarrhea.
Notice how Uncle Buck is done talking now. I doubt he agrees with me, his views on EVERYTHING is extremely radical. Hes like the retarded love child of Karl Marx and Joseph Stalin. Uncle Suck a Buck thinks Obama is not liberal enouph. He says he can't wipe his ass without the governments help. His mouth has got the runs and a bad case of diarrhea.

no, management isn't filled with "special people", but they are the ones who make it possible for those "average joes" to earn a living. for any enterprise to get off the ground there must be a sizable investment of capital. to keep it running there must be someone to organize and manage its affairs. those managers and investors are taking on a significantly larger share of the risk and the responsibility. don't you think they deserve a larger share of the reward? well, i know you don't, but any rational person would. the average worker is fodder, an expense in production that is only worth as much as he puts into the goods or services involved. that may not be a very pretty way of looking at it, but that's the way it is. without labor, more fodder is simply trained and put in place. without management the enterprise folds, labor ceases to exist and the entire business must be started from scratch.

this notion that all our efforts are of equal import is a load of crap. we are spoon-fed this pablum by the populist horde, but we know it's not true and we don't want it to be. we want to know that our ingenuity and our extra efforts may be rewarded. the very idea that a dock worker should be given the same esteem and perks as the people that oversee him and make his work possible runs contrary to maintaining a healthy and productive workforce. we need to know that the rigors and expense of our schooling, our years gaining expertise and even our natural talents may gain us some amount of security that is denied those who merely show up for work, limp along and collect their salary at the end of the week. we need to know that with added responsibility comes something better.

dude, you are the man. nothing to add. actually wrote about a paragraph and erased it. thinking....nothing to add
are you in the habit of picking only selected words of a post to string together? no, don't bother responding to that. i already know that the answer to that question lies in the liberal meme of half-truths and skewed perceptions. it is a ceo's responsibilities that give him value and afford him the prestige and perks denied the wage slave. his only risk is the same risk we all face when we perform any duty, the risk of losing our reputation and our job. i'm pretty sure you could come up with a raft of names of ceos who have failed their duties and still been handsomely rewarded, so don't bother. after all, those instances of abuse are splashed across headlines, have documentaries aired about them and are given more than their share of publicity. the names you will never dare to utter and probably don't even know are the millions of men and women who perform that same job honestly and to the best of their ability.

if you would quit dwelling on every story that paints the business community in its worst light and start learning about reality, you might come to some rather different and, for you, startling conclusions. it's called objectivity. you might give it a try sometime.

touche again. most CEO's are exceptional people. there are your occasional fucks as in all professions.

MOST dont sit home at night thinking how they can make a profit, steal from the workers, and damn everyone to a life of poverty and dispair.

it might be hard for the dimwits to understand but some actually want to run a successful company.
At My company the management got bonuses

We got an increase in our Health insurance a Change in our 401k and now have to pony up more money for our Uniforms

Yeah I know
Business owners are all benevolent and shit
Blah blah blah

I would suggest you do what it takes to become a part of management. Of course, the first thing you have to learn is that whiners aren't usually promoted to management because management is there to solve problems, not whine.
Notice how Uncle Buck is done talking now. I doubt he agrees with me, his views on EVERYTHING is extremely radical. Hes like the retarded love child of Karl Marx and Joseph Stalin. Uncle Suck a Buck thinks Obama is not liberal enouph. He says he can't wipe his ass without the governments help. His mouth has got the runs and a bad case of diarrhea.

Uncle Busk is a professional whiner and what is known in totalitarian circles as a "Useful Idiot".

Hip-hop hot shot Jay-Z is getting hammered by carpenters for using nonunion labor for the facelift of his Manhattan club 40/40.
But the carpenters union, which erected five inflatable rats outside the Chelsea joint this week, has gone too far by shouting the N-word at management, according to Jay-Z's rep.
"The union is trying to bully 40/40 to hire union workers. They were shouting racial slurs. It was really inappropriate protesting," said Lauren Menache, a spokeswoman for the Brooklyn-born singer.

yeah extremely radical.

we want all americans to have decent paying and stable jobs, we want the richest guys to pay their fair share of taxes. it is not fair that the people that make more than 1,000x more than the average joe pays lower tax rates while living the good life.

it is not fair that while our country goes to shit, the government is tied by the balls by special interests, who aren't doing anything to make our economy better BTW....

and if you actually look at policy, not party, Obama hasn't deviated much from bush's failed policies, which has reflected in a stagnant economy. when he has taken on more progressive policy points, the economy has woken up... problem is most of his initiatives have been short and they have been side-tracked by republicans in budget committees...

Hip-hop hot shot Jay-Z is getting hammered by carpenters for using nonunion labor for the facelift of his Manhattan club 40/40.
But the carpenters union, which erected five inflatable rats outside the Chelsea joint this week, has gone too far by shouting the N-word at management, according to Jay-Z's rep.
"The union is trying to bully 40/40 to hire union workers. They were shouting racial slurs. It was really inappropriate protesting," said Lauren Menache, a spokeswoman for the Brooklyn-born singer.

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who paid for those rats? where they special made? is someone getting paid to keep the inflated and secure?

just wondering.
who paid for those rats? where they special made? is someone getting paid to keep the inflated and secure?

just wondering.

I'm not sure. I just think it's ironic that liberals are so quick to call everyone racist and here you have a wealthy liberal black man getting bullied and having the N bomb dropped on him because he didn't use union labor. What other organization used to offer their "services" with threats and bullying...who was it? Oh yeah the Mafia
I'm not sure. I just think it's ironic that liberals are so quick to call everyone racist and here you have a wealthy liberal black man getting bullied and having the N bomb dropped on him because he didn't use union labor. What other organization used to offer their "services" with threats and bullying...who was it? Oh yeah the Mafia

i think it's ironic that a "healthy liberal black man" gets offended over name calling. :)
yeah extremely radical.

we want all americans to have decent paying and stable jobs, we want the richest guys to pay their fair share of taxes. it is not fair that the people that make more than 1,000x more than the average joe pays lower tax rates while living the good life.

it is not fair that while our country goes to shit, the government is tied by the balls by special interests, who aren't doing anything to make our economy better BTW....

and if you actually look at policy, not party, Obama hasn't deviated much from bush's failed policies, which has reflected in a stagnant economy. when he has taken on more progressive policy points, the economy has woken up... problem is most of his initiatives have been short and they have been side-tracked by republicans in budget committees...

More class warfare BS. The wealthy pay more taxes than anyone in this nation. You want to make things fair? When you can start being "fair" in your demonization of corporations by demanding Obama's job czar stop sending jobs to China and when you demand Obama's job czar and his corporation of General Electric pay taxes then I might start to listen to what you have to say. Until then all you have is more professional whining.
i think it's ironic that a "healthy liberal black man" gets offended over name calling. :)
I think it's inappropriate and hypocritical on every level,but hey I guess the rules are don't apply the same for everyone. Edit: I love how racism is called name calling when done by the left :)
More class warfare BS. The wealthy pay more taxes than anyone in this nation. You want to make things fair? When you can start being "fair" in your demonization of corporations by demanding Obama's job czar stop sending jobs to China and when you demand Obama's job czar and his corporation of General Electric pay taxes then I might start to listen to what you have to say. Until then all you have is more professional whining.

it's not class warfare. and the wealthy pay lower tax RATES than anyone in this nation. while earning more than 1000x what the mean wage is. i am not demonizing corporations, i am all for reforming the tax code and lowering the corporate tax rate as long as the corporations outsourcing jobs pay more than corporations that keep jobs at home.


Obama derangement syndrome much???