Lace and Frills <3

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
I find it's best to stick to the herb, and herb related conversations here ;)

Keeps it more linear, focused.... I come on here for knowledge, try to give out as well as receive. Forums are a good system in that respect.

Any time it goes off topic; to personal topics, it looses the fun and relaxed conversations. People take things personally.. Or step out of line a little too far and offend someone..

& I'm not saying I don't enjoy the fashion shows. ;) I occasionally am subscribed to peoples little side projects from growing that they post :p


Well-Known Member
Toke and Talk is for off topic threads, but not everyone appreciates the fashion show.

I'm just going to bake in my tent for now.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Me too. I'm bad at conveying my points this early/late :lol:

I just meant that the OP may find fewer immature posts in the serious topics... If she wants to just talk to people, and not have to talk about herself or answer personal questions; there are lots of other good threads around to participate in.

Some people treat this website like facebook, I swear..

& NO I'm not talking shit to the OP... my mistake if it sounds like that, I cant word my sentences any more carefully at this hour..


Well-Known Member
What happened to change your mind, Kuroi? Are you letting someone else's opinion sway your decision? Just cause I think it's silly, doesn't mean a lot of people on here don't enjoy your skimpy photos. Why would you let someone else's opinion change your mind, gotta be stronger than that.

Just cause some people don't agree with what your doing, that doesn't mean you should stop being yourself...


Pickle Queen
I kind of hijacked her thread.. well... more than kinda...
Then let her win it back! I see no wrong doing on ur part i saw ur underwear in ur pic love ;)

Since when do members own threads? They can start them but they certainly dont belong to them do they? lol