Just not enough


Well-Known Member
What is wrong with your stupid fucking president? The idiot spent a trillion dollars to creat jobs and unemployment is at 9.1%. Now the stupid asshole thinks he can do it with a half trillion. Don't the dumb mother fucker he needs at least 5 trillion or more. What a stupid fucker.

Oh I'm sorry that half trillion was just for the fuck up unions and teachers. He gives a fuck less about Americans. If he had his way 9/11 would be praising the muslims. Fuck this POS.


Well-Known Member

Man, you couldn't have said this any better my friend.

Glad to see that I'm not the only person around this joint that has intelligence. You've noticed this too eh? With Obama?

He hasn't done anything positive for this country. He gave all of us, the citizens of the U.S. one hell of a 'ride' with his campaign speech prior to his first term election back in 2008. Which is 90% of the cause of him being elected has President for his first term.. which, by the way.. is almost over. So, with that said, please.. for those of you that are old enough to vote, and can vote.. please, do yourself, this beautiful country and everyone else a favor and please Don't vote for Obama in 2012.

My passion for keeping Obama out of a second term as President of the United State of America, is very high. It's got nothing to do with him being black.. I'm not a racist person. The only people I actually do hate, would have to be the terrorists. Not only the ones overseas but the ones that have been living in this country far before 9/11 ever even happened.. most of which have now turned radicals!!

The U.S. gained SO much intelligence during the raid in Oslamabahd (spell check please?) on Osama Bin Laden's house or compound, whatever you want to call the place. I mean, they gained a HUGE, HUGE, HUGE.. amount of intel. and plans that Al-Queda and their past leader, Osama Bin Laden had been planning. Most of which are all new.. meaning the attacks that they were planning for the U.S.A. were indeed coming our way in the near future.

Obama had nothing to really do with killing Bin Laden. Not in my opinion anyhow.. the people that should be praised for tracking and actually killing the rat bastard, is the 'SEAL Team #6 group', the CIA and all the other agencies that had a hand in intercepting valuable and important messages and information from the terrorist group, Al-Queda and their leader. Obama deserves no praise or applause for that event.. period. All the man did was sit there and watch the event take place.. that's all he did.

My point is.. is we honest to God, need a new person in office. Someone fresh, someone who will keep their word, someone who's not going to lead the citizens of this country in the wrong way, someone who's actually going to get the economy back into the best shape possible.. instead of only talking about it.

I mean, if Congress won't get their ass's in fucking gear.. then by damn, Mr. Obama.. your the mother fucking President!!! Your ass is in fucking charge.. so if Congress wants to lollygag around with their thumbs up their ass, then Mr. Obama needs to bypass them.. and do it himself. Get rid of everyone in Congress, elect your own fucking members that you know WILL get things going and get this country in gear. There ya go! New Congress.. problem solved.

I'm just suck and tired of all the fucking drama and the ignorance that our government contains deep within itself. It's just downright freaking pathetic!! End of story!


Well-Known Member
We're in a liquidity trap, so fiscal expansion is necessary... you can call Obama whatever name you like, and it will not change that fact.

Also, very little of the proposed package goes towards teachers - most of it is actually a payroll tax cut... Dont like tax cuts?


Well-Known Member
Did you hear the part where this plan will be paid for without adding to the budget? The costs will be offset with spending cuts. If you people would put your irrational hatred on hold for a day or two you might have a better understanding of what was proposed. Ignorance is the root of all your frustration.


Active Member
while i have lost faith in obama my self i can say for sure not all the blame should fall on him i dont think no one ever thought that congress would do what they did to obama they are putting him into a corner and he isnt fighting back the way i thought he would have but congress just dont like the guy they are will to allow the country to go to shit before they help him with anything just look at the whole debockle that happened with the debt ceiling there has never been a president that faced that when trying to raise the debt ceiling now im not saying he shouldnt take blame because he should but you have to admit whats going down in dc is the first time youve ever seen this or read about or even heard about it and if its not then let me know so i can be caught up.


Active Member
i agree with you man it seems like the whole world is agaisnt obama i thought lebron had it bad. hes actually trying thats the part i appreciate it didnt appear to me that gw was trying and you can tell he only cares about a select few of americans and sad to say i wasnt apart of that few.


Well-Known Member
Haters are gonna hate. People like the OP wouldn't vote for Obama even if Obama personally saved them from drowning. Not much need to pay those types much attention. I normally just point and laugh.


Well-Known Member
A question for you "so called" conservatives (from one conservative to another)...

Remember all those years ago when the economy was beginning to flag and the illustrious President Bush announced that he was going to put a check in the mail to every taxpayer? That really helped the economy, didn't it? ;)

Furthermore, did any of you protest the action and send your check back to DC?


Well-Known Member
while i have lost faith in obama my self i can say for sure not all the blame should fall on him i dont think no one ever thought that congress would do what they did to obama they are putting him into a corner and he isnt fighting back the way i thought he would have but congress just dont like the guy they are will to allow the country to go to shit before they help him with anything just look at the whole debockle that happened with the debt ceiling there has never been a president that faced that when trying to raise the debt ceiling now im not saying he shouldnt take blame because he should but you have to admit whats going down in dc is the first time youve ever seen this or read about or even heard about it and if its not then let me know so i can be caught up.

I agree with that as well. The blame isn't all Obama's.. however, before he got elected.. the man promised to do certain things before his term was up.. none of those things that he promised has been done in that 4 years, which is almost all up.

The other party that we can and should blame.. is Congress! Obama said that he was going to "make" congress get in gear and get things going... but as with most things Obama says, we'll just have to wait and see if he actually follows through with it.

Gotta Love Washington Politics! They get in the way of everything... assholes.

Past U.S. Presidents are also to blame.. especially President Bush!

The fact remains though, no matter when or if this country ever gets back in shape.. the fact remains that we will never see it back to the shape it was in, prior to the 9/11 attacks.. and that's just the way it is. It's unfortunate.. but it is what it is you know. Not anything we can do about it.

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
i agree with you man it seems like the whole world is agaisnt obama i thought lebron had it bad. hes actually trying thats the part i appreciate it didnt appear to me that gw was trying and you can tell he only cares about a select few of americans and sad to say i wasnt apart of that few.
Who is lebron?


Active Member
Give me a break he is just trying to do something to make it look like he cares because an election year is coming up (actually the Democratic party is behind it trying to look good for the election year.) The marianette is losing his strings, I think it is funny. The President has always been at the mercy of the Congress and Senate, if they don't stand with the President then they hold them at bay with the powers they have as goverment was designed. What is funny is the Majority of his parties idiots that stood at his side to approve all this crap and get us deeper into the debt now want to run from him and try to point all the blame at Obama when it was the party as a whole that caused this mess. They should all be tared and feathered publicly and called out front and center on their responsibility for all this bullshit.


Well-Known Member
A question for you "so called" conservatives (from one conservative to another)...

Remember all those years ago when the economy was beginning to flag and the illustrious President Bush announced that he was going to put a check in the mail to every taxpayer? That really helped the economy, didn't it? ;)

Furthermore, did any of you protest the action and send your check back to DC?

I can actually truthfully and honestly say that I sent mine back.. and they seriously didn't send it back to me. I swear on everything I got too buddy.

I too thought that was an ignorant thing to do.. to send out all that money to all those people?!?! Yeah, GREAT THINKING Bush!!! Fucking moron.

And that's just the kind of ignorance and stupidity that I'm talking about.. when it comes to certain parts of the U.S. government. It's pathetic!!

Boy am I glad I wasn't born anytime after the year 2000. I feel sorry for those kids.. they're going to get the worst end of the deal of all of this.

That is, 'if' we don't experience a humanity-changing event.. or world-changing event anytime soon.. which, I still think something big is coming our way

and its sooner than we all think. It's just a 'sense' that I have.

Just have to wait and see, the clock only ticks one way right? Right. ;)



Well-Known Member
Past U.S. Presidents are also to blame.. especially President Bush!
I tend to lay the responsibility of the expansion of hostilities overseas and failed foreign policy (Bush Doctrine and the concept of preemptive war) on Bush, but I still feel that the catalyst for our economic collapse was one of the last bills signed into law by Clinton before leaving office, Gramm-Leach-Bliley.


Well-Known Member
it wouldnt make a difference if someone else was president,it wouldnt change the fucked up situation the states and other countrys are in.
instead of bashing obama,tell us what you would do to sort the economy out?


Well-Known Member
Give me a break he is just trying to do something to make it look like he cares because an election year is coming up (actually the Democratic party is behind it trying to look good for the election year.) The marianette is losing his strings, I think it is funny. The President has always been at the mercy of the Congress and Senate, if they don't stand with the President then they hold them at bay with the powers they have as goverment was designed. What is funny is the Majority of his parties idiots that stood at his side to approve all this crap and get us deeper into the debt now want to run from him and try to point all the blame at Obama when it was the party as a whole that caused this mess. They should all be tared and feathered publicly and called out front and center on their responsibility for all this bullshit.

I also agree with this statement as well.

Obama is only saying the things he's saying, because he knows his first 4-year term is almost to an end. He's doing a repeat of what he did the first time people.. I just wish some of you weren't so blind mentally, so you could see what the man is doing. It's very misleading and untruthful.. and its just waste breath on his part... because I'm not falling for it.. and I think about 65% of the rest of the country feels the same way as I do about it.

He's just trying to butter his 'fans' up again.. prior to the 2012 elections. He doesn't actually care about any of us.. or even this country. He only seems to care about the 'spotlight' on him and his family. He falls into the 'mentally power-tripping' category IMO. Unfortunately, some people will listen to his false speeches and will vote for him in the upcoming 2012 elections.

We don't need another 4 years of this shit.. get it? We don't need a repeat of the last 4 years people... we need someone who's going to actually TAKE action instead of just talking about it. Someone who's actually going to make positive changes for us and our country!! It's time for the U.S. to get back on its feet.. and its time we get jobs back into the U.S.!! To do that, we need someone new in Office as President of the United States of America!

So again, please Do Not vote for Obama in 2012.



Active Member
Government period is corrupt, they all need their asses handed to them and have all their golden parachutes taken away from them. If they want to truly serve their country they don't need their pay the rest of their life, private insurance for the rest of their life, and all the other special stuff that the common citizen doesn't get. Also they should be open for prosecution regardless of them serving in office, if anything they should be held to a higher standard because they are an elected official. That wouldn't be fair though, then they would have to worry about all they under the table BS they have going on and be responsible for their actions. Is that really to much to ask?


Well-Known Member
I tend to lay the responsibility of the expansion of hostilities overseas and failed foreign policy (Bush Doctrine and the concept of preemptive war) on Bush, but I still feel that the catalyst for our economic collapse was one of the last bills signed into law by Clinton before leaving office, Gramm-Leach-Bliley.
I concur with that at as well. Funny he just happened to sign that bill, right before he left office.. wasn't it? LOL... grrrr. :|


Active Member
instead of bashing obama,tell us what you would do to sort the economy out?
1. Secure our borders
2. No amnesty for Illegal aliens (We have a system in place to enter the country that works)
3. Put a time limit on Welfare, Food Stamps ect. (Just like the State does on Unemployement)
4. People on welfare should be required to report to work in their communities to clean things up divide their check into 5 equal portions and if they don't show up deduct accordingly (them maybe by cleaning up their
communities they will feel better about themselves and the community they live in.)
5. Legalize Marijuana for the true cash crop it is and take advantage of the jobs and tax base it could create


Well-Known Member
1. Secure our borders
2. No amnesty for Illegal aliens (We have a system in place to enter the country that works)
3. Put a time limit on Welfare, Food Stamps ect. (Just like the State does on Unemployement)
4. People on welfare should be required to report to work in their communities to clean things up divide their check into 5 equal portions and if they don't show up deduct accordingly (them maybe by cleaning up their
communities they will feel better about themselves and the community they live in.)
5. Legalize Marijuana for the true cash crop it is and take advantage of the jobs and tax base it could create
NOT an Economist....................