Man, you couldn't have said this any better my friend.
Glad to see that I'm not the only person around this joint that has intelligence. You've noticed this too eh? With Obama?
He hasn't done anything positive for this country. He gave all of us, the citizens of the U.S. one hell of a 'ride' with his campaign speech prior to his first term election back in 2008. Which is 90% of the cause of him being elected has President for his first term.. which, by the way.. is almost over. So, with that said, please.. for those of you that are old enough to vote, and can vote.. please, do yourself, this beautiful country and everyone else a favor and please Don't vote for Obama in 2012.
My passion for keeping Obama out of a second term as President of the United State of America, is very high. It's got nothing to do with him being black.. I'm not a racist person. The only people I actually do hate, would have to be the terrorists. Not only the ones overseas but the ones that have been living in this country far before 9/11 ever even happened.. most of which have now turned radicals!!
The U.S. gained SO much intelligence during the raid in Oslamabahd (spell check please?) on Osama Bin Laden's house or compound, whatever you want to call the place. I mean, they gained a HUGE, HUGE, HUGE.. amount of intel. and plans that Al-Queda and their past leader, Osama Bin Laden had been planning. Most of which are all new.. meaning the attacks that they were planning for the U.S.A. were indeed coming our way in the near future.
Obama had nothing to really do with killing Bin Laden. Not in my opinion anyhow.. the people that should be praised for tracking and actually killing the rat bastard, is the 'SEAL Team #6 group', the CIA and all the other agencies that had a hand in intercepting valuable and important messages and information from the terrorist group, Al-Queda and their leader. Obama deserves no praise or applause for that event.. period. All the man did was sit there and watch the event take place.. that's all he did.
My point is.. is we honest to God, need a new person in office. Someone fresh, someone who will keep their word, someone who's not going to lead the citizens of this country in the wrong way, someone who's actually going to get the economy back into the best shape possible.. instead of only talking about it.
I mean, if Congress won't get their ass's in fucking gear.. then by damn, Mr. Obama.. your the mother fucking President!!! Your ass is in fucking charge.. so if Congress wants to lollygag around with their thumbs up their ass, then Mr. Obama needs to bypass them.. and do it himself. Get rid of everyone in Congress, elect your own fucking members that you know WILL get things going and get this country in gear. There ya go! New Congress.. problem solved.
I'm just suck and tired of all the fucking drama and the ignorance that our government contains deep within itself. It's just downright freaking pathetic!! End of story!