undeniable proof GOD is real

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Active Member
Who made god?

This is why I usually stay away from religious and political topics, but I used to debate this with a coworker all the time. Nothing wrong with believing in a "higher power", to each their own, but to constantly denounce all other forms and ideas of creation/evolution, is absurd. My coworker even went on to say the dinosaurs never really existed. The "forms" in the shape of fossilized bones were put there by "god", to test our faith.:roll:


Well-Known Member
Evolution does not say that we came from monkeys... common misconception.
It does say, however, that we have a common ancestor. Funny enough, this ancestor has an ancestor that can be traced all the way back to single cell organisms. What started the whole chain... I dunno.


Well-Known Member
lol I knew this was going to be some bullshit when I read the thread title. But damn, that's the best you could do? Who made the monkeys? Sheesh


Active Member
but guyse why avoid the question?

I have chekmate, there is nothing you can do now so just accsept christ into your heart.



Active Member
ive yet to hear someone answer me intelligently ..anyone not semi retarded wanna try ?
As was already said, there isn't a direct link to human and monkeys. If your going to make a statement that god made monkeys or humans or any living thing, where is your proof, as that's how you started the topic? Just saying gos made monkeys isn't proof that it did in fact happen that way. My skin is purple with pink polka dots. I breath out fire and bleed hydrochloric acid. I float on air to travel and can eat by thoughts alone. There, I said it. It doesn't mean it's true.


Well-Known Member
:shock:I am hoping the op made this post on purpose & is not serious. <3

If he is serious.. .he needs a hug.:hug: && a science book.


Active Member
When someone asks an intelligent question, sure, I'll give it a go.

People like you give good, honest, religious people a bad image. Hopefully one day when you grow into a man, you'll realize that.
As was already said, there isn't a direct link to human and monkeys. If your going to make a statement that god made monkeys or humans or any living thing, where is your proof, as that's how you started the topic? Just saying gos made monkeys isn't proof that it did in fact happen that way. My skin is purple with pink polka dots. I breath out fire and bleed hydrochloric acid. I float on air to travel and can eat by thoughts alone. There, I said it. It doesn't mean it's true.
Just shows how simple minded you really are with this question ;)
:shock:I am hoping the op made this post on purpose & is not serious. <3

If he is serious.. .he needs a hug.:hug: && a science book.
oh GOD here we go again.....monkeys really?
listen trolls i have been chastisied for my belief in the holy spirit since ive arrived here at the sinners forum and ive had enough . since you , the athesist populace that are the majority on this board are so hell bent on belittling my gods chosen people 's beliefs , i say its on you to provide proof he does not exist ...and ive yet to get a proper, educated response which is quite typical of the godless sinner degenerates that are ruining this world .


Well-Known Member
listen trolls i have been chastisied for my belief in the holy spirit since ive arrived here at the sinners forum and ive had enough.
No you haven't. If you've expressed your belief in a supernatural being, the most you would get here are questions about why you believe it.

If you feel like you've been treated unfairly based on your beliefs, quote the post.

since you , the athesist populace that are the majority on this board are so hell bent on belittling my gods chosen people 's beliefs , i say its on you to provide proof he does not exist ...and ive yet to get a proper, educated response which is quite typical of the godless sinner degenerates that are ruining this world .
You clearly don't understand scripture or religion very well if you are expecting proof of any kind of gods. That is the point of it, as any believer would tell you. You have to have faith God exists. The rest of us are atheists because, guess what, none does exist.

You sound like you're batting for the wrong team.


Active Member
You are using a logical falicy, you cannot prove something does not exist.

I cannot prove that god does not exist, I also cannot prove that santa claus does not exist.
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