undeniable proof GOD is real

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Well-Known Member
As was already said, there isn't a direct link to human and monkeys. If your going to make a statement that god made monkeys or humans or any living thing, where is your proof, as that's how you started the topic? Just saying gos made monkeys isn't proof that it did in fact happen that way. My skin is purple with pink polka dots. I breath out fire and bleed hydrochloric acid. I float on air to travel and can eat by thoughts alone.
Hey cool!

There, I said it. It doesn't mean it's true.


Well-Known Member
If we came from monkeys?

who made the monkeys? :wall:


Answer this.... If god is all powerful can he create a boulder so great that even god cannot move it. In other words the very existence of god is contradictory and therefore illogical, meaning it cannot be proven, therefore the bible clearly states that all devotees must have faith, faith being belief without proof, not having proof means you cant prove something, if you cant prove it you cant say that it is real.

also you are committing the fallacy of false causes, first you must prove that god created monkeys, and that there is no other possible cause for monkeys, being that you have not provided any proof that monkeys where created by any intelligent design let alone god, you have proven nothing making your statement purely opinion and not fact.

also you cant just yell out checkmate unless you have actually closed off your opponents options, in this case you were opening the forum for debate making Queens pawn forward two spaces a more accurate chess reference



Well-Known Member
Some wonder why I have little patience with discussions (not people) that start off and carry on this way...

I just accept the facts and learn to survive...

Understanding the difference in able and capable is fundamental..

Just because you may be able, it doesn't mean the other is capable...

All seeds aren't meant to harvest...

Nuturing the ones that show promise would keep you from wasting time on duds.


Well-Known Member
listen trolls i have been chastisied for my belief in the holy spirit since ive arrived here at the sinners forum and ive had enough . since you , the athesist populace that are the majority on this board are so hell bent on belittling my gods chosen people 's beliefs , i say its on you to provide proof he does not exist ...and ive yet to get a proper, educated response which is quite typical of the godless sinner degenerates that are ruining this world .

you just made my eternity,LMFAO Please show me the way with your mighty everlasting light of ignorance haha thats it cling to that blanket of insecurity o ye of little sanity haha.Not only will you be chastised for these beliefs but coming here of all places to do your rhetoric,lmao i find you hilarious,thank you i just want to thank you O h god!whew.You just go along little lamb be a good boy and dont forget to say your prayers,or the boogy man will get you.In lieu of any future response ,westman just know that you will always be laughed at by me :lol:


Well-Known Member
you just made my eternity,LMFAO Please show me the way with your mighty everlasting light of ignorance haha thats it cling to that blanket of insecurity o ye of little sanity haha.Not only will you be chastised for these beliefs but coming here of all places to do your rhetoric,lmao i find you hilarious,thank you i just want to thank you O h god!whew.You just go along little lamb be a good boy and dont forget to say your prayers,or the boogy man will get you.In lieu of any future response ,westman just know that you will always be laughed at by me :lol:
Funny yes, real no. This guy's a poe.
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