Bad Day... Grow spot found


New Member
Public ground so im not going to try to attempt anything that will land me in the slammer

so i went out to by spot and come to see my area i walk through is flagged with that fluorescent orange tape thingy not really tape but you can tie and it feels like picnic table fabric sorta but every tree about 30 ft apart had those on them leading right to my grow area.

IM LIKE FUCK!! So im packing up and moving them tomorrow i just hope there not gone. Hopefully me removing the tags will make them forget how to get there... hopefully if not then im out for blood


New Member
Yeah no way im giving up my 7' 5" white widow! Going to be a bitch to move

i hope i dont stress them to much :( shes so frosty :((((


New Member
I would but it was light out and i didnt want to risk if people would be around

im doing it asap really even though its not as asap as i want.


New Member
I would but im planting in saw grass :( and no ivy around

a early harvest is out of question right now. Shes just at white hairs still. Heres the most recent pic its about a week old or so



Well-Known Member
no wonder she got found, she sticks out like a sore thumb in that short grass.

but at least shes in a pot and not in the ground so you can still save her


New Member
Yeah but its a very secluded area. Best i could do really lol :(

Heavy as fucking shit. Its in a 20 gal and this bitch aint going to be easy to get out :(

i hope she dont take to much stress from the move.


Well-Known Member
If they flagged off the area do not go back. cops like to stake it out until they find people stupid enough to try and take it back.