What is un-American About The Tea Party

Gee, ok. I lose.

Still doesn't change the fact that you have been dead wrong all day Fido. You want your biscuit now Big Dog?

Looks like my impression of you was right on. When a poster has to resort to insults and name calling, that proves to all of us that you don't have what it takes to keep up with intellectual debate.
What about your credibility? If he wanted to compare taxpayers to slaves then the word (which is already on the poster) slave is used. Not a racial slur. It was intentional and you know it. But keep spinning. It's showing some real insight into your thought process.

Looks like my impression of you was right on. When a poster has to resort to insults and name calling, that proves to all of us that you don't have what it takes to keep up with intellectual debate.

thus making him a pusillanimous pissant, right?

or how about this reason :shock:[video=youtube;8vrXJ5-EuoE]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8vrXJ5-EuoE[/video]
It is absolutely incredible how scared the left is of the Tea Party.

we're all concerned about our country, and don't want to hand it over to the people who want it to fail. these are the people that want to break government to prove it's broken.

that is why the tea party's support has been cut in half in the last year or so and earned more disapproval from all realms of the political spectrum, people can see their plans for this country. and they don't want to return to an agrarian society where we trade chickens for health care, as some tea party aficionados have proposed.

(see sue lowden for the chickens for checkups reference).
It is absolutely incredible how scared the left is of the Tea Party.

They ought to be...the left wing and the right wing should be worried because their are elements of the Tea Party that want the constitution followed as the ultimate rule of law and will not comprimise and also those who support freedom and morals and common sence and financial responcibility.