The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Wife: "When was the last time you gave me an orgasm?"

Husband: "Well this morning if I'm not mistaken."

Wife: "Yeah, in your dreams."

Husband: "No love. In your coffee actually."


Well-Known Member
so how is everyone today after the shitstorm i sadly missed?
growless and its starting to bug me ! lol missed the shit storm too glad tho cuz it sounds like utter bollocks !

Think im gonna invest in some decent cfl as my hps was turning my room into a sauna. :/

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Im good, i just had chocolate brioche so can't complain, wait, yes i can, there's no more :( Been looking at a glass blowing workshop for this weekend.


Well-Known Member
started getting these little dots on my leaves, here are some pics ne1 know what it is? ive also seen some little white bugs im guessing there the cause, any1 recommend any products to get rid of them without impacting my garden?



Well-Known Member
started getting these little dots on my leaves, here are some pics ne1 know what it is? ive also seen some little white bugs im guessing there the cause, any1 recommend any products to get rid of them without impacting my garden?

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not sure exactly what that is but heres what i'd do; take all your plants out the grow area and clean it, i use baby bottle sterilising tablets in a sprayer, wipe it all down, do the same with the outside of yours pots, sit the plants in the bath and flush the fuck outta them, if its a ten litre pot run 30 litre of water thru it, it takes fuckin yonks but its helps in alotta ways; removes salt build ups, over nute probs etc. then either get neem oil or go to a garden centre and buy an anti pest spray( for fruit and veg as it doesnt have vicious toxic shit in it) and then spary the fuck outta them. its a fair bit of work but lets face it if it sorts the plants then its worth it
and remember to do the underside of the leaves, the little fuckers love to hide there.


Well-Known Member
started getting these little dots on my leaves, here are some pics ne1 know what it is? ive also seen some little white bugs im guessing there the cause, any1 recommend any products to get rid of them without impacting my garden?

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Could well be the borg check underneath the leaves for eggs and movement.

I thought it kicked off on this thread last night, just read through it don't seem that bad just some peeps being a little sensitive lol


Well-Known Member
well thats the house cleaned, grow room almost complete, maybe an hour or twos work left and i'll be germing real soon....only down side is ive just farted and followed thru, bugger. and ive already had a bath this month.


Well-Known Member
any of my midland friends got a spare oz ? dont mind a drive ... i cant get feck all at minute apart from 1g 10's fuck that ... iv ran out and cant cope !!!!! pm me ;)
Genuine request aswell not a piss take after last night lol !!

kevin murphy

New Member
i wont be bannin anyone mate anything goes on this thread as far as im concerened bno other mod has ever shut it down before the new ones so i wont be either

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Indeed :p been looking in the cupboard and looks like a another harvest in a week or so followed by a cheese harvest 3 weeks after that, it's all building up, gonna have to go buy yet more jars. I think i've finally decided what i'm gonna do. I clone and veg in soil/coco now so i'm gonna buy and autopot setup and then just transplant the 12cm pot of soil and plant into the 11L pot which will be full of hydroton, kind of a half way compromise. But stupid bloody pump noise be gone :) I now have 3 female mothers, the darkstar looks like a nice yield if a slightly long flower time, but a utterly mind bending aroma, it's at 11 weeks atm. Might be because of me though, in those 11 weeks of flowering my calendar sais i've watered it 5 times and only 3 with nutrients.

edit: after posting i took it out the cupboard to have a look at it propperly and motherfucker, god damn you mould, FUCKS SAKE!