Supercropping and Canopy Control

Let's check out the vid!

I wouldn't mind smoking that shit lol It can't be much worse than this C99 I've been smoking
Sorry to hear that bro, C99 done properly is some of the finest fire there ever was. Did you grow her out or donate for some nugs?
Putting my vids on the PC now. I think the person taping stopped after I extracted so we didn't capture any of the extra butane evaporating process or the results. i will work on putting everything together soon. Until then, here is a cola off my Chrystal Kong. Bigger ones to come tomorrow.

Chrystal Kong.jpg

Vids didn't come out for shit. Only ones that came out were the ones where I was setting up. will take better ones next time and share, thanks for the requests anyways.
damn!!! very nice!! how many branches like that do you have?

5 or 6 I think.... One is huge in its own class There are probably 3 about like the one in the pic, then a couple smaller prolly. I can't tell really because they're just flopping all over the place hahahah. Thanks for the compliments Stoney, as always. Time to roll a fat KF and hit some golf balls!
Sorry to hear that bro, C99 done properly is some of the finest fire there ever was. Did you grow her out or donate for some nugs?

The guy I got it from let it go for a long time. He doesn't smoke and is growing for a cancer patient of his. He's experimenting with extractions so he was trying to get the cbd content higher (i think?). Don't get me wrong, I love to smoke this stuff but it knocks my dick in the dirt from just a few tokes.

Putting my vids on the PC now. I think the person taping stopped after I extracted so we didn't capture any of the extra butane evaporating process or the results. i will work on putting everything together soon. Until then, here is a cola off my Chrystal Kong. Bigger ones to come tomorrow.

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Vids didn't come out for shit. Only ones that came out were the ones where I was setting up. will take better ones next time and share, thanks for the requests anyways.

Ah well. Still looking forward to some vids from you in the future Shwag! I wouldn't mind trying out that oil you made either lol I'm in Macomb County *hint hint*
The guy I got it from let it go for a long time. He doesn't smoke and is growing for a cancer patient of his. He's experimenting with extractions so he was trying to get the cbd content higher (i think?). Don't get me wrong, I love to smoke this stuff but it knocks my dick in the dirt from just a few tokes.

LOL! You Michigan medi growers crack me up! You are the only ones I ever hear say that something is too potent! Here in Cali it can never be potent enough, and you guys pass on the stuff we pay top shelf for, hahaha. Canada must have been smuggling over a bunch of crap for a long time before the laws changed huh? Come to think of it, any non legal state in the middle of the US has had really really bad weed in my experiences, so I guess it makes sense.
LOL! You Michigan medi growers crack me up! You are the only ones I ever hear say that something is too potent! Here in Cali it can never be potent enough, and you guys pass on the stuff we pay top shelf for, hahaha. Canada must have been smuggling over a bunch of crap for a long time before the laws changed huh? Come to think of it, any non legal state in the middle of the US has had really really bad weed in my experiences, so I guess it makes sense.

Dude Canadian weed would have been a godsend! When I was younger we smoked black mexican brick weed. It gave me a head high and chronic bronchitis for several years straight. I won't lie, I don't use the heavy shit very often, I'm more of an active smoker. I prefer to do something when I get high as opposed to melt into a couch and eat a half gallon of ice cream lol. Don't get me wrong, I like it sometimes but I have a lot of shit to get done in a day! Weekend only and it has to be a weekend without much to get done which is rare lol.
The true adventure of the cannoisseur is smoking that heavy shit and handling being active even when you don't know what's going on. lol.

The fact that it was Mexican weed and no Canadian makes a lot more sense to me, because I've smoked the commercial grade Canadian shit, and it is still really good! Being right on the border I know all about the Mexican commercial grade. It's fucking bad bad bad shit, grey and black and brown. In Mexico it is ran by big crime, and the goal is to have an end product, there are no specifications on what condition that end product is in. Mexico is also a poor country, so the mentality there is "It's good enough" and "Just be grateful you have it at all" and I don't think that could be any more accurate. I love the mexican girlies, and I hear their parents go on and on and on about how good we have it and how picky we are. Picky is a privilege, and I am damn grateful for that, and that is something I try and tell them, and they think I'm a snob... but I am, lol.

Oh by the way. cannabis ice cream, you try it yet?
LOL! You Michigan medi growers crack me up! You are the only ones I ever hear say that something is too potent! Here in Cali it can never be potent enough, and you guys pass on the stuff we pay top shelf for, hahaha. Canada must have been smuggling over a bunch of crap for a long time before the laws changed huh? Come to think of it, any non legal state in the middle of the US has had really really bad weed in my experiences, so I guess it makes sense.

Hey now! I never said it was too potent for me, just that it's a heavy hitter. Like Shwag said that's not the kind of buzz I'd rather have if I have a choice. Melting into the couch is fun occasionally, but I smoke daily. If I smoked this shit everyday all day I would be 400lbs and nothing would ever get done!. There's been good shit around here since I first started smoking (almost 20 years??). I couldn't tell you exactly where it came from there's always been a nice variety.
not to interrupt or anything, but to add to the super cropping another good way to get the same result as bending it. as bending can lead to lots of snapped branches trying to figure how to do it just right. i use a twist method finger and index pinching bout 1'' apart and twist in opposit directions untill a crack is felt or heard. so far 1oo% success with that method. happy tokes all!
Hey now! I never said it was too potent for me, just that it's a heavy hitter. Like Shwag said that's not the kind of buzz I'd rather have if I have a choice. Melting into the couch is fun occasionally, but I smoke daily. If I smoked this shit everyday all day I would be 400lbs and nothing would ever get done!. There's been good shit around here since I first started smoking (almost 20 years??). I couldn't tell you exactly where it came from there's always been a nice variety.
I don't doubt you guys have always had dank pot, but you guys do happen to be in that large zone of the US where the majority is bunk ass bricks. But I can dig it bro, I have smokes that are super dank and potent but I can't fucking stand them! Sour Grape is in high demand in my area but I will never grow it again, makes me feel like a hummingbird, a hummingbird with a jackhammer in it's head.
I don't doubt you guys have always had dank pot, but you guys do happen to be in that large zone of the US where the majority is bunk ass bricks. But I can dig it bro, I have smokes that are super dank and potent but I can't fucking stand them! Sour Grape is in high demand in my area but I will never grow it again, makes me feel like a hummingbird, a hummingbird with a jackhammer in it's head.

yea time to send the ape east.
You've got it, we had plenty of that black ass weed back in the day. Now there is not reason to not smoke medical shit. When I was at that wedding last weekend the groom comes rolling up (after the dude puked) as I was sitting with a couple of people that witnessed the whole thing lol.

Groom says "Have you seen soandso?"

I said, "Nope, do you need something?".

He replies "He has some good pot I want to try."

I said "You can blaze this roach right here man it will do you right."

To which he says "Naaaa I think I will wait, his is medical, is yours medical?"

Then the guy that sitting at the table says "Are you sure dude you should see what his pot just did to that guy over there!"

I pondered for a couple of seconds and said "Yeah, never mind you should just go look for soandso and smoke his weed."

LOL after putting one man down I didn't want to be responsible for the groom too. I always laugh when people break out their weed and pack little tiny bowls and say "This is medical weed." You can tell they're paying someone top dollar to grow it for them and it goddamn better be medical weed if you asked me to smoke it with you. Michigan is a different place these days, having good smoke everywhere is so nice, and we are indeed spoiled. I fear the times will be changing soon though, with the AG we have and so many conservatives in office they have a hardon to change all of it and undo everything they can about the law Dispensaries are now all closed in Michigan.

Hey what do you guys know about Kevorkian? I know it started in SoCal back in the 90's and it was said to have "disappeared" when a large commercial grower was shut down. I can't find any genetics on it but my friend seems to have a connection for some clones. He's a hack of a grower with no real understanding of how things work and he thinks bubblegum is the dankest strain ever. I don't know if I want to bother with anything he gets because I think he is connected with some hillbilly breeders. For all I know his kevorkian could be big bud and badseed. By the way Jozi, you were right about Big Bud, totally worthless! I put it to hash.
ROFL! Oh man that is a good story. Yeah you guys are definitely way ahead of the rest out in that direction, but it sucks they are trying to shut you guys down. That's proof that democracy doesn't really work. If it did those dispensaries would not have been shut down... everyone likes to smoke weed, unless you shit bibles and eat torah. Someone brought up medical marijuana in the break room at work, I tried so hard to stay out of it until some stupid ass fucking Epson printer rep responded to the subject of alcohol, tobacco, and cannabis with "I think they all should be illegal" clearly putting a heavy emphasis on her distaste for cannabis. I nearly jumped down her froggy throat after hearing that, but I kept myself reserved with a simple response "Yeah well I know 4 patients who would have starved to death otherwise" and the room was quiet. If people that are against cannabis just got one day to work the dispensary and meet the sick, sick people that were seeking help for legitimate reasons, they would never oppose cannabis as medicine. I made several friends in the dispensaries that died anyways of their disease, some just a week or so after their last visit. All those people that have passed relied on cannabis not only to keep them out of an immense depression, but for pain relief and to dispel nausea. I don't know if you've ever experienced uncontrollable vomiting for an extended period of time past 4 hours, but cannabis is the only medicine that can make it stop in one puff, in less than 3 minutes. Try and get that in a shot, cost you near a hundred bucks from the doctor.

Sorry, ranted a little, ignorance pisses me off when lives are on the line.

I don't know anything about Kevorkian but it is worth it as long as it isn't covered in PM and mites. Bubblegum is pretty good stuff, we all have our favorites, but it doesn't get up in the new devastating 20%+ THCA levels. Big Bud only hits 15% if you are lucky. Yeah, Big Bud belongs in High School or Oklahoma, they would shit over that stuff. If you get a legit discontinued cut only strain from so cal I'm going to fly out for a visit, no joke. If you take on that clone, you take on me as a guest!!
wtf happened to this thread....

Its still going man we're just having some fun... Feel free to keep sharing here, I will be putting some updates up soon.

Jozi - A perfect response to such an ignorant statement. Did you threaten to cut their tongue out of their mouth if they talk a bunch of nonsense like that around you again? lol Some people man.... They want to suckle the government's teet for everything. Bet that printer rep never leaves their house for fear of having some fun and learning a new perspective on things.

Shit man, without liquor, weed and smoke I may as well just die right now lol. May as well throw coffee, sugar and caffeine in there too! In fact I bet your rep would love that, considering people that eat too much sugar can have more serious health risks than cannabis users.
Here are some shots of the Chrystal I harvested yesterday. I think she went a bit too long but still looks decent. This one did not get trained as much as the others because she was stacking on calyxes vertically like a goddamn whore so I left her as a tower. Tops came out ok i think but the bottom portions went to hash. Will try to get some pics up of my other trained girls later today.

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that's an awesome harvest!! great job on the trim department to!! I can't wait to hear the smoke report on the crystal.
Thanks Stoney, there are about 6 hondos like the ones pictured off the one plant. I can't take credit for the trim job though, my boy D-Bone is an expert trimmer lol. I only trimmed 2 out of the 6 and you can tell mine compared to his ahahah.

This one finished a little longer than the Chrystal I've done in the past but its usually pretty heavy hitting. I can't do it on the golf course I know that! I've finished ones that are much frostier than this one too but D-bone was covered in resin after he was done trimming so it can't be too bad. I have yet to finish a northern lights (I have 2 in my flower box now) but I can definitely see the White Widow in this strain. The buds are airy, but dense, if that makes sense. The WW I've done looks pretty much the same as this Chrystal except I don't think the calyxes swell as much on the WW and the WW has some different coloration of the pistils. Very similar bud structure though. As far as the past smoke report goes, Chrystal is an evening smoke for me, will let you know when I try it. I'm really going to try to cure this one properly.