10+ Rep bars? Let me hear your voice RIU addicts and old schoolers

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
rep whoring will never stop.What we need is a separate system that shows how knowledgeable a grower is.
And we were just making a joke about it and enjoying the site,nothing serious.
imo likes are a stupid idea and were probably added cause most top sites got them.

You still got the coke snortin' mouse? :D

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
just chill bro. follow the steps. this thread isn't for negativity.
Oh, I am very sorry to say this is not a very good tactic to take with me when trying to get me to accept such a thing. :) I respect your wishes, and will continue to follow them as best as I have and can. :)


Well-Known Member
a lynx or a mirage. whichever you can afford. they say the phantom is a good torch, but it will only make you what a mirage, ...



Awesome finally getting some where with this hehe. Had some extra time off school due to labor day to finish the work shop. Now need to buy the equipment :-D
Opened a thread about it in your forum already so feel free to chime in got about a $3500 budget atm.


Well-Known Member
rep whoring will never stop.What we need is a separate system that shows how knowledgeable a grower is.
And we were just making a joke about it and enjoying the site,nothing serious.
imo likes are a stupid idea and were probably added cause most top sites got them.
another mod mocking the rep system. :clap:

Matt Rize

That's ingenious i always believe reping should be only given for growing, or concentrate making information.
totally agree. but this ain't no democracy! :) its up to the powers that be. just tokin and talkin'

dude. crypt. who cares. get off his lap so he can stand up and walk away from your whatever. he ain't apologizing, and ain't getting in trouble. show some respect for your mod elders.