The UK Growers Thread!

Only if you don't mention the words j*b w*rk or empl*ym*nt

Then again if you're Mexican that shouldn't be a problem...

Ahh racial stereotypes.. Good fun

You stupid foo. hahah

Any room for a fat Mexican amidst all you pommy bastards?
Hows that for moderator etiquette?
what food do them stamps allow u to buy beans?
In california they used to let you use them to buy weed I heard but the Terminator stopped it.
All I can buy is groceries. the old days.... I could trade them at 50% loss for drugs. Ie 50$ worth of groceries = 25$ worth of whatever.
Bit I'd never do anything like that....that's what I heard other ppl do....
FAIL........... lol

i would av thought ls vegas would be awash wit jobs n money???
Tourism (and mining) is our only draw. Now that everyone in the US is losing their house and broke, no one is taking vacations to Las Vegas.
The city is dying.
FAIL........... lol

i would av thought ls vegas would be awash wit jobs n money???
I wasn't gonna argue with ya because I hate this country's system more than I can even admit, but to say that the UK is much better is a bit of a stretch.
You're country is just as brutal and cut-throat when it comes to capitalism as the US baby.
I wasn't gonna argue with ya because I hate this country's system more than I can even admit, but to say that the UK is much better is a bit of a stretch.
You're country is just as brutal and cut-throat when it comes to capitalism as the US baby.

uk is deffo better u wana fight beany boy lololol

i just think the states leave to many of there own people to suffer and imo it just dont happen as much in the uk.
uk is deffo better u wana fight beany boy lololol

i just think the states leave to many of there own people to suffer and imo it just dont happen as much in the uk.

Yeah, not if you're white...

jk idk really. Idk enough about the UK to debate about it, but you're right about the people being left their own. It's the super rich, and then there's everyone else.