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what does a gallon cost? and is it concentrated?
how do you concentrate water?

what does a gallon cost? and is it concentrated?
Used mighty wash before. You keep needing to use it. Might as well spray with cold water. Really.
mighty wash-
is ionized water. witha splash of dish soap. super easy to make. youtube vids everywhere.
use the low ph side. deadly for mites.
i smoke american spirits. whats the story with the nicotine tea how do you make it and how much is going to mess with plants. iv never heard of this method but very interested sense i too have a stock pile hahaThats what I am figuring out. I dont think you can ever get rid of mites in an outdoor environment. Too many sources of mites in my yard/hood to get rid of them unless you find a residual? product that keeps acting. You have to keep at em. So I chose to keep at em the cheapest way possible.. neem.. now alcohol.. next is nicotine tea (the wife has a nice stockpile of all natural american spirit butts going.. lol .. what the hell. As long as it dont kill my plants and keeps the mites in check.
iv heard of people taking care of there mite's by just soaking there plants with water daily cutting off a livable place for mites to live...align idk about killing bugs but atleast theres some science behind electrically charging water... http://www.coherentwater.com/
Not sure.. just seen several comments regarding nicotine tea and Im going to try it. Made the tea tonite.. will post results on my thread on same subject. No use repeating myself eh?
why do people with 3 posts sign up and talk about a product that may or may not work?...seems strange...anyway...does this mighty wash work or not? i will not buy any until i see numerous people with a history of posting claiming this product is better than a water spray bath
why do people with 3 posts sign up and talk about a product that may or may not work?...seems strange...anyway...does this mighty wash work or not? i will not buy any until i see numerous people with a history of posting claiming this product is better than a water spray bath