SpiderMite Death 100% -NewProduct-

Used mighty wash before. You keep needing to use it. Might as well spray with cold water. Really.

Thats what I am figuring out. I dont think you can ever get rid of mites in an outdoor environment. Too many sources of mites in my yard/hood to get rid of them unless you find a residual? product that keeps acting. You have to keep at em. So I chose to keep at em the cheapest way possible.. neem.. now alcohol.. next is nicotine tea (the wife has a nice stockpile of all natural american spirit butts going.. lol .. what the hell. As long as it dont kill my plants and keeps the mites in check.
Recently started usin' a new product in the UK - DR SCHIMMEL'S (www.drschimmel.com) for mites, and its brill.....with only one application they'd gone and my plants were looking healthy again in a day. I swear by this, it's new here but has been used and proven in Holland for years.....those Dutch sure know how to handle ganja!!
100% organic super soil. mighty wash all the way only stuff i use plus some pure spray or neem and no pest strips of course. I had to use it twice you have to wet everything down to get mite eggs. Next day mites are dead. Its not like azamax used that stuff mites love it they multiplied faster then ever. azamax is great for a soil drench to kill fungas gnats though. Everybody has there way of coping with these bugs and this is the way i found to work. plus bleach your room down monthly. Allways spray plant before entering each stage of growth also.

spray plants with neem at beg of veg

hit with mighty wash if mites attack

spray again with neem when start of flower

hit with mighty wash if mites attack

dont forget to bleach clean rooms.. as a result of doing this no mites seen ever since i spray now for security with neem or pure spray.

good luck..
mighty wash-

is ionized water. witha splash of dish soap. super easy to make. youtube vids everywhere.

use the low ph side. deadly for mites.
iv heard of people taking care of there mite's by just soaking there plants with water daily cutting off a livable place for mites to live... im thinking this might have something to so with the 99% water factor and having to keep buying it... i figure ill just soak the shit out of my plants with tap water sense as far as i can tell its the same thing haha. i use uncle jacks organic pesticide and have had good results. iv wanted to try mighty wash but i just have my doubt and sense iv heard of good results getting rid of mights with just soap and water i dont see how this is any different.... i dont see how water can stay electrically charged ether

i figured i do at least a little research before posting bud wouldn't edit my post just add on. it turns out by electrifying water it can change the way the water molecules align idk about killing bugs but atleast theres some science behind electrically charging water... http://www.coherentwater.com/
Thats what I am figuring out. I dont think you can ever get rid of mites in an outdoor environment. Too many sources of mites in my yard/hood to get rid of them unless you find a residual? product that keeps acting. You have to keep at em. So I chose to keep at em the cheapest way possible.. neem.. now alcohol.. next is nicotine tea (the wife has a nice stockpile of all natural american spirit butts going.. lol .. what the hell. As long as it dont kill my plants and keeps the mites in check.
i smoke american spirits. whats the story with the nicotine tea how do you make it and how much is going to mess with plants. iv never heard of this method but very interested sense i too have a stock pile haha
totally worked on my plants, no more webs. not a single mite. sprayed again to be sure after 4 days. looks like a cure to me. and its not just water, its a cloudy pink solution.
I'm not sure about the whole Freq water thing, to me that sounds like some homeopathic mumbo jumbo but one thing i do know is mighty wash certainly works alright. It may take a couple of hits but it smashes them alright. I've seen in clean up some really heavy infestations in indoor rooms where chemical resistance was occuring. More often than not the mites dont come back. Not sure what that last 0.000001% is but it certainly does the trick.
Not sure.. just seen several comments regarding nicotine tea and Im going to try it. Made the tea tonite.. will post results on my thread on same subject. No use repeating myself eh? ;)


nicotine water works: you need strategy. most folks are actually doing it wrong. make sure that you use an insecticide to kill the breeders/adults every 2.5 days...i think. and, use something else, separately, such as neem oil. mighty wash done every two and ahalf days and repeated and then a seal with neem oil means that you bust your ass for a week and then you are mostly done. results vary based on upon the function of input....meaning effort.
another way is to use the inseticide in a bucket and dunk the f$%kers, or put your babies in an uber rich co2 environment for 12 to 18 hours and that will kill eggs and mites. oh, and mighty wash is ionized water.
nicotine water works but tobacco mosaic virus can be spread from leaves that have been dry for 50 years. So, while the method is to take a package of long cut chew and let it sit in water for a day or so and then spray, this will totally repel the devils and give you an organic solution that won't hurt your planet or your neighbors. 1 package of long cut chew to a gallon. long cut!!!! or you wont be able to spray. it also seals clones from dehydration.
thankyou very much comeagain.
why do people with 3 posts sign up and talk about a product that may or may not work?...seems strange...anyway...does this mighty wash work or not? i will not buy any until i see numerous people with a history of posting claiming this product is better than a water spray bath
why do people with 3 posts sign up and talk about a product that may or may not work?...seems strange...anyway...does this mighty wash work or not? i will not buy any until i see numerous people with a history of posting claiming this product is better than a water spray bath

I've used this product successfully in multiple gardens over the last 6 months. We do follow up the application of mighty wash with a bug bomb if/when mites are present. Is this an alternative to IPM? Probably not in it's entirety, but for smaller gardens... a $40 jug of Mighty wash and a $10-$15 bug bomb will save you a lot of headache and keep you mite free. If you buy the 5 gallon you definitely save a few bucks and will also have plenty of stand by for when you realize at 1 AM that you have mites and obviously every store is closed. We use a 5 gal for a 25x20 garden once every 4 weeks. We neem in between mighty wash applications weekly. We do a CO2 PPM blast also once a week a few days after our neem application. Of course, if you recontaminate your area, then it is what it is...but there's no doubt that this stuff kills mites dead on contact. I've seen bustling colonies become ghost towns after being touched with this stuff.

With that being said...it is easy to ensure that you are getting every mite when applying the stuff. It's not like you can spray the walls (well you can, but I won't), so it's also easy to think you solved the problem after 1 application. It really is best to follow up your first application 3-7 days later with a second application to ensure maximum efficiency when mites are present, but still...as long as you're in veg I would again recommend the use of a bug bomb. As a preventative cycle, we use neem every week and a CO2 blast a few days later. We only use bug bombs if there is evidence of live spider mites. If there are no mites, we continue on with our preventative schedule of weekly neem/CO2 and monthly mighty wash. Is mighty wash the holy grail to pest and mite management? No, but as part of a regular maintenance schedule it's absolutely beautiful. I fully believe in mighty wash.
why do people with 3 posts sign up and talk about a product that may or may not work?...seems strange...anyway...does this mighty wash work or not? i will not buy any until i see numerous people with a history of posting claiming this product is better than a water spray bath

I've used this product successfully in multiple gardens over the last 6 months. We do follow up the application of mighty wash with a bug bomb if/when mites are present. Is this an alternative to IPM? Probably not in it's entirety, but for smaller gardens... a $40 jug of Mighty wash and a $10-$15 bug bomb will save you a lot of headache and keep you mite free. If you buy the 5 gallon you definitely save a few bucks and will also have plenty of stand by for when you realize at 1 AM that you have mites and obviously every store is closed. We use a 5 gal for a 25x20 garden once every 4 weeks. We neem in between mighty wash applications weekly. We do a CO2 PPM blast also once a week a few days after our neem application. Of course, if you recontaminate your area, then it is what it is...but there's no doubt that this stuff kills mites dead on contact. I've seen bustling colonies become ghost towns after being touched with this stuff.

With that being said...it is easy to ensure that you are getting every mite when applying the stuff. It's not like you can spray the walls (well you can, but I won't), so it's also easy to think you solved the problem after 1 application. It really is best to follow up your first application 3-7 days later with a second application to ensure maximum efficiency when mites are present, but still...as long as you're in veg I would again recommend the use of a bug bomb. As a preventative cycle, we use neem every week and a CO2 blast a few days later. We only use bug bombs if there is evidence of live spider mites. If there are no mites, we continue on with our preventative schedule of weekly neem/CO2 and monthly mighty wash. Is mighty wash the holy grail to pest and mite management? No, but as part of a regular maintenance schedule it's absolutely beautiful. I fully believe in mighty wash.
Why do people that STILL have mites in their gardens declare that this product works? I used floramite 6 months ago, and have not needed anything since. Can anyone say that about mightywash?