SpiderMite Death 100% -NewProduct-

Well deserved :Bump:

What is with people saying they would rather not spend $20-40 bucks on a product / or that they will not purchase products that are "marketed"(Prolly the same people growing schwag in a cardboard box). Boggles my mind how in 2011 people can be so far behind the times when it comes to garden control. Yet till this day people debate which "Poisons" are best to use on their plant. I do understand that having several products in your "arsenal" is good thing to avoid mites becoming immune but honestly it's obviously not that simple with those poisons if its such a hot topic till this day.. well those days are over. No more Diluting w/ water.. .no more mixing a little dish soap in.. .no more trying to Avoid Buds with your Poison.. <3
Yeah static electricity will not kill mites man. You need long term control NOT knockdown when it comes to
mites. If you are waiting till you have an infestation you are simply not a 'vet' grower or very professional.
Mites are very small, mobile and breed VERY fast. Contact treatments are ineffective because you can't guarantee even coverage or track down all the little buggers. Why do I use an IPM plan because it works, is safe, and my product has never tested positive for ANY 'poison' residue.
Mighty Wash by NPK Industries.

-it is statically (electrically) charged water which is safe to use on your plants. The electrical charge when sprayed on kills the mites and their eggs.

Some people say that you can only "Battle" mites and its near impossible to RID your garden of them completely. I never "Bombed" my room, Never Bleached the floors, & I got rid of my MITE Issue 100% within 1 Month. 2 applications, Have not used in 1 1/2 months & EVERY LEAF IS MITE FREE. Check my SIG to see the plants that have been Cured.

-no need to Dilute w/ water due to the fact it is 98% water with 2% inert ingredients.

-no need to "wash off" after applying onto plant, just make sure it dries well w/ good air circulation.

-It is impossibly to apply "too much" to a plant. (I put my spray bottle on Stream*not mist and Blast My Plants top to bottom.)

-Kills Mites & Their Eggs. (If you use Stream instead of mist, It Removes them from the plant as well.)

-Can be used up till the Day of HARVEST.

-Has No Smell, No Visible Residue On Plant.

-100% Safe to use, non-toxic of course, No Poisons involved, No herbs or Spices that will make your plant smell funny, NO WAY THE MITES WILL RETURN. They simply cannot Drink or be in contact with Charged Water. :evil:

ok man i am sold, where can this product be obtained?
I am in So Cal, so they sell it here @ the hydro shops.. but I am guessing most people who don't stay in such a Marijuanafied area might have to order it.
Manijuanafied area indeed! Gotta love SoCal...I used the NPK Industries PM Wash for powdery mildew...didn't work at all, but I have higher hopes for Mighty Wash if the need arises...
You have no idea how the product works can you not be so CHEAP and provide the proof to yourself with a $15 bottle, if not save it kid. Go enjoy your fresh homegrown poison. I will pass. You do not know what your talking about & I for sure don't have any mite issues you may be battling for one reason.
Yeah static electricity will not kill mites man. You need long term control NOT knockdown when it comes to
mites. If you are waiting till you have an infestation you are simply not a 'vet' grower or very professional.
Mites are very small, mobile and breed VERY fast. Contact treatments are ineffective because you can't guarantee even coverage or track down all the little buggers. Why do I use an IPM plan because it works, is safe, and my product has never tested positive for ANY 'poison' residue.
^_^ even coverage. Considering you can use a larger amount of this stuff than anything you're using. Who is getting more coverage? Please read up before you debate. or @ least be willing to test yourself without talking randomly.
Pretty sure over a decade of experience and the that I do this professionally should mean something. I do know for a FACT your product does not work. You really think your $15 bottle would do much more than get one of my plants wet? Should I buy 100 of these bottles at $1,500 on order to treat my non-existent mite problem?
Nope I use a professional IPM program and have my product run through as Gas Cromatograph to be sure it is pure.

Your product is a SCAM like many others . . .
All I am asking for you is to prove it, since you know for FACT.:roll: Heading towards 8k posts and you have 1x 19 page journal that looks to be a grow in its infancy. I have used & probably still own all the poisons at your disposal. I am willing to educate you if your ego allows it.
Educate me then! This is how I got where I am, by learning! I have used your product, it sucks. I set up quite a few gardens and I apologize that I do not have the time to update my grow journal. No you can not see my grow and it would be inappropriate for a journal, possibly risking my crop! Now educate me, how do I treat several thousand meters of cannopy with your product? What is the mode of action? What studies have been conducted regarding the effectiveness of your product? How cab your product be effective enough to not only eradicate every adult mite, nymph, egg? What is your products residual effect if I do not contact every mite, egg, nymph. Do you have a commercial applicators permit? Has this product been uses for 'cultural' or long term mite management in professional agriculture? Please hurry I am in anticipation of your education.
Oh My, almost lost my cool. Never get between a pest free grower & his Mighty Wash. Anyway, Last time I have sprayed my garden was in May, the time before that was in Feb. I have 0 mites and no need to spray on Any of my plants till this day, I simply spray all new clones / fresh clones or plants I move from one place to another. Other than that I am mite free in Soil.
i to have been hearing great things about mighty wash...IMO you cannot debate over a product that is fairly new, and with absolutely no data to prove it is effective or ineffective...all you have are opinions, and it dont mean shit without proof. i am willing to try something other then a poison. i am tired of going in to my grow, looking like i'm entering a black plague effected country just to try and get rid of some bugs.
budzki do you have any financial interests in this product mighty wash? or are you just pleased this product worked and are spreading the word?
I called you out man, don't lose your cool! No professional I know uses this product. No warehouse grower I know uses this product. I have used this product because I received a sample and it does not work. The hydro industry has gone to marketing and shams. I should know as I own a hydroponic distribution company. We're expanding to change the mold, provide much cheaper equipment, and force people such as yourself to prove it!! With science, not pseudoscience, marketing ploys or fancy graphics. Prove to me that your product is effective and I will buy it. Otherwise I will support manufacturers who educate their customers.
I am only spreading the word.. Simply cause I was shopping in the Hydroponic Super warehouse here in cali, picking up some ffof & rapid rooters I was looking at the pesticide shelf, Dr doom, organicide, pepper sprays, floramite & what not.. While standing their the manager walked up to me & introduced himself saying he has seen me in their quite often & that if I wanted some Advice... "Never" use any of those products pointing at the entire shelf & that those days are long gone..though they can work if used correctly and vigilantly, "its 2011, none of the big boys are messing with that stuff" & went on how people who take their marijuana seriously avoid putting Chemicals / Poisons / Neem bs on their plants at all costs. Which is true, cause when I donate to a Local Clinic, they specifically ask that I not use Neem or any Dr.Doom products on the plants/buds. Long convo short he pulled a large container of Mighty Wash off the bottom saying this is what the pro's have moved onto & the bugs cannot gain resistances to it nor is their any need to wash it off your plants after using.. He gave me 1/2 off & said I would be back for more, he was right. So now I swear by this stuff & why not if it will provide people an alternative to putting BS crap that smells on their plants. I am somewhat of a perfectionist when it comes to certain things, & would be offended if some asshole gave me some buds covered in Dead Mite Corpses & Neem. but to each his own..
I am proof, you say it does not work and that is a FACT? well you are wrong, I have used mighty wash this entire year. What else killed off the mites? You say you got a free sample, then say prove it works so you'll buy it.. thought you tried it. ^_^ anyway man, obviously sounds like you're on a budget or you're upset over the fact your local hydro store does not carry it. :) Either way, you gotta update your Journal or make a thread about your plants to prove to me you know 1/2 of what you're talking about.
I called you out man, don't lose your cool! No professional I know uses this product. No warehouse grower I know uses this product. I have used this product because I received a sample and it does not work. The hydro industry has gone to marketing and shams. I should know as I own a hydroponic distribution company. We're expanding to change the mold, provide much cheaper equipment, and force people such as yourself to prove it!! With science, not pseudoscience, marketing ploys or fancy graphics. Prove to me that your product is effective and I will buy it. Otherwise I will support manufacturers who educate their customers.
fyi you make no sense talking about "Called me out". You're simply stating your opinion about a product you know nothing about. It's ok to stick to what you have been using such as neem & what not, sure it works for you. When you say its fact that this product does nothing is where you start to worry me. Keep it as an opinion till you muster up the funds to buy you a bottle bro. && update some MJ pics from time to time if you wanna talk about how you grow.
Yes my business operates on a budget. I take this as good business practice. Your consumer loyalty to this product is quite high, your knowledge of the product beyond marketing is limited. I don't need to take a picture for you bro. The proof is in the puddin' so to speak. Once you get those university research papers together on mighty wash I will be happy to examine them. If you really garner no benefit from endorsing this product (which I find hard to believe) why do you get so upset when I tell you there are more effective products? Do you like spending your money on overpriced hydroponic industry products?

Ps- Anecdotal evidence is not scientific
I take my bud more seriously imo. True Conni right here bro, don't really care what you can pop out & obviously you lack the pix, but if you're not here in Cali I don't wanna hear about your business or "warehouse" buddies. <3

I prefer not to share poison with friends. Quality over Quantity.