Ron Paul Pwns liberal mindset

we didn't fill out that piece of paper because i needed the state to put some stamp on our love, we did it to make it official for tax reasons.

if marital status and taxes weren't intertwined in the least, i would give two shits less about it, although some people do like having that symbolic piece of paper.

some people want a religious person to make it official, some want the state, some don't care at all. again, we had to ask no one for permission nor beg anyone, so you can drop the bullshit talking point.

It's not whether you say you care or not or if its a hassle or not. By participating you're signing your liberty and freedoms away. When you said for tax purposes, it's a bribe and you took it. (same bs when we bribe countries with foreign aid) Not saying I would or wouldn't do it but lets call it was it is.
It's not whether you say you care or not or if its a hassle or not. By participating you're signing your liberty and freedoms away. When you said for tax purposes, it's a bribe and you took it. (same bs when we bribe countries with foreign aid) Not saying I would or wouldn't do it but lets call it was it is.

Parker the Kind of small goverment freedom you are looking for can be found in Haiti and Somalia

Move there
It's not whether you say you care or not or if its a hassle or not. By participating you're signing your liberty and freedoms away. When you said for tax purposes, it's a bribe and you took it. (same bs when we bribe countries with foreign aid) Not saying I would or wouldn't do it but lets call it was it is.

i signed my liberty and freedoms away?

i walked out of that room with all the same liberties and freedoms i walked in with, silly.

btw, we filed separately this year. so wrong on the bribe part, too.
i signed my liberty and freedoms away?

i walked out of that room with all the same liberties and freedoms i walked in with, silly.

btw, we filed separately this year. so wrong on the bribe part, too.

prove it. you better back that shit up! don't come on here making claims. I want to see documents, links, right now. lets go london's rules. you know whats up
I go to school for economics and political science. I like to say I have a relatively strong understanding of how the "system" works. People who don't agree with Ron Paul generally don't have a true understanding of Government. Somewhere down the line they were taught something or they misinterpreted something. I studied what Ron Paul has to say, along with all the other candidates, including Obama. Even fringe candidates like Gary Johnson, I have studied [what they say, why, and whether they stay true to what they say].
I will tell you right now, if Ron Paul is not elected, there is going to be a revolution. People will stand up to the status quo.

If you haven't looked into Ron Paul, I suggest you do. This country is no longer a left vs right, democrat vs republican, or pepsi vs coke system. It is run from top to the bottom. Look up the Federal Reserve.
I go to school for economics and political science. I like to say I have a relatively strong understanding of how the "system" works. People who don't agree with Ron Paul generally don't have a true understanding of Government. Somewhere down the line they were taught something or they misinterpreted something. I studied what Ron Paul has to say, along with all the other candidates, including Obama. Even fringe candidates like Gary Johnson, I have studied [what they say, why, and whether they stay true to what they say].
I will tell you right now, if Ron Paul is not elected, there is going to be a revolution. People will stand up to the status quo.

If you haven't looked into Ron Paul, I suggest you do. This country is no longer a left vs right, democrat vs republican, or pepsi vs coke system. It is run from top to the bottom. Look up the Federal Reserve.

i have to spread the rep around more, but woot woot chugga chuuga woot chugga woot woot
Uncle Buck's gay lover

Hey Munch...Not sure if you read my last message to you, but you really need to "lighten up" my friend. Take it from a war torn, hardened veteran....Don't sweat the small stuff buddy. Reading some of your stuff I'd swear you're ready to "pop". Just some friendly advice....Take it whichever way you choose, k?
The fact that you're smoked is a bullshit excuse. Seamaiden, who could smoke your ass out in a heartbeat, and I have involved political and scientific conversations everyday and she remains articulate and precise. Don't feed me your inept excuse for your lack of education, capiche? We're you "smoked" when you wrote your location? It's San Joaquin kiddo. You can't even spell where you're from. How do I know? I live not too far from you. You should be thankful that I'm cutting you some slack as I'm beginning to feel sorry for you.

was that just friendly advice too? sounds like you should take a dose of your own medicine and calm the fuck down
I go to school for economics and political science. I like to say I have a relatively strong understanding of how the "system" works. People who don't agree with Ron Paul generally don't have a true understanding of Government. Somewhere down the line they were taught something or they misinterpreted something. I studied what Ron Paul has to say, along with all the other candidates, including Obama. Even fringe candidates like Gary Johnson, I have studied [what they say, why, and whether they stay true to what they say].
I will tell you right now, if Ron Paul is not elected, there is going to be a revolution. People will stand up to the status quo.

If you haven't looked into Ron Paul, I suggest you do. This country is no longer a left vs right, democrat vs republican, or pepsi vs coke system. It is run from top to the bottom. Look up the Federal Reserve.

Very Well Said, I hope some people read your message.
well he said he really understand how it works, but doesn't care to delve into details as to why ron paul's vision is soooo true.


i hope he doesn't call corporations 'job creators'... lol
stop pretending that you fully understand economics in an effort to stroke your epeen, untill I see your doctorate I don't believe you fully understand economics...and your comment about corporations being job creators...only a centrist phony like mitt romney or obama would say something like that, its just rude of you to say that to a fellow american and you know it.

TLDR: stop hating, open your mind, live free.
i have a business degree my man.

micro econ, macro econ, financial markets 1, 2 and 3, corporate finance, intermediate and advanced accounting, cost accounting, managerial accounting, all As.

i blew all my 'easy' courses like english, physed, etc. b/c i partied waaaay too hard my first 2.5 years in school and my GPA was gravely affected by it.

but i know about economics....

i took economic development of the americas as an elective even though it was a concentration course for another degree, just b/c i wanted to feel smart. ;)

i know that you won't believe that the federal reserve banking, the way the US has done it, is pretty much the goal every nation strives for. the HUGE benefits it has brought our society has soo outweighed the supposed 'downsides' that even the most ardent opponents have failed time and time again to try and undo it. it is so successful that the one thing that keeps it together, demand for the US dollar, remains ridiculously high...

ron paul says the business cycle is caused by the fed. well, no. the fed reacts to the business cycle and tries to keep the trend of economic development on an upward slope, even through times of high and low demand, also called economic expansions and recessions. they are not the cause of the business cycle, they try to keep the recession part of the business cycle as short as they possibly can. problem is that in the past the government has willingly tried to put policies in place that also did the same thing. now we have an inefficient government that is so divided on party lines and so many interest groups jerking them around that they have focused on pure POLITICS and forgotten about how the policies affect long term economic development.

w/e man!! you think it's the fed, because you don't understand how it works.

neither does ron paul. he's a doctor who knows womens vaginas and uteruses. not a business man or an economist....