Ron Paul Pwns liberal mindset

Not to be harsh but you think a little bit highly of your business degree if you think just those classes make you fully understand economics your sadly mistaken, I have taken quite a few of those courses if not all that you mention above actually and Ill be humble enough to say that I don't FULLY understand it, One of my econ professors on the first day told us how he never fully understood economics until he wrote his thesis. Id say I learned more about economics on my own merit actually. Anyway, it wouldn't hurt you to be a bit more humble, but that is beside the point.

What you say about Ron Paul here its simply not true, these are not his beliefs. Your just talking the basics here and skimming along the ice, Ron Paul would agree with most of what you just said actually.

And Ron Paul is a scholar of economics and hes been involved in economics for much longer then it took you to get your business degree, he has been the the chair of a lot of different economic groups for over 30 years and he is the current head of the Congressional Committee on Monetary policy......he also does have a doctorate...You really think you understand economics better then Dr Paul, well then run for congress and see if you can beat him among the same congress who unanimously voted for him to head this up. (not one nay vote)

I really think you should read about the financial crisis and really just sit and think who is responsible, maybe you were MIA during this time period? It seems like you have been afk for at least 4 years, you had better shit to do, more power to ya, good on ya for not paying attention to politics.
