Presidents approval rating all time low

man, munch box is more of a blithering fucktard than i gave him credit for.

for the record, i have no idea what my credit score was. at its best, it was 680ish, but i have not dealt in anything but cash for a while now. fucking banks.
When the government gets involved in business, taxpayers loose money every time. Look at what happened to Solyndra. The government has no idea how real world economics works. Its tunnel vision. All you see is green jobs. Well guess what? the chinese make better solar panels for a lot less money. So why the hell do you support stimulus spending on bullshit "green jobs" Its short sighted. You're not creating energy for the future. More like creating jobs for China. Taxpayers are loosing a lot of money because of you and the people you support. You have no idea how business works. You and likeminded people are dangerously ignorant
you need to get your O key fixed ASAP.....ROFL@U
People who spend money like the federal government, and people who think they should spend more........... Yes, they for sure have bad credit:dunce:
my score is 750 at 22 y/o, which I'd consider pretty damn good and I am in favor of more government spending; Interest rates are very low after all, unemployment is high, etc.. Most of the public debt problem is long term... In the short term, more spending - namely infrastructure spending - will help get people back to work and close the output gap; Closing the output gap is the single most important thing we could be doing for our fiscal situation ATM anyway, so this is a win on both the jobs and debt fronts.
my score is 750 at 22 y/o, which I'd consider pretty damn good and I am in favor of more government spending; Interest rates are very low after all, unemployment is high, etc.. Most of the public debt problem is long term... In the short term, more spending - namely infrastructure spending - will help get people back to work and close the output gap; Closing the output gap is the single most important thing we could be doing for our fiscal situation ATM anyway, so this is a win on both the jobs and debt fronts.

bitch shut your fuckin mouth. you all want a piece at the same fuckin time then this is how its going to go. name calling bring it
my score is 750 at 22 y/o, which I'd consider pretty damn good and I am in favor of more government spending; Interest rates are very low after all, unemployment is high, etc.. Most of the public debt problem is long term... In the short term, more spending - namely infrastructure spending - will help get people back to work and close the output gap; Closing the output gap is the single most important thing we could be doing for our fiscal situation ATM anyway, so this is a win on both the jobs and debt fronts.

yeah that is pretty good...keep it like that...good FICO score is important when building your future
Ok, you even managed to scare me a little with your last two posts, munch.

Go grab a lithium pill and take a nice long nap.

Everything is gonna be fine...just fine.
wierd another president sucks, is their like a douche school all these guys come out of . . . . oh ya Yale and Harvard what kind of shit do these so called Educated Professionals teaching these future political kamikaze presidents
Ok, you even managed to scare me a little with your last two posts, munch.

Go grab a lithium pill and take a nice long nap.

Everything is gonna be fine...just fine.

Another stupid ass that jsut wants to boss me around. You're not my boss, I listen to the guy who signs my paychecks........ thats not you
I love how they all come in and attack at the exact same time, and then leave together on the next thread to go attack me there. Its like a liberal mob
I love how they all come in and attack at the exact same time, and then leave together on the next thread to go attack me there. Its like a liberal mob

I love how they all come in and attack at the exact same time, and then leave together on the next thread to go attack me there. Its like a liberal mob

dude everyone at one point has had to debate about 3-5 people at once...if you believe in what you say it should be no problem...proof, facts, and links speaks for themselves....of which you have none...take off them panties and man up
dude everyone at one point has had to debate about 3-5 people at once...if you believe in what you say it should be no problem...proof, facts, and links speaks for themselves....of which you have none...take off them panties and man up

he should also wipe the sand out of his vagina for good measure.
dude everyone at one point has had to debate about 3-5 people at once...if you believe in what you say it should be no problem...proof, facts, and links speaks for themselves....of which you have none...take off them panties and man up

Yuor full of shit. back it up . prove it. I wanna see journals, links and all that shit. you can't just come in here and make that claim and then not back it up.right? you're a fucking hypocrite