Ron Paul Pwns liberal mindset

Right, yet you think Obama is Liberal and Ron Paul isn't.

I don't think Obama is a Liberal. Ron Paul has some core Liberal Principles.

That' what I am pointing out.
when i got married, the process of doing the paperwork took all of 5 minutes and we did not even have to present ID, oddly enough.

as for the flower beds, some cities have ordinances against what you can or can not display in your front yard. this is to protect property values, mainly. the great thing about this is that it goes along with everything ron paul believers want: control at the most local level possible.

ron paul worshippers are constantly telling me that abortion should be a states' rights kind of issue, and if you disagree, just move to another state. well, this is even more local. if you don't like it, you only have to move to the next town over. or you could even petition the city or vote or whatever else to change the rules. problem?

exactly =), that is exactly what i want. because when thing that can be handled at the community level are handled there your say can actually effect the outcome and things can change to better fit the needs of the ppl of the area rather than what some guy in washington thinks needs to be in front of your house.
i wanted to get married. i don't want to become a slave. that you would try to compare the two in such a lousy analogy absolutely astounds me. especially since you know how to spell words like "lose" and "enact".
I wasn't equating it to your want, I was showing your logic. e.g. As long as it is easy to do, you don't mind what the government requires.

begging? there was no begging involved. i filled out one page, turned it in. i'd like for gay people to have the same right to do so.

someone piss in your corn flakes this morning?
The simple act of asking for permission is the same as begging. It differs only in the amount of urgency. Beg does not necessarily mean aggressive panhandling. "Please sir, may I get married" or "Pretty please sir, may I get married". Not a lot of difference. Your status in this matter is a slave who must ask his master (government) for permission to do something that is 100% lawful to begin with. Your defense of this practice because of its ease and near certainty that it will be approved has hidden the truth of the matter from you.
Right, yet you think Obama is Liberal and Ron Paul isn't.

I don't think Obama is a Liberal. Ron Paul has some core Liberal Principles.

That' what I am pointing out.

Well if hes a Liberal, then I'm sure not going to vote for him. I hope he doesn't even get the nominee if thats the case. Thats all we need is another liberal republican candidate like John McCain. Libs blow
Does he support tax cuts? lowering taxes and extending tax breaks? because liberals DONT. Any attempt to lower taxes is looked at by democrats as an attack on poor people, an attack on old people, women's rights to free birth control, and then they say republicans want to kill the sick and disabled. So you better not talk about extending tax breaks, its seen by the congressional black caucus as racist, and an attack on black people who live in poor neigborhoods.You must want to see "black people hang from trees"

You should read the news. The GOP is trying to stop the Dems attempts to extend tax breaks for working Americans as you typed that. You are simply and utterly wrong. You should read more.
You should read the news. The GOP is trying to stop the Dems attempts to extend tax breaks for working Americans as you typed that. You are simply and utterly wrong. You should read more.

So you wanna go there, ok. you are talking about the tax cut for workers that will increase taxes for business owners? Sounds like massive layoffs to me. You should read more
So you wanna go there, ok. you are talking about the tax cut for workers that will increase taxes for business owners? Sounds like massive layoffs to me. You should read more

No, the SS Payroll tax. Saved me close to 2 grand last year and didn't cost my employer a dime more. Those extensions. I have no idea what you are talking about. You?
A lot of small business owners are saying when that workers tax expiresthey won't have to pay as much into the social security ponzi scheme, and they will be able to hire more employees and grow thier business. I am behind the tax cuts, but when people's taxes taxes go down, other people's taxes go up. Becasue one things for sure. The government doesn't want to take in any less money than it already is. They want more more more
A lot of small business owners are saying when that tax break expires, they won't have to pay as much into the social security ponzi scheme, and they will be able to hire more employees and grow thier business. I am behind the tax cuts, but when people's taxes taxes go down, other people's taxes go up. Becasue one things for sure. The government doesn't want to take in any less money than it already is. They want more more more

That's not true. Every working American had their taxes cut 2%. Employers taxes did not go up and they won't if the cuts are extended. Employers paid 6.2% before the cuts and they still pay that same 6.2%. Go talk to your company's payroll department. Once again, you are wrong.
Tips for Employers:

  • The 2011 employer tax rate for Medicare and Social Security will remain 6.2 percent with a wage limit of $106,800.
  • The 2011 employee tax rate for Medicare and Social Security will be 4.2 percent.

Read more:

See Munch Box he backed up his statement with facts and a link.. you should try it sometimes...might just save you from looking so damn stupid and foolish...
The simple act of asking for permission is the same as begging. It differs only in the amount of urgency. Beg does not necessarily mean aggressive panhandling. "Please sir, may I get married" or "Pretty please sir, may I get married". Not a lot of difference. Your status in this matter is a slave who must ask his master (government) for permission to do something that is 100% lawful to begin with. Your defense of this practice because of its ease and near certainty that it will be approved has hidden the truth of the matter from you.

we didn't even have to ask anyone for permission, we just had to fill out a piece of paper so that the state would recognize our marriage.

i'm not sure what point you are trying to prove, but whatever it is, you are failing miserably.

maybe make a sandwich, smoke a bowl, and you'll be back on your game.
My finger sticks on the oooooooooo bitch. You already are on fire. You're flamin up man ass right now

ever heard of the 'delete' button?

if your finger sticks on the 'o', why do you always spell 'you' and 'on' correctly?

let's face it, you are not good at spelling. it probably makes you feel stupid when people point out how stupid you are, as it should. you lash out by being an e-thug, which is fine because it entertains me greatly.

but don't try to make shitty, lousy excuses. own your stupidity.