Well-Known Member
oh yeah and in georgia. They are paying 12-18 an hour to pick crops. No takers. The govenor even tried to force parolees to do the job. They all quit. This is in a State with over 9% unemployment
$12-$18 an hour? hell, that is good enough for me to take on as full time.
i'll be digging holes and burying conduit next week for $10 an hour, i wouldn't do it full time or forever because the pay is too low, but for a week of work to pick up some extra scratch it is worth it.
i hired my buddy to simply look after my house: scoop the cat's litter once a day, feed them, the chickens and ducks, and water my plants. all in all, about 1-2 hours of work each day. i was going to give him $10 an hour and 8 hours a day, even though the work is only about 2 hours a day, tops. i bought him a week's worth of food and left him an ounce of weed and told him that if he wanted to do extra, like prune my plants, spray for bugs, etc i would give him an extra hundred or two.
i came home to find half my plants dead, the litter NEVER once scooped, the chickens and ducks starved, 2 cats missing, the house a mess, the backyard a mess, my wife's weed was missing, my internet box was broken ($100 to replace)...needless to say i didn't pay him a dime and he can't have any of his equipment back until he pays for my internet. he is on SSD, 32 years old, yet is healthy enough to ride his bike 40 miles a week.
i wish i lived in georgia right now, or that oregon would pass a draconian immigration law. i'd be the first one out there picking the strawberries in june and the blueberries in august.