Losing Weight


Well-Known Member
Why should he throw in legs periodically?
How are you going to recommend this to someone whom you have not done proper assesments for?

Its like everyone jumping on the "insanity" workout train!

That just helps those dudes' fatten their pockets cause most quit said programs within a month ir so.

For somebody trying to lose a lot of weight quickly, I'd recommend alternating between cardio on day1 and weights on day2 and alternate. So a typical week would look like this:

Day2(Tuesday)Weights (Chest)
Day2(Thursday)Weights (Back)
Day2(Saturday)Weights (Shoulders)
Offday (Sunday)

and throw in leg and bi/tri workouts periodically.

That's basically the program I've followed forever, and I'm and pretty good shape right now. Give me a couple more months, and I'll be shredded.


Well-Known Member
Well I decided its time to change it up again after chilling for awhile.

Last summer I lost 80 pounds I went from 350 to 270 it only took about two months of working my ass off.

I been living shitty and gain back a bunch at 295.

I started jogging and cutting back caloric intake yesterday.

Today is day two first weigh in 291.4

This is more for myself then anyone just a place to keep track.

Sick of being fat. My main goal is 30 pounds in 30 days we'll see if I can do it.

I'm not telling anyone what im doing this time. You get so many compliments from people when you lose alot of weight.
hey ur going to have to wrk ur ass off to loose 30 pounds in 30 days. i lost weight with coke n x pills. :P went from 170 muscle to 140 with a lil bit of muscle :/ but of course i gained it back. so want to have fun n loose weight, do coke n ecstasy.


Undercover Mod
hey ur going to have to wrk ur ass off to loose 30 pounds in 30 days. i lost weight with coke n x pills. :P went from 170 muscle to 140 with a lil bit of muscle :/ but of course i gained it back. so want to have fun n loose weight, do coke n ecstasy.
Done it before. It might go slower now, but I know I can do it. I just have to have Dis-a-prine


Undercover Mod
287.1 Boom when I weighed myself this morning I was expecting to see little change and the exact opposite.

7.9 Pounds in three days I think mostly water weight but i been keeping myself hydrated drinking alot of water. I've also been working 10 hour shifts all week besides working out.


Well-Known Member
"Colonic cleansing covers a number of therapies and is intended to remove unidentified toxins and fecal waste from your colon. It can take the form of colon hydrotherapy or oral cleansing regimens.Colon cleansing is an essential process for your body. Believe it or not it’s being around for thousands of years and was practiced by the ancient Egyptians and Greeks. Although it has gained popularity in recent times it is not just a new fad from Hollywood.
Colonic hydrotherapy is the use of enemas to inject water into the colon using special equipment. Sometimes there is a mix of herbs or other liquids used including coffee.
You can also cleanse your system by oral intake of herbs like pure green tea and probiotics. Pure green tea will help your body burn fat, boost your metabolism naturally and has the added benefit of powerful antioxidants.
There are other supplements like these that can be used to clean the colon. These supplements help flush impacted fecal matter that has been gathering for a long time (years in most cases). When it flushes the bowel it also gets rid of plaque and harmful parasites as well. By removing this plaques and parasites you are helping get rid of constipation, gas, bloating and other chronic abdominal diseases.
Your colon is essentially a sewage system and as such needs to be maintained. We have so much toxins from pollutions and poisons from food entering our bodies (processed foods, flavourings, artificial sweeteners etc.) that our colons become abused and blocked up. If left neglected it can lead to intestinal pain, bloated stomach and constipation to name a few of the bowel related problems."

...they have said people have died with up to 15lbs of shit in them.......


Well-Known Member
"Colonic cleansing covers a number of therapies and is intended to remove unidentified toxins and fecal waste from your colon. It can take the form of colon hydrotherapy or oral cleansing regimens.Colon cleansing is an essential process for your body. Believe it or not it’s being around for thousands of years and was practiced by the ancient Egyptians and Greeks. Although it has gained popularity in recent times it is not just a new fad from Hollywood.
Colonic hydrotherapy is the use of enemas to inject water into the colon using special equipment. Sometimes there is a mix of herbs or other liquids used including coffee.
You can also cleanse your system by oral intake of herbs like pure green tea and probiotics. Pure green tea will help your body burn fat, boost your metabolism naturally and has the added benefit of powerful antioxidants.
There are other supplements like these that can be used to clean the colon. These supplements help flush impacted fecal matter that has been gathering for a long time (years in most cases). When it flushes the bowel it also gets rid of plaque and harmful parasites as well. By removing this plaques and parasites you are helping get rid of constipation, gas, bloating and other chronic abdominal diseases.
Your colon is essentially a sewage system and as such needs to be maintained. We have so much toxins from pollutions and poisons from food entering our bodies (processed foods, flavourings, artificial sweeteners etc.) that our colons become abused and blocked up. If left neglected it can lead to intestinal pain, bloated stomach and constipation to name a few of the bowel related problems."

...they have said people have died with up to 15lbs of shit in them.......

lmao "they have said ppl have died with up to 15lbs of shit in them" hahahaha


Well-Known Member
Holy shit, MMJ, you're 4 inches taller than me and a grown woman- I only weighed that much because I was diagnosed as anorexic. Maybe me being built more muscular and my ethnicity is a factor but I'm still not sure pushing for 110 when you already watch your food and do so much exercise is a good idea. I still had compulsory blood tests and no periods at that weight and I'm shorter than you. Just be careful okay. I'm safe now because my body got used to less fat and food but... Don't go nuts. You don't want to end up where I went. I love you x
thanks love, you and urca make me feel better but i am still after the last 10. i was always naturally 110 so being 120 is a bit heavier than i am accustomed to. if i get to 115/110, great, if not, i guess i will live with a few extra. i think i will go plank or something lol.