Losing Weight


Undercover Mod
Well I decided its time to change it up again after chilling for awhile.

Last summer I lost 80 pounds I went from 350 to 270 it only took about two months of working my ass off.

I been living shitty and gain back a bunch at 295.

I started jogging and cutting back caloric intake yesterday.

Today is day two first weigh in 291.4

This is more for myself then anyone just a place to keep track.

Sick of being fat. My main goal is 30 pounds in 30 days we'll see if I can do it.

I'm not telling anyone what im doing this time. You get so many compliments from people when you lose alot of weight.


Undercover Mod
I started doing situps in the morning and at night also besides jogging in the morning.

Eating mainly vegtables, fruits and small portions of meat


Well-Known Member
thats awesome that youre hittin the gym again bro! how tall are you?
man, ever since july 4th i have gained about 12 pounds or so. it
sucks! but i been hittin the weights and training to make that go away. keep up the progress making! :)


Undercover Mod
thats awesome that youre hittin the gym again bro! how tall are you?
man, ever since july 4th i have gained about 12 pounds or so. it
sucks! but i been hittin the weights and training to make that go away. keep up the progress making! :)
Thanks for the encouragement guy.


Well-Known Member
im 6'2 @ 275, not fat everyone just calls me big, but i too am on a regimen. woulnt mind losing the tummy. low calories and bike riding for me. cardio is the most important to shred the lbs. situp and all that wont burn fat, just kinda tone up the muscles under the fat. good luck man.


Well-Known Member
thats awesome that youre hittin the gym again bro! how tall are you?
man, ever since july 4th i have gained about 12 pounds or so. it
sucks! but i been hittin the weights and training to make that go away. keep up the progress making! :)
Don't forget that muscle weighs more than fat. I'm guessing that's why they say look in the mirror not the scale.


Well-Known Member
good luck man!

i'm on this medication right now and it makes me feel tired and weak all the time so i dont even have it in me right now. i'm not big or anything but i have been building a little stomach fat and those damn love handles.. mostly due to working at home on the computer.

but i stop the medication in about 5 months so after i get my energy back i'll have to get rid of it.


Well-Known Member
weights first, then right after hit the elliptical trainer (if u have 1) this way youre using your muscle for the weights
so by the time you get to the elliptical or treadmill or just joggin outdoors youll be burning mostly your fat stores.
makes weight loss happen at a faster rate. and feels great this way


Undercover Mod
The more muscle you build the more fat you burn when you work out. Thats why im jogging im hoping i can be running by the end of the month, it just kills me lol

I'm 6 2 and 291


Well-Known Member
oh i know muscle burns fat. thats why the weights first. gets your muscles working and then doesnt deplete their energy stores.
so by the time you get into jogging after the weights, your muscles arent working so hard and your metabolism
goes into over drive burning the excess fats predominantly. give it a go. after a few days youll notice the difference. i was skeptical
too. now its the only way i do it. ;)


Well-Known Member
Do not do what I did. I went on a diet where you inject yourself with a hormone everyday... i had bruises everywhere... plus you only eat 500 cal a day... I lost 40 pounds in 6 weeks... but its hard to maintain


Well-Known Member
Do not do what I did. I went on a diet where you inject yourself with a hormone everyday... i had bruises everywhere... plus you only eat 500 cal a day... I lost 40 pounds in 6 weeks... but its hard to maintain
thats not a diet, nor healthy.


Well-Known Member
500 a day is dangerous. that diet came and went as a fad. the added vitamin shots u were taking were basically a placebo.
my wife was doing that diet. i cant believe they re package it as a "new" thing. but glad you did good on it.