Pussy <3 <--

there isnt anything actually "likeable" about a pussy, its a rep[roductive organ, your put your dick in it...the "likeable" part is the feeling and the notch on the belt afterward,LOL....jk?
Question to all the females out there that decided to join this conversation about her pussy, your pussy, my pussy, and his pussy;)
What do you find to be the sexiest thing about a vagina ;)?
Lighten up? i weight 98 lbs :)
hahahahaha "2 pump chump" luv it muffin!!! I hope u gained a few over the years!!!
Maybe Kuroi wants everyone to know about her anatomy ;) I saw no questions only a request for one, followed by graphic details that even made me scroll down, YA ME!!! lmfao
I olny have the best interest of these young women at heart, my advice and opinons can be used or not at their discretion, but respect from men is not gained from the approach they seem to take, I want them to be happy and loved in life, not used because they don't realize how real women should act. I flirt and play but i also know what not to say when on open forum.
I think its good that women experience things like that at a young age. Imo its what seperates the kids rom adults, and usually you know someone that has a sexual addiction. And by defining being addicted I mean having unsafe sex, no alternative plans, getting into trouble having sex, and even having sex when your drunk and being sober telling yourself that your not going to have sex.

Most people learn from their experiences, others turn their unexplored sexuality into something a little more intense. You never want to date someone who has a seceret fetish of having sex in your bedroom with an other person.
I gotta say its all about the fluids, I think thats the sexiest part for me. Don't wanna get too detailed and right drip by drip explanations;)
Question to all the females out there that decided to join this conversation about her pussy, your pussy, my pussy, and his pussy;)
What do you find to be the sexiest thing about a vagina ;)?

lol i dont think my own vagina is sexy per se... some do look really nice though, if i was a man or a lesbian id be into it... as for my own, i think the "sexiest" part about it is the way it can feel... nuff said.
first of all, are you a girl? cuz then i'll respond to you hun :D What do i like about pussies? Ohh the fragrance of a well-kept wet one... but it's so much more than that...it's the curves that i wanna caress, hug and ride all at the same time...oh fuck i love women.

pussy is part of the puzzle....the center piece of stimulation when you're admiring a beautiful woman in all her natural excitement and glory. i love the smell of hair when i'm diggin up in some pussy more than the smell of pussy alone ;)
No im not a female but if it helps you I think everyone deserves to be respected and I wouldn't think twice before I told someone whos an ass hole to stfu.

I hope men can be mature enough to keep this conversation going without harassing the women openly kind enough to post.
w0rd i'm so in the mood to rail some pussy from behind in the shower...the girl's back arched, her head resting on my shoulder and soft, wet hair drapped down my back just beatin that booty while she moans in my eaaarrrr ...aaaaAaaaAAHHHHH ....

it's porn time