Pussy <3 <--

LMFAO damn everyone's a porn star these days, online porn has forever ruined young women , woohoo tramp stamps for all, lets all kiss and show our boobs !! oh wait everyone make a duck face while we show our thongs!! lmfao sorry but i enjoy my sexuality, im 29 i can, at 18 i had no idea lol , sorry asking people to ask u vagina questions when ur still discovering urself seems weird, not like ur gonna get an informative answer, only more details about the function of her vagina.
Sorry but the Urca Kuroi sex/drama threads are way to many these days, I miss the fun threads , not many these days.
Don't get me wrong, I'm as tight as it gets. I've embarrassed the hell out of a few who were horny as anything but had issues staying up long enough to force it in without trying to hold the front door open with a few fingers. It might take a bit but I stretch to accommodate and contract when it's inside- I stretch to however big whatever's in there is if I'm turned on, no extra unless you add.

Luger- where's the plane, and please bring ganja x

well, never had a dude or a guys fingers up there in my case... so i guess im good as far as tightness goes?
LMFAO damn everyone's a porn star these days, online porn has forever ruined young women , woohoo tramp stamps for all, lets all kiss and show our boobs !! oh wait everyone make a duck face while we show our thongs!! lmfao sorry but i enjoy my sexuality, im 29 i can, at 18 i had no idea lol , sorry asking people to ask u vagina questions when ur still discovering urself seems weird, not like ur gonna get an informative answer, only more details about the function of her vagina.
Sorry but the Urca Kuroi sex/drama threads are way to many these days, I miss the fun threads , not many these days.

lol i get you, im presonally done posting that stuff, just like you asked me to consider
i only read the last 3 pages, lighten up april...@ 18 i was a 2 pump chump also..maybe kuroi wants to know about the human anatomy so what
I was. It's just the very entrance that is physically small and tight, get past there and you'd see that those times I was aroused I was indeed soaking wet and ready to accomodate beyond that first hurdle. Alot of women have polyps, which are just normal tissue that swells up with blood and can shut things off a little at the entrance, despite them being ready.

Good god, you thought I was a guy? Only takes a second to look at my profile. Hey guys, this dude has missed like 5 threads full of my underwear. X3

Oh, and Cranker, I already mentioned that the 'hymen' membrane concept is an outdated misconception.

how so? cause that shit hurt! there was blood<--- btw its a very long story about how i know this, let me assure you, no guys fingers/dick have been down there
Don't you just love smelling a pussy that smells just the opposite of your dick? Its like an instant chemical reation, and it smells so freaking bomb! Don't know exactly how to describe it to you, but its better then sex and bbq ribs at the right tempature.

How the hell do you smell your own dick
i only read the last 3 pages, lighten up april...@ 18 i was a 2 pump chump also..maybe kuroi wants to know about the human anatomy so what

Lighten up? i weight 98 lbs :)
hahahahaha "2 pump chump" luv it muffin!!! I hope u gained a few over the years!!!
Maybe Kuroi wants everyone to know about her anatomy ;) I saw no questions only a request for one, followed by graphic details that even made me scroll down, YA ME!!! lmfao
I olny have the best interest of these young women at heart, my advice and opinons can be used or not at their discretion, but respect from men is not gained from the approach they seem to take, I want them to be happy and loved in life, not used because they don't realize how real women should act. I flirt and play but i also know what not to say when on open forum.
well i agree with the respect aspect...but my advice would be to that is..do not ever meet anyone online..meet people in real life, keep online ..online
Lighten up? i weight 98 lbs :)
hahahahaha "2 pump chump" luv it muffin!!! I hope u gained a few over the years!!!
Maybe Kuroi wants everyone to know about her anatomy ;) I saw no questions only a request for one, followed by graphic details that even made me scroll down, YA ME!!! lmfao
I olny have the best interest of these young women at heart, my advice and opinons can be used or not at their discretion, but respect from men is not gained from the approach they seem to take, I want them to be happy and loved in life, not used because they don't realize how real women should act. I flirt and play but i also know what not to say when on open forum.
Hmm this is the most serious I have seen you, not a bad thing.
I was waiting for someone to talk about respect for women I was beginning to think I was the only one that thought the same, so good advice.
AWWW my fuzzy spider don't confuse my words of passion with those of anger, I know my serious side is not often seen on here, but this time i had to say something, saying nothing seemed wrong. I luv Kuroi and Urca, just not all their threads lmfao
ok, so this doesn't exactly involve pussy, but when I was high once my friend told me it is impossible to piss during sex. I totally didn't belive him. anyone care to elaborate?
AWWW my fuzzy spider don't confuse my words of passion with those of anger, I know my serious side is not often seen on here, but this time i had to say something, saying nothing seemed wrong. I luv Kuroi and Urca, just not all their threads lmfao

lol i dont have a problem with what you say, the pity party threads will stop from me until something really big happens, like maybe losing my v card or ending it with David
awww my fuzzy spider don't confuse my words of passion with those of anger, i know my serious side is not often seen on here, but this time i had to say something, saying nothing seemed wrong. I luv kuroi and urca, just not all their threads lmfao

i love you all..and would treat you like queens....