Professor Marijuana's 45 Day Grow Q & A

There is about 300 to 350 ppm of C02 in the atmosphere naturally. Cannabis can use up to 1400ppm's. You MUST replace the C02 or you're dwarfing your girls. An AC is still bringing in C02 just cooling it first. It is still pushing new air in. Think of C02 for the plants just as Oxygen for you, if you sat in a sealed room the oxygen would be used up and you'd have a room full of C02, just the opposite for your girls

oh sir we all already know about all that. just want to get some clarification on venting holes is the grow area. the guy that had the diagram already told me what he was doing. he has a stuning room.
well prof your really outdoing your self with saying you got 11 pounds from a clone and in 42 days is so BS its not even funny in a 6 x 6 area you got 11 pounds hahahaha
how many plants you get in that area huh and from a clone to flower :)) i have done grows in rooms 3 to 4 times larger and with 70 plus plants exceding 60 " heights and best i got was 5 pounds with 2000 watts so please inform us all how you achieved this amazing 11 pounds from a 6 x 6 area and in 42 days please inform us :)) cause if you got them crammed in there there obviously your loosing weight as for lower bud development wouldnt one think as for light penetration isnt that why so many people these days loli pop there plants dam well knowing there getting popcorn buds
you sure seem to talk the talk not saying all your info is wrong but the 11 pounds in a 6x6 area sure the hell is


Well Doc, it seems you're only half the grower that I am. Practise, practise, practise. I don't believe I said I got 11 lbs from a clone in 42 days. If memory serves me right I believe it was 11 lbs in 43 days from 60 clones. Must be the extra day, OR, the extra 59 clones. If I was a Doc like yourself I could probably figure it out. Of course if the good Dr can only produce half of what I do then perhaps I'll stick with Professor. Nice sativa's, try indica's and maybe you can roll with the big dogs...arf arf
well prof your really outdoing your self with saying you got 11 pounds from a clone and in 42 days is so BS its not even funny in a 6 x 6 area you got 11 pounds hahahaha
how many plants you get in that area huh and from a clone to flower :)) i have done grows in rooms 3 to 4 times larger and with 70 plus plants exceding 60 " heights and best i got was 5 pounds with 2000 watts so please inform us all how you achieved this amazing 11 pounds from a 6 x 6 area and in 42 days please inform us :)) cause if you got them crammed in there there obviously your loosing weight as for lower bud development wouldnt one think as for light penetration isnt that why so many people these days loli pop there plants dam well knowing there getting popcorn buds
you sure seem to talk the talk not saying all your info is wrong but the 11 pounds in a 6x6 area sure the hell is


I used to popcorn but the buds in my avatar were as big as I could get my nugs. point taken
well prof your really outdoing your self with saying you got 11 pounds from a clone and in 42 days is so BS its not even funny in a 6 x 6 area you got 11 pounds hahahaha
how many plants you get in that area huh and from a clone to flower :)) i have done grows in rooms 3 to 4 times larger and with 70 plus plants exceding 60 " heights and best i got was 5 pounds with 2000 watts so please inform us all how you achieved this amazing 11 pounds from a 6 x 6 area and in 42 days please inform us :)) cause if you got them crammed in there there obviously your loosing weight as for lower bud development wouldnt one think as for light penetration isnt that why so many people these days loli pop there plants dam well knowing there getting popcorn buds
you sure seem to talk the talk not saying all your info is wrong but the 11 pounds in a 6x6 area sure the hell is


baby bud.jpg

If you look at your stretched out buds and then look at mine perhaps it will start to become clear why you're only half the way there. Of course that is one of the first attempts many years ago, I've gotten better over the last decade. How long have you been trying your hand at it by the way?
@ professor do u really put 60 plants under 2 reflectors? how big do your plants get? do u train at all in flower(fim,etc.)?
@ professor do u really put 60 plants under 2 reflectors? how big do your plants get? do u train at all in flower(fim,etc.)?

Yes I really do, I'm not here to blow smoke up anybody's skirt. The aerflow/60 has 60 spots for plants in an area that is about 6x6, if you get the specs on the hydrofarm magnum XXXL you'll see it is almost exactly the size of the plant area of the aeroflo. 60 plants 2000w. This is a pic of an early plant at 43 days. They are bigger now
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How much bud? times 60. It's not that far of a stretch folks. I'm surprised these folks that present themself as growers wise enough to call me a liar are so blinded they can't see the possabilities.
Yes I really do, I'm not here to blow smoke up anybody's skirt. The aerflow/60 has 60 spots for plants in an area that is about 6x6, if you get the specs on the hydrofarm magnum XXXL you'll see it is almost exactly the size of the plant area of the aeroflo. 60 plants 2000w. This is a pic of an early plant at 43 days. They are bigger now
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How much bud? times 60. It's not that far of a stretch folks. I'm surprised these folks that present themself as growers wise enough to call me a liar are so blinded they can't see the possabilities.

is that pretty much the whole plant? im just tryin to retain all this.
@ professor do u really put 60 plants under 2 reflectors? how big do your plants get? do u train at all in flower(fim,etc.)?

And yes I train each plant. There is an individual stake that can be leaned in any direction to hold each plant. The arms of the aeroflo will also spread apart to allow extra light in. I also trim throughout to maximize light penetration.

Folks if you pay attention to detail and are on top of things daily the numbers I speak of are absolutely possible.

Who do you want to listen too, these people who tell you what you can't do, or somebody here telling you what you CAN do?
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Take that bud times 60, times eight grows a year and you add up the wieght. Then spend ten years improving it. That's in 36 square feet. If you had even a single ounce that's still a lb per square foot per year, outstanding numbers in anyones book. They can say whatever they want, I challenge any of them to come close. You ask them and they'll tell you they can't. You know what? They're right.
just so we dont get it twisted. can u talk about how the yields might be lower if one was to grow out an og kush or a sd plant using your system. and how much different
do u think they would be providing the areoflo 60 is what we are using with 2 beast reflectors.
just so we dont get it twisted. can u talk about how the yields might be lower if one was to grow out an og kush or a sd plant using your system. and how much different
do u think they would be providing the areoflo 60 is what we are using with 2 beast reflectors.

Yields will be relative to what yields would be any other growing method. Pure Sativa's will yield at least half, perhaps less. I have had some sativa's do quite well, and kush's perform outstanding. Any cannabis is going to outperform norms if you really pay attention to the details. They will grow faster, stronger, bigger if you are on top of them and really keep things at peak levels. I believe that the attention you pay is the best addative you can give them.
you trim what fan leafs ??

I'll humor you. I trim sappers and yes even some fan leaves. The higher the leaf the less trimming, I don't neccessarily take the entire leaf off, many times I will cut it back by 25 to 50% much like I do when cloning. Of course we need to maintain enought to fuel the plant, correct Doctor? There you go, tare it apart and let me know how I can do better please. Why do I have the funny feeling you're planning on it?
You use the Aeroflo?

is this the most superior system? if I built my own (size constraints) Where would i get the mister heads?
Or Which ones should I get?
You use the Aeroflo?

is this the most superior system? if I built my own (size constraints) Where would i get the mister heads?
Or Which ones should I get?

I use the Aeroflo2. They don't have misters they have tubes they circulate the water and oxygenate the water in the arms. All of the parts can be purchased individually, the tubes are around $10. They sell an extension to double the 60 systems capacity(the picture I have posted is one of them) I have found however that I prefer spending the extra money to purchase a whole new system instead of the extention. I like having an independent pump instead of stressing a single one, also I don't like the circulation of the extended system.

This is an aeroflo2/60 with the extention I believe. It's a personal one I run in the garrage not at a facility. The plants are 30 days old from 2 inch clones (sour D). For an example this system is not in a state of the art facility, they obviously aren't pure indica's and are at only 30 days. That shows two of three systems in that room, or 120 clones. So in a home grow at 30 days what do you think they will average wieght wise? Multiply by 60 and it's a hell of a yield. People, I am not bs'ing you. I have absolutely no reason too. The possibilities are staggering. try it, I'll help you. FREE. you decide who's full of crap

It is to date my favorite system. I know what it can do if one right, look at it