Well-Known Member
wow. that sounds pretty gay upon reflection.
please, you two. get a room.You rang?![]()

wow. that sounds pretty gay upon reflection.
please, you two. get a room.You rang?![]()
the hell with venezuela, i say we invade canada. they've been standing between the lower forty-eight and alaska for far too long. it's high time we united all of north america under one flag. after that, we can start marching through mexico and grab up everything until we reach the panama canal. when we're done, we can evict everyone from our newly conquered territories and send them all to venezuela. let's see how hugo likes us then.
theyres no way you guys would attack canada, youd have nobody to pretend to be when you leave america
not gonna happen. the stick shoved securely up their collective ass makes it impossible for them to perform such a maneuver and i'm certainly not going to be the one that pulls it out.these frenchies should be a breeze to decimate and make bow in submission to our authority over them.
typical undereducated canuck. these frenchies should be a breeze to decimate and make bow in submission to our authority over them.
and we don't you sound liks a scared little Pussy.tactical deployment deficiencies??
china manufactures almost everything the US consumes.
and russia has warships capable of launching cruise missiles docked in Caracas as we speak. they'd reach the US coastline in minutes....
no thanx.
Who are you to make desision's,,,lol,,,"The Tea-Party",,,LOL...and again i say you have no right to represent Janice,,,she would roll over in her grave knowing you are a fan with you Idiotolgy views!we'll be sure to let you do it again, but only if you promise to wait until bambam is there.
you wouldnt have the fuel to run your equipment when 30% of it comes from canadaLet's see we are talking a couple hunded year's ago,,,I know you conservative Republican's or what ever you label yourselve's now would love to go back in time but the fact is,,,The US has the most powerful techonology to wipe anyone's ass of the map at anytime,,,So I really have no fear of canada lol,,,Plus don't you have something of a civil war between the english and french there? Kinnda like north and south here,,,But that was a long time ago,,,Guess who won.
Oh,,, Ok Canada,,,Supplie's the US... Without Canada we'd be done...Gottcha. I Don't know of anything made in canada?,,,Except cheap pine tree's!,,,Guess we need to shut don free trade so you stop stealing all our "Hardwood's",,,But we have "Real bacon",,,and If the US economy really fuck's up ...Just remeber it's a domino effect....This is just a Problem in the political arena,,,A big pissing match,,,It will be resolved,,,really with no help from you passafist sissy's...
heres a link for ya, ftp://ftp.eia.doe.gov/pub/oil_gas/p...ons/company_level_imports/current/import.html its the list countries top 15 countries that supply crude oil and petrolium to america check it out, canada is top of the list by far on both so shut up and do some research before blabbing your fat american mouth. and thats the tip of the ice berg if you read anyhting youll learn about the usa canada trade realtion, for the last 2 centuries weve been trading everything with eachother and without the other country neither would make it very long.
it really chaps my ass that a canadian can come on here and kick our ass in an argument. and he is right.
but let me tell you something you little northern flea flicker. once the people of this country stand up and realize what the libtards have been doing, we are once again be a great, the greatest country agai n. and i would say the awakening has begun. and i get the sincere feeling that the next election is going to be worse from the people i talk to. people arent giving up, the are reloading, with more fury than ever. we are here, we are not queer, and we are taking our country back.
we arent gonna let you supply us 30 percen t of our oil, we are gonna compete with your forrestry industry, and we are gonna remember how you treated us when we were down, you snotty little completely correct canuck!
and, we are gonna kick the shit out of your hockey team
Oh,,, Ok Canada,,,Supplie's the US... Without Canada we'd be done...Gottcha. I Don't know of anything made in canada?,,,Except cheap pine tree's!,,,Guess we need to shut don free trade so you stop stealing all our "Hardwood's",,,But we have "Real bacon",,,and If the US economy really fuck's up ...Just remeber it's a domino effect....This is just a Problem in the political arena,,,A big pissing match,,,It will be resolved,,,really with no help from you passafist sissy's...
funniest thing ive read all dayi cant even think of what to say next i just read it then laugh then i have to read it again to remeber what it says then i laugh..