It's Class Warfare Alright.

earlier in the year i posted a link to the details of this fact, but the liberal ear seldom pays attention to anything that may alter its perception of our place in the world. to statist dupes, the u.s. and capitalism in general is about screwing everyone else and hoarding profits made on the backs of the poor. he is quite correct about sweden's place in the world of charity. what he fails to mention is that this is in terms of official development assistance, which is largely government sponsored. private sector giving is an entirely different matter.

right on.

another thing i "learned" a few months back, that the bluest states are the least charitable. in other words, the libs would rather take your money and "donate" it, than reach into their own wallet.

as i recall connecticut was the least generous (mass was right in the mix too) and alabama or mississippi was the most generous. figures on alabama mississippi....those jesus worshipping freaks are alway handing their money out to those in need....
of course there is a place for federal intervention, but it is a matter of degree. just what would the point of financing a federal government be if all they did was ride around in private jets and molest interns? i would hope that, considering the massive amount of funds we provide the feds with, there would be some response to any major disaster. while the people themselves and their regional governments should bear the greatest burden of relief, that federal resources should be involved as necessary is only proper. this is, after all, a part of the duties of our government to protect the rights of the citizens to their lives and property. the problem with federal intervention is when, as in new orleans, local efforts are negligible and the bulk of the burden is expected to be placed on federal authorities.

you mean schoolbus ray nagen was a dumbass? who da thunk?

new orleans was definitely a lesson in liberal politics.

the funniest thing during the whole katrina (other than the south park episode which was hilarious) was the dems down there wanting to "rebuild" the ninth ward back to its previous state. kinda like saying, "hey, lets rebomb beriut". hilariously irresponsible.
the funniest thing during the whole katrina (other than the south park episode which was hilarious) was the dems down there wanting to "rebuild" the ninth ward back to its previous state. kinda like saying, "hey, lets rebomb beriut". hilariously irresponsible.
the entire new orleans fiasco was a sad commentary on liberal politics, the welfare state and the entitlement mentality. the rampant looting, the breakdown of local authority, the crime that followed in the wake of the city's refugees and the fact that much of the rebuilding was performed not by the people of the area, but largely by mexican immigrants, both legal and illegal. all of it is sadly stereotypical.
the government of sweden may very well force its people to give more than ours does, but the people of the u.s. willingly give a higher percentage of the gdp than any other nation on earth. our closest competitor in that race gives only half of what our citizens do.

if you want to believe the phoney UN type claculations. the ones that use GDP and some other nonsensical bullshit. but then again, you and mame love those charts.

go to any food pantry in the world and you will mostly see USA stickers on everything.

but then again, the french did donate tents for the bp oil spill.....fucking frog mothafuckas

dumb fucking shits. too stubborn to believe facts, eh?

not surprising.
dumb fucking shits. too stubborn to believe facts, eh?

not surprising.

look at what they are comparing it against? gdp. that makes no sense. of course the smaller you gdp, the easier to have a higher percentage. the two have nothing to do with each other.

a coutry of 2 people with a gdp of 30,000, they give away 10 bucks and they already lead the pack by a mile.

you should learn to process material better. we spend a lot of time finding you good facts. at least you can make an effort to learn how to evaluate it;
dumb fucking shits. too stubborn to believe facts, eh?
a little pissy today, aren't we. dig a little (or maybe just learn how to read) and you'll find that those are the numbers pertaining not just to the willing donations made by individuals and groups, but those stolen from the people through taxation as well. i realize that the statist position is that the people and the government are one, but it is donation by choice that we are talking about and even the most ignorant of y'all must admit that choice has very little to do with the government's use of your tax monies. we're talking about people here, not your beloved bureaucracy.
in new orleans the scope of the disaster was just too great.

that's it. the levy system is aging and needs a good upgrading too.

while the govt is at it let's fix some bridges and I45 could use some improvement as well....
a little pissy today, aren't we. dig a little (or maybe just learn how to read) and you'll find that those are the numbers pertaining not just to the willing donations made by individuals and groups, but those stolen from the people through taxation as well. i realize that the statist position is that the people and the government are one, but it is donation by choice that we are talking about and even the most ignorant of y'all must admit that choice has very little to do with the government's use of your tax monies. we're talking about people here, not your beloved bureaucracy.

the claim was that "americans are the most generous people on the planet".

i provided you information which blew that claim to shreds. you attempt to move the goalposts.

go ahead and move the goalposts. provide me with citation proving that we ARE the most generous of any nation.

or you could make yourself really useful and bring me a fucking sandwich.
quote from your post little buckaroo:
...americans are the most generous people on the planet....
so tell me, are we talking about people or are we talking about the state? there is a difference, you know. perhaps we should ask jeff who he intended, since i've made it obvious from the beginning who i was talking about. this is exactly why i abandoned the fake liberal establishment, they simply don't take people into account. it's all about how things appear to the masses and how many points they can score with the electorate. it's about abusing the illusions of populism and using the majority to beat the minority into submission. all the while, making sure that the public trough is well stocked to cater to their extravagances.
Republican goes to church
Write out a check for 100 dollars
Puts it in basket
gets 80 dollars change
then writes off the whole 100 dollars on his taxes
quote from your post little buckaroo:

so tell me, are we talking about people or are we talking about the state? there is a difference, you know. perhaps we should ask jeff who he intended, since i've made it obvious from the beginning who i was talking about. this is exactly why i abandoned the fake liberal establishment, they simply don't take people into account. it's all about how things appear to the masses and how many points they can score with the electorate. it's about abusing the illusions of populism and using the majority to beat the minority into submission. all the while, making sure that the public trough is well stocked to cater to their extravagances.

Maybe he meant Americans from another country and he wasn't trying to say U.S.? like Venezuela or Argentina?
the government of sweden may very well force its people to give more than ours does, but the people of the u.s. willingly give a higher percentage of the gdp than any other nation on earth. our closest competitor in that race gives only half of what our citizens do.
Man, what the hell are you talking about now? Did you say the government of Sweden may force it's people to give more to charity than ours does? In what way do they force them? Do you know that charity is not tax deductible in Sweden like it is here? Could it be that the reason Americans donate so much to charity has less to do with our hearts of gold and more to do with paying less taxes? Despite the fact that there is no tax incentive to donate to charity, Sweden gives more than three times as much money per capita to help the world’s poor as America does in governmental and private-sector aid combined.

edit-- my statistic is from government donations, so there would be no tax deduction anyway. I suppose this is what you mean when you say the citizens are forced to donate to charity. Damn Statists fuck me every time! I still think the charitable donations from the US has more to do with our tax policy and less to do with what angels we all are.
quote from your post little buckaroo:

so tell me, are we talking about people or are we talking about the state? there is a difference, you know. perhaps we should ask jeff who he intended, since i've made it obvious from the beginning who i was talking about. this is exactly why i abandoned the fake liberal establishment, they simply don't take people into account. it's all about how things appear to the masses and how many points they can score with the electorate. it's about abusing the illusions of populism and using the majority to beat the minority into submission. all the while, making sure that the public trough is well stocked to cater to their extravagances.

nice citation, dipshit.

as far as the people vs. the state distinction, i am talking about americans overall.

prove we are the most generous. show me some fucking evidence. put up or shut up, as they say.
so we've got two folks here who simply refuse to believe that private donations could possibly be made for charitable reasons. i suppose you also believe that our governments' intents are totally altruistic. once again you have shown me why i abandoned the hypocrisy of modern liberalism. y'all just can't understand how anyone could choose to give, when you yourselves are incapable of such generosity. or is it that you believe you are so much better than everyone else?

in case you hadn't noticed, the base upon which society is built is the individual. it isn't the mindless lowing herd or the busily humming hive, it is individuals choosing to come together for a common goal. how is it you can stand another moment on this earth if you see your fellow human beings as such base creatures? i don't doubt that there are certainly those whose purpose is far from altruistic in their charity or that many take full advantage of the deductions available for their gifts, but this is precisely the point. a system has been developed which rewards the positive behavior of the individual and all you can think to do is find its negative aspects. the result of that system is an unequaled outpouring of generosity, but it comes through choice and not through the force of the state, so it's simply not good enough for the likes of you. even with all this individual giving, our nation still lags behind others in the combined total. what does this tell you about the bureaucracy you so adore?

i really don't believe that the american people are inherently better than the people anywhere else in the world. there is certainly isn't anything in our genetic makeup that makes us a more giving people and our national ethos is no kinder than that of most other countries. what is different here is that the people have traditionally been allowed to keep a greater share of the wealth they struggle for and that they feel the occasional need to share that bounty. not only are they allowed to choose how they will share that wealth, they are even rewarded for the act. i can't help but wonder how generous the people of other nations would be if they too had our opportunity.

our governments reap trillions from their citizens, donating a paltry percentage of that sum to the welfare of the needy around the world. we all watch as they plot and plan, deciding where their donations will best serve their own agendas and creating massive bureaucracies to administer their largess. the private sector, on the other hand, creates non-profits for actual need. not all of them are any more honest than our political animals nor are they all as efficient as profit centered organizations, but their aims are not empire and control. unlike the governments of the world, they aren't concerned with battling ideologies or satisfying the whims of their constituencies. for the most part, they exist to serve their purpose and not to enrich meddling bureaucrats and reinforce their fiefdoms.
prove we are the most generous. show me some fucking evidence. put up or shut up, as they say.
i'd considered telling you to look it up for yourself, but i know that doing so would put a hole in your world view and you'd never do it. i've posted articles here at least once or twice on the subject and in a dozen other forums countless times. each time it seems to take forever to retrieve the information and it always seems to be from a different source.

so i'll take up your schoolyard gauntlet with this link -

it isn't as current as i'd like, but it'll just have to do.
i'd considered telling you to look it up for yourself, but i know that doing so would put a hole in your world view and you'd never do it. i've posted articles here at least once or twice on the subject and in a dozen other forums countless times. each time it seems to take forever to retrieve the information and it always seems to be from a different source.

so i'll take up your schoolyard gauntlet with this link -

it isn't as current as i'd like, but it'll just have to do.

you are a fucking dipshit.

in the original statistics i cited for you, you will find that americans give the most in total, overall amount. not surprising for the wealthiest (and very populous) country in the world.

however, we rank below pakistan in per capita charitable donations.

that'll do, pig. you have just proven yourself mentally retarded. congrats.
so we've got two folks here who simply refuse to believe that private donations could possibly be made for charitable reasons. i suppose you also believe that our governments' intents are totally altruistic. once again you have shown me why i abandoned the hypocrisy of modern liberalism. y'all just can't understand how anyone could choose to give, when you yourselves are incapable of such generosity. or is it that you believe you are so much better than everyone else?

in case you hadn't noticed, the base upon which society is built is the individual. it isn't the mindless lowing herd or the busily humming hive, it is individuals choosing to come together for a common goal. how is it you can stand another moment on this earth if you see your fellow human beings as such base creatures? i don't doubt that there are certainly those whose purpose is far from altruistic in their charity or that many take full advantage of the deductions available for their gifts, but this is precisely the point. a system has been developed which rewards the positive behavior of the individual and all you can think to do is find its negative aspects. the result of that system is an unequaled outpouring of generosity, but it comes through choice and not through the force of the state, so it's simply not good enough for the likes of you. even with all this individual giving, our nation still lags behind others in the combined total. what does this tell you about the bureaucracy you so adore?

i really don't believe that the american people are inherently better than the people anywhere else in the world. there is certainly isn't anything in our genetic makeup that makes us a more giving people and our national ethos is no kinder than that of most other countries. what is different here is that the people have traditionally been allowed to keep a greater share of the wealth they struggle for and that they feel the occasional need to share that bounty. not only are they allowed to choose how they will share that wealth, they are even rewarded for the act. i can't help but wonder how generous the people of other nations would be if they too had our opportunity.

our governments reap trillions from their citizens, donating a paltry percentage of that sum to the welfare of the needy around the world. we all watch as they plot and plan, deciding where their donations will best serve their own agendas and creating massive bureaucracies to administer their largess. the private sector, on the other hand, creates non-profits for actual need. not all of them are any more honest than our political animals nor are they all as efficient as profit centered organizations, but their aims are not empire and control. unlike the governments of the world, they aren't concerned with battling ideologies or satisfying the whims of their constituencies. for the most part, they exist to serve their purpose and not to enrich meddling bureaucrats and reinforce their fiefdoms.

read again buckeroo. individual charitable donations "as a percentage of gross domestic product". perhaps you can get someone there to explain it to you. make sure they use small words and maybe you'll get it in a couple of weeks.

wow, i'm really impressed.:clap: out of your nearly six thousand posts, i managed to find seventeen with actual content beyond cut and paste tomfoolery and gratuitous insults. keep up the good work.:roll:
so we've got two folks here who simply refuse to believe that private donations could possibly be made for charitable reasons. i suppose you also believe that our governments' intents are totally altruistic. once again you have shown me why i abandoned the hypocrisy of modern liberalism. y'all just can't understand how anyone could choose to give, when you yourselves are incapable of such generosity. or is it that you believe you are so much better than everyone else?

I don't give a fuck how generous people are. I just think that before you sing our praises like some kind of nationalist nutjob, maybe you should consider the ulterior motive for all this charity. For the record, I think our government is a bunch of evil pricks too.

in case you hadn't noticed, the base upon which society is built is the individual. it isn't the mindless lowing herd or the busily humming hive, it is individuals choosing to come together for a common goal. how is it you can stand another moment on this earth if you see your fellow human beings as such base creatures? i don't doubt that there are certainly those whose purpose is far from altruistic in their charity or that many take full advantage of the deductions available for their gifts, but this is precisely the point. a system has been developed which rewards the positive behavior of the individual and all you can think to do is find its negative aspects. the result of that system is an unequaled outpouring of generosity, but it comes through choice and not through the force of the state, so it's simply not good enough for the likes of you. even with all this individual giving, our nation still lags behind others in the combined total. what does this tell you about the bureaucracy you so adore?

You friggin statist pig! Why do you have to get the government involved in everything? I bet that everyone's taxes would be way lower if we didn't subsidize everyone's charity. You're making my taxes and everyone else's higher. You and all your charitable buddies have somehow gotten all your buddies in government to take from me and give you! Are you sure you're not a Liberal anymore?

i really don't believe that the american people are inherently better than the people anywhere else in the world. there is certainly isn't anything in our genetic makeup that makes us a more giving people and our national ethos is no kinder than that of most other countries. what is different here is that the people have traditionally been allowed to keep a greater share of the wealth they struggle for and that they feel the occasional need to share that bounty. not only are they allowed to choose how they will share that wealth, they are even rewarded for the act. i can't help but wonder how generous the people of other nations would be if they too had our opportunity.

our governments reap trillions from their citizens, donating a paltry percentage of that sum to the welfare of the needy around the world. we all watch as they plot and plan, deciding where their donations will best serve their own agendas and creating massive bureaucracies to administer their largess. the private sector, on the other hand, creates non-profits for actual need. not all of them are any more honest than our political animals nor are they all as efficient as profit centered organizations, but their aims are not empire and control. unlike the governments of the world, they aren't concerned with battling ideologies or satisfying the whims of their constituencies. for the most part, they exist to serve their purpose and not to enrich meddling bureaucrats and reinforce their fiefdoms.

I hate to break this to you, but you're a liberal. Now whenever I read your comments, I'm going to get a little creeped out because I'll know when you say liberals are douche bags that you're referring to yourself. I'll probably have to brush up on my Freud to figure out what kind of mental illness you have, but I'm sure that it means some traumatic shit must have happened in your past. For that I'm sorry. If I find a charity that cures that shit, I'll donate to it. I won't even write it off.