Auto Grow Start


Active Member
dank? you mean damp or is it slang? Anyway thanks for the support for a good harvest! I was thinking the bottom of a couple of plants have massive long stems with a tiny Popcorn bud on them should I leave em or snip em? Thought I got em at the beggining but missed it on S.A.D it would seem


Well-Known Member
the pics on the first pages have Phosphorus defficiency ("in flowering" (it looks a little different in veg)). and your plant doesnt look very dark, it needs some more N too. 1/2 strength is the best; it produces the fastest and largest growth

exampleView attachment 1753126


Active Member
Hey thanks for stopping by! No worries though got them some nitrogen yesterday as for phos ill get right on it,thanks!


Well-Known Member
looking good brotha! id leave the branches on if it were my plant. even if it is popcorn bud its still bud. thats a couple bowl packs you could be throwing away if you cut those branches.


Well-Known Member
dank = american slang, its a compliment. Yes, looking at your most recent pics you have a small N def. This is super common during mid to late flowering. And Napa is right your plants look fantasticalicious. Give em a bit of N and it'll carry them through to a solid harvest.


Active Member
thanks hoss! I was thinking "Shit! My plants look damp? Shit maybe they are going to rot! They do smell funny...Oh god! lol Also Hoss you told me they were N deficient on wednesday...remember you told me to check out your black briar? or you could be psychic! And I gave them some tasty N- but think it might of nute burned em a bit, you can never bloody win! ;)

As for harvest Im not too sure Id be super happy with a 14g dry a plant but I doubt it


Well-Known Member
yeah I always error on the side of giving them a little less than a full dose with heavy nutes. My apologies for not mentioning that earlier. I would step it down a bit. Autos have such a quick life cycle they tend to soak up the nutes faster than photo period plants.


Active Member
Cool ill cut back on the dosage, damn why does everything go fine untill your close to the end!?! lol

Starting to smell now, Vertigo I swear to god smells of coffee Medium roast I think, S.A.D really fruity and sweet mmmm, Blackjack Smelling well like skunk, and Auto maria 2 is a really fucking strong sweet smell that catches the back of your throat like when you catch a whiff of super glue.

Ive got some fitters booked in to do some work on my house At the end of Sept, I know they will be done by then, Im thinking 2 weeks for the leads- if anybody has a second opinion that would be much appreciated. Id go with trichs but from what I understand amber trichs on Satvias such as Auto maria 2 and S.A.D youll be waiting a long time, atm trichs are all cloudy on the leaders. Which is ok coz Im mixing and matching, the Blackjack and Vertigo will be allowed to go 50-75% amber whilst the satvias will be milky for that uplifting high.


Well-Known Member
that vertigo sounds like some nice wake n bake herb dude. cant wait to read the smoke report. as for when to cut your girls down, thats up to you brotha. i thought u were gonna do each plant different to experiment with the trichs?


Active Member
I kinda am still just small change Auto maria 2 will be 100% milky no amber, vertigo some amber, Blackjack lots of amber, and sad about 50/50 (reason bieng is found that blackjack is S.A.D cross so seems like the most sense) the prob Is i find it a bit more difficult because im growing auto, ive always grown norm so the bud developtment is different, instead of saying 6 more weeks im like 10 more days? lol

There is no doubt vertigo will win the race, no doubt- then itll be Auto maria 2 but as for the other 2 ohh its anybodys guess....Place your bets now!!

for scale on the pics the main cola pic of vertigos exactly 4.5 inches

Right just read about 160 pages on flushing and curing. So I was confused before but it seems flushing is a silly idea according to people who know a hella lot more than me-so wont bother,

If anybody wants to chuck in a tip for harvest/curing/flushing it would be great but I can't read anymore my eyes are bleeding lol


Active Member
Vertigo.jpg1314811504874.jpg2nd Vertigo Cola.jpg
Blackjack.jpgBlack Jack 2.jpgAuto Maria.jpgS.A.jpgS.A.D.jpg Hey guys some pics =) In order Vertigo, her main Cola, 2nd cola,Blackjack,Blackjack,Auto Maria,S.A.D and S.A.D again. They are getting nutes to cure thier probs but the green hasn't made a full comeback yet, Also some slight nute burn on tips from trying to go above half strength but these things will happen and yeah Vertigo who reacted a little harsher to the nute dose (can you tell....) But all in all they are growing well with some rather nice bud developtment for under a 250 CFL anyhow checking trichs every couple of days on vertigo to get desired amber ratio and it looks like maybe next week sometime,

P.S I know I said I decided not to flush but I am going to flush Vertigo for a week in a few days before harvest to be on the safe side, sitting on the fence loving it

Peace out =)


Active Member
Thanks guys its a bit hard to tell I mean number of sites blackjack looks like some sort of bonzai tree as you can see with alot of potential sites, Vertigo well im stoke to weigh her main cola its about 5 inches tall and a couple of inches wide and dense, really dense, auto maria has a big cola but not too dense but she has produced alot of big nuggets, S.A.D Im waiting to see as she is looking like a seriously nice yield-

I willl reccomend one at the end because as you can see i cant choose atm lol but I mean speed for yield? Deffo Vertigo Im just waiting for more amber trichs its getting close she kinda stopped filling out past couple of days but the trichs are going a bit faster so its a close call, then obv auto maria Im just waiting for her but she is still filling out slightly and her trichs are all milky, like a heavy smokey bong =)

I think timewise Blackjack has obv inherited it from S.A.D as they are side by side, in the bad way lol


Active Member

Ive have changed my mind I am going to chop the Vertigo and Auto maria while they are mostly milky the reason bieng that due to lack of light and space I am going to put the S.A.D and Blackjack by themselves to maximise overall yield as thier slowness may be due to lack of light as they are both at the back. Im going to continue to Flush for it, I reckon if I get alot of light on the S.A.D its gonna be a sick yield, Blackjack too I think, funny that they are both the LST done, but I got my wish of a big ass massive cola so thanks vertigo, Stay tuned peeps!