Auto Grow Start


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1316273806615.jpg1316274538839.jpg1316273979615.jpg1316274047055.jpg1316273902271.jpg1316274003190.jpg1316274505486.jpg1316273837642.jpg Here is S.A.D its sad because its a beast but fuck sake she is taking ages, I have no idea how long but swear she is leaning on my last nerve yo! lol


Active Member
1316274369758.jpg1316274335469.jpg1316274354036.jpg1316274447095.jpg1316274398429.jpg1316274419630.jpg1316274558653.jpg Oh blackjack, Well she is frosty but fuck me the leaf to bud ratio is rediculous so many leaves! Gave her some bud boost and nutes last week and she didnt seem to like it so dropped it to about 1/5 dose now. I dont know time but its pretty poor bud growth ='(


Well-Known Member
yea that s.a.d looks like she got some monster colas! and that blackjack not so much lol. she still looks tasty though.


Active Member
Thanks stevie! No idea how longs left on S.A.D but cant hold off the workers for ever so starting to panic a little now lol

If anybody has an idea, that would be awsome =)


Active Member
great. Went to go get a bit of skunk and mould, just a tiny bit maybe 2 mm wide, cut off infected bud and hung to dry again, I mean damn, they were hanging for a week drying then jarred and opened every day for bout 4 hours I mean, CUMON!!


Well-Known Member
that sucks dude. make sure u check all the other bud really good (im sure u already did) and try keeping a small fan or something on the other plants that your drying. maybe its too humid where your doing the drying?


Active Member
Its a cardboard box with string through it with handle holes and a lid, I put it a desktop fan on low, checked all the others with a microscope in detail and didnt see any signs of mold so hopefully this was an isolated incident...


Active Member
Blackjacks coming down, its going to be an awful awful yield but its not grown in like 2 weeks and the buds are really wierd so I think dodgy genetics, will post pics ofcourse soon


Active Member
SUUPER PISSED OFF came back from work and my plants snapped in half, My missus had to hide the plant as a pipe burst and the plumber and landlord were coming over so she panicked and chucked it under the bed, fair enough and I appreciate bieng kept outa jail but damn! The S.A.D was going to be my masterpiece, and instead of me snipping her down with pride she had her spine snapped completely and flung in a shallow bed. so RIP and photos tommorrow morning, in mourning at the moment


Active Member
1,2,4,5,10,13 Blackjack
Rest are S.A.D some yield well over two Oz but going to just wiegh dry wieght as she had been watered day before but all in all lovely plant, great yield, nice sweeet smell but dieed too young

Blackjack, well the pictures speak for itself, it was the runt of the pack and so was its yield lol oh well 3/4 is a good score!


Well-Known Member
nice man! i think that blackjck looks good too man. it might just be the camera but still looks good to me. hows the smoke on the other two girls? they've been curing for about a week now no?


Active Member
Thanks man yeah the others are a great smoke vertigo tastes sooo good really skunky and auto maria tastes really sweet quite like lychees lol both head highs with slight couch lock


Well-Known Member
so what was your total dry yield for all 4? i cant keep up
fantastic plants though. i have a 600w which would be £20 a week to run on its own at 18/6, which seems a bit ex-e. might just get a 200/250 and another cable and put the cfl straight into the hps reflector. i should get autos too then i suppose?


Active Member
so what was your total dry yield for all 4? i cant keep up
fantastic plants though. i have a 600w which would be £20 a week to run on its own at 18/6, which seems a bit ex-e. might just get a 200/250 and another cable and put the cfl straight into the hps reflector. i should get autos too then i suppose?
Thanks dude, got 5 oz and something, not thinking so good after smoking so much lmao. I like the CFL cause its heatless and can get close, but wish I had more watts. Yeah autos are great man, lower yield obv but if your like me and would rather have different batches to "conniseur" then they are a god send. The CFL is cheap to run as well, I havent really noticed a decrease since I stopped or increase when I started lol,

Good luck dude!