The Kitty Washing Machine


Well-Known Member
here's a good one LOL [video=youtube;1hPxGmTGarM]![/video]


Well-Known Member

till this day my buddy's cat still shits in his toilet.


Well-Known Member
i can't believe people can train a cat to shit in a toilet LOLOLOLOL

he did it with a metal kitchen bowl with kitty litter on some phone books next to the toilet, just keep raising it ...He pretty much just followed what most people do. Crazy though.

Make you kitty litter bill go down, and water bill go up.


Well-Known Member
he did it with a metal kitchen bowl with kitty litter on some phone books next to the toilet, just keep raising it ...He pretty much just followed what most people do. Crazy though.

Make you kitty litter bill go down, and water bill go up.
it would be worth it if the water bill went up a little bit i hate changing the cat litter LOL


Well-Known Member
Lol great thread, this ones pretty funny too.
