The Kitty Washing Machine


Well-Known Member
When my fuzzfuffin gets dandruff, in the bath he goes, no excuses. It usually means he has fleas, which is a rare occurrence but it happens. Or he rolls in something oily.


Well-Known Member
giving a cat a bath in the bathtub is fine, but that machine? makes me think animal cruelty. seriously, that poor cat looked manic trying to escape...

Michael Sparks

Active Member
Word, see what some do for domestication, sad that we cannot see we have been domesticated as well.. Now i am going to go drown myself in the tube.


Well-Known Member
Am I too domesticated?! This Wolfie doesn't mind collars and crawling into someone's lap for a scratch behind the ear :3


Well-Known Member
I had tears coming out my eyes before the guy even started pressing the button...

Horrible, but god damn it was hilarious.

Michael Sparks

Active Member
i did too, i remember when i had a cat (when i was young) dare i give him a bath... he had something for me, loud cry's and claws in my arms.. only gave him a bath once


Well-Known Member
My old roommate had this long haired all white cat named princess, one year for st. patty's day I dyed it green. I still have a scar on my arm from it till this day.


Well-Known Member

for some reason this always made me laugh


Well-Known Member

ok 1 more...cats are spooks