I just planted a crip seed idk if a anyone knows what it is I'm from Florida btw. It sprouted and I just put it in some nice soil I bought from home depot and under 2 100w spectrum lights from home depot with 5500 K each I figured that's enough.....the plant is about 4 inches tall and maybe 8 days old.....I keep my house around 70 in the daytime and 64 at night. ( I know my friends n fl can't stand to come in at night it's like a freezer) I used miracle grow all purpose plant food also from home depot and didn't know if I could use a better type of food, though I means better food I could find in your average store I don't want to Order offline or anything. All I've been doing is reading the last few weeks about it and everyone says different things it's hard to figure which really works it's my first plant I don't want to risk doing something that don't really work. Should I keep it 24h light on while it's in this state? And secondly, how long usually for it to grow to the point where it's flowering?