Beanz 2.1 400w Bare-Bulb Vertical Plushberry - True OG - Pre98 Bubba Kush Grow


Well-Known Member
BEANZ ur the man, subbed of course, can't wait to see you one up your last grow, time to suck up some more info :)


Active Member
I see that you're also a fan of FMA am I right?
I'm not nearly as involved in the anime world as I used to be, is brotherhood a new series that's still being written week by week, or is it already finished? Cause waiting a week to find out what happens is killing me!
And Scandal's Shunkan Sentimental is my new favorite j-pop song, but I love the closing theme of season one too
yeah i think im the biggest FMA fan. #geekshit and brotherhood is finished. it takes the story on a whole new level its awesome. btw this is my fav cant beat japanese rock [jpop]


Well-Known Member
Im super lucky, i have been saving Brotherhood for a bit. Stil have yet to see a single episode. Saving it for when my harvest comes in....gonna sit and smoke the fuck out, eat mexican food, and watch FMA with my girl....gon'b'tite


Active Member

Edit: Oops missed a page of comments.

Good luck op. I was wondering.. that mirror wont cause any problems? Hot spots?


RIU Bulldog
yeah i think im the biggest FMA fan. #geekshit and brotherhood is finished. it takes the story on a whole new level its awesome. btw this is my fav cant beat japanese rock [jpop]
Right, brotherhood is over, but I don't know what they're calling it now. I just saw the one on saturday where the flame alchemist guy is about to open a portal foo crazy gold-teeth-funny eyes-guy (sorry I really got last when I stopped watching for a few months... :( ). Is that the latest one?

Im super lucky, i have been saving Brotherhood for a bit. Stil have yet to see a single episode. Saving it for when my harvest comes in....gonna sit and smoke the fuck out, eat mexican food, and watch FMA with my girl....gon'b'tite
You wont regret it. I was skeptical at first, but it's good.
I lost faith in anime after Cowboy Beebop ended but that only cause I wasn't as involved in the whole anime world like I used to be in high school. Every anime I watched after Cowboy Beepop just couldn't keep up. CBB was epic. The old Fooley Cooley was good, all the Ninja Scroll movies, Vampire Hunter D, X, TriGun, Bleach is alright.... a lot of good stuff came from the 80s and 90's.
My fav anime was actually Ranma 1/2! lol


RIU Bulldog

Edit: Oops missed a page of comments.

Good luck op. I was wondering.. that mirror wont cause any problems? Hot spots?
Hmmm. I haven't thought of that...
but the surface is crystal smooth, not like aliuminum foil or something. I think I'll be alright, but I'm gonna keep an eye in it, thanks.
Btw Mitch Hedburg is funny as fuck.

With a stop light, green means 'go' and yellow means 'slow down'. With a banana, however, it is quite the opposite. Yellow means 'go', green means 'whoa, slow down', and red means 'where the heck did you get that banana?'

'The depressing thing about tennis is that no matter how good I get, I'll never be as good as a wall.'

'I want to be a race car passenger: just a guy who bugs the driver. Say man, can I turn on the radio? You should slow down. Why do we gotta keep going in circles? Can I put my feet out the window? Man, you really like Tide...'

Some of my fav mitch hedburg quotes.


Active Member
'I want to be a race car passenger: just a guy who bugs the driver. Say man, can I turn on the radio? You should slow down. Why do we gotta keep going in circles? Can I put my feet out the window? Man, you really like Tide...'
at the end of that he says, "i think you need to make a left" love that shit. :]


RIU Bulldog
at the end of that he says, "i think you need to make a left" love that shit. :]
XD YEah he does, I forgot about that. Man that made me lolirl. Haha
I'm still smiling thinking about it.

Check out a comedian named Jeff Jefferies. He's nothing like Mitch Hedburg, he's a little blue, but he tells this story about how we stuck a vibrating egg up his ass. It sounds awful, but it's priceless.


RIU Bulldog
Morning UK. Everyone else...shouldn't you be asleep by now???
After taking a look this morning, I'm about 90% sure that the two questionable plants are females. The stigmas are teeny tiny but I'm pretty sure I see them emerging. That'll give me three females outta five which given the size of SSH, will be perfect for my little 400w'er. These plants grow damn fast. I don't know if it's the genetics, although this strain has a lot of hybrid vigor, but these plants grow a noticeable amount daily.
There's some burn going on on the lower leafs that look like N deficiency. Thing is, I noticed it last week and already gave a small dose of base nutrients. 200 ppm to be exact.
After a few days, instead of getting it's green color back, the leaves became even yellower and are now showing nutrient burn. So my plants are deficient but the amount of food I'm giving them isn't enough...yet the leaves burn. ((o_O)) You can imagine my frustration.
This leads me to believe that 1)this strain doesn't like chemical fertilizer and/or 2)I need a more pure source of Nitrogen. I've read that she prefers a rich organic soil over chemical fertilizers; I now understand why. It looks like she doesn't like to be force-fed in soil. I removed the males from the main show. I'm going to keep them so I can collect their pollen so that I can make more SSH seeds, but breeding isn't the focus of my grow. This time around, I just want to get to know her, but eventually I want to make my own SSH crosses.
The first might be ssh x plushberry...
If I dont' fuck them up, these are going to be some really beautiful plants. Perfectly symmetrical, thin pointy leaves. Sporting that classic sativa lime-green. These are the three females I got outta 5 plant.
Super Silver Haze

Plant issues

The last one you have to look at carefully. Any help/criticism is appreciated.


I got a list of shit I need to buy, but I'm stressing about how. I need-

-Piranha (beneficial fungi)
-AN Rhino Skin (Potassium silicate)
-AN Voodoo Juice
-New bulb (preferably CMH but at least a quality one like Horti)
-Quality soil like Pro-MixHP, Roots or something(keep having to settle for MG Organic Choice)
-Earthworm castings, bat guano and compost for fertilizing
-New mini-fan for the bulb (the one I have now is a pile)
-pH Up
-Fan speed controller

I pretty much need all the basic shit to have accomplish a successful, impressive grow...God help me. I'm working on it tho.
I changed the light schedule so they run at night so my updates are gonna be a day late in the UK as I'll be posting the late in the afternoon most of the time.



Well-Known Member
beanz i think that last plant is just a lil hungry, cuz those are sings of deff , its eating its self, but i could be wrong

EDIT: here is one of mine, thats doing the same, after i saw it happenin i fedd it arorobic manure tea (rabbit) and mixed in some lime and the new growth is green and the yellow leaves are turning back but am not sure they will look nice and green again but the plant will liv :)


RIU Bulldog
BEANZ ur the man, subbed of course, can't wait to see you one up your last grow, time to suck up some more info :smile:
Thatnks man, glad to have you along for another grow.
beanz i think that last plant is just a lil hungry, cuz those are sings of deff , its eating its self, but i could be wrong
Thanks mugsey. You're probably right. They're sativas so they're gonna be lighter than indicas, but I don't think the bottom leaves are supposed to be so yellow this early on. I've been meaning to mix up a batch of earthworm casting tea for the girls. I want to transplant them into 2 gallon pots asap also. I want to grow 4 ft plants and then wrap them in a vertical scrog. When the plants get big enough, I'm gonna throw in another 140w (2x 68w) 6000k CFLs It's gonna look cool once I done setting it up you'll see.


Well-Known Member
Hey mate, I'm now subbed along here :bigjoint:
The ladies do look a 'lil hungry as already stated and I would deffo get some extra N into them too fella :wink:.
And Kev' it's a great thing you have done for Beanz, karma will surely return your kindness believe me mate I know from my own personal exp' :wink: