Guys: How long do you like hair on a woman?

Morgan Lynn

Active Member
I recently purchased argan oil, gotta say i love it!! will always use it!!

And don't worry urca i'm almost 30 but often mistaken for a high school girl lmfao, i luv dropping my id and hearing people say "wow u look young" lol
I just turned 24 on Saturday and I get mistaken for 18 constantly. I go into bars and get carded like 5 times. Some asshole tried to say my ID was fake because I wasn't wearing glasses when I was buying beer. I told him either you let me buy this 30 pack now or I'm taking my money some place else.

Richie LxP

Well-Known Member
I just turned 24 on Saturday and I get mistaken for 18 constantly. I go into bars and get carded like 5 times. Some asshole tried to say my ID was fake because I wasn't wearing glasses when I was buying beer. I told him either you let me buy this 30 pack now or I'm taking my money some place else.
I got refused in a well known shopping center over here trying to by gargle with my passport, they shot me down saying it wasnt me in the photo and when i asked for the manager they threw me out on my ear.

I have been asked multiple time for lighters and skins the last while, i just cant grow any dam facial hair!

Is that so wrong?!?!


Active Member
I think guys tend to like girls with long hair. I have very very short hair and I love it. It's really easy to manage and I don't need to buy 100's of dollars worth of hair crap.
I happen to love your hair!! It looks so sexy! Some girls can pull it off and others cant... You definately CAN!


Well-Known Member
nobody cares about what a girls hair looks like as long as shes down to fuck and not bother you afterward via text/email/facebook/phone call and ofcourse in listen to some MF DOOM and MR.Fantastik and smoke some weed....



Well-Known Member
Yup. Put my hair in pigtails and I eat free in Pizza Hut.


Glad the argan oil is working for you April. It's a little pricey, but so worth it x

what is argan oil? will it make curly hair less frizzy? or is it just for people with straight hair or for those who straighten their hair?


Pickle Queen
what is argan oil? will it make curly hair less frizzy? or is it just for people with straight hair or for those who straighten their hair?
Oh yes , but i also suggest Marc Anthony's Beach waves or "sprunch" from Aussie, also using a sea salt spray works very well to tame frizz but maintain soft bouncy curls.

Some info pour vous ma belle:

This natural product is argan oil, a oil derived from a natural tree of Morocco known as the Argan Tree. The fruit and nuts of the tree are pressed to release the natural pure organic argan oil.

Argan Oil Natural Ingredients

The argan oil is high in Omega 3 and Omega 9 unsaturated fatty acids providing a boost of vitamin E when applied to the hair.

With frizzy or damaged hair, the hair strand is split and jaded. When the oil is applied to the strand the outer hair sheath is nourished and the cells flatten. Due to the dis-order of the outer sheath the oil readily enters and is absorbed by the hair strand.

The hair strand is immediately nourished providing hydration and elasticity. With the immediate repair of the outer hair sheath, each hair strand lies flat and combined with other strands reducing frizziness and tangle.


Well-Known Member
yeah its hard, either i use mousse and alot of hairspray, and while my hair is semi soft to the touch, its not a natural silky feeling.
Its not like its hard and obviously scrunched so hard its crunchy, its just hard to find the prefect balance.
45% of the time i get the good balance, 25% of the time its kinda crunchy, and the rest of the time its in a bun.
I stopped wearing it in a bun so much though when i go out in public due to a skin condition i have on my neck


Well-Known Member
wats the best shampoo and conditioner for guys with straight dark hair. price doesn't matter i want the best lol. i remember my exwife had this shit that worked sooo fucking good it was like 50 bucks each bottle for some small ass shit. any ideas?


Well-Known Member
wats the best shampoo and conditioner for guys with straight dark hair. price doesn't matter i want the best lol. i remember my exwife had this shit that worked sooo fucking good it was like 50 bucks each bottle for some small ass shit. any ideas?
i used to use shampoo made for black people and my hair was beautiful and soft...


Well-Known Member
wats the best shampoo and conditioner for guys with straight dark hair. price doesn't matter i want the best lol. i remember my exwife had this shit that worked sooo fucking good it was like 50 bucks each bottle for some small ass shit. any ideas?
since when do guys use shampoo?

my hair is at least a few inches long and i never ever use anything to wash my hair, warm water does fine. if your hair is dry or frizzy and gross, its becuase you're washing it. it's supposed to feel a little oily, the natural oils are the best thing for your hair. its the only thing that makes hair look healthy without using products.


Well-Known Member
since when do guys use shampoo?

my hair is at least a few inches long and i never ever use anything to wash my hair, warm water does fine. if your hair is dry or frizzy and gross, its becuase you're washing it. it's supposed to feel a little oily, the natural oils are the best thing for your hair. its the only thing that makes hair look healthy without using products.
Unless you work hard and sweat like a man does,,,Than you are pretty much forced to wash your hair.....Head and shoulders original formula has been working for me since I was a teenager, Back when I had a long ass mullet of epic proportions LOL.
Back to OP....Ladies....I can't stress enough how much I need to stress to you that long hair is the way to go.....As long as its clean and not more than one color at a time please......In my 4 decades of enjoying watching beautifull women,,,,,Not many of the women I consider to be beautifull have short hair.


Well-Known Member
Unless you work hard and sweat like a man does,,,Than you are pretty much forced to wash your hair.....Head and shoulders original formula has been working for me since I was a teenager, Back when I had a long ass mullet of epic proportions LOL.
Back to OP....Ladies....I can't stress enough how much I need to stress to you that long hair is the way to go.....As long as its clean and not more than one color at a time please......In my 4 decades of enjoying watching beautifull women,,,,,Not many of the women I consider to be beautifull have short hair.
the only time is if i'm working on my car since my hands always end up touching my head quite a bit, then i'll need something to get that grease and oil out (body wash). but sweat and dirt? water gets that clean real quick. i'm a huge minimalist when it comes to stuff like that. a washcloth, some body wash and a face wash for after i shave is all i'll ever need. plus my toothbrush/paste that i keep in my shower.


Well-Known Member
I personally like a women with 'about' shoulder length hair.

Speaking of women...

for those of you who know what a Methadone clinic is.. I go to one every single morning to get my daily dose, except Sundays. They give us our daily dose on Saturday, then they give me a take-home dose for Sunday. Well, this past Monday morning.. this really cute girl just started talking to me.. and that's kind of a big deal for me because usually girls don't talk to me. Hell, I haven't had a REAL gf since... Junior High school.. and I'm 29 years old now. So yeah, I have almost ZERO experience talking to girls. Anyhow, she started talking to me.. so of course I talked with her. Then Tuesday morning when I got there, I got there before she did.. but I was still waiting for the nurses to call my number so I could get my daily dose of medicine.. and while I was waiting on my number to be called, the girl came into the waiting room and waved at me and immediate sat down RIGHT next to me and we began another conversation. She seems really nice.. for the two days I've talked to her.. she just has these eyes that.. I dunno.. I can't say I know her, after two days of casual 10 minute conversations.. but there's just something about her that I can't get her out of my mind!

Well, this morning... I pull into the parking lot around 5:55am this morning right? Well, I go inside and I see her out of the corner of my eye, but I told myself not to look her way.. and just wait and see if she sparks up another conversation with me. Well, I walk up to the front desk to check in for the morning.. and I notice her looking at me, out of the corner of my eye.. checking me out (again.). After I checked in at the front desk, I walk right past her and into the waiting room.. hoping that she would say hello or good morning.. or maybe even come into the waiting room and have another conversation with me.. but, it didn't turn out that way. She didn't even say hello or anything to me. She didn't come into the waiting room either.

I think maybe it was because she was next to be called up to the nurses window.. and maybe was in a hurry this morning. There's all kinds of possibilities of why she didn't say hello or come into the waiting room with me. You just never know..

But at the same time, its like.. okay, are you just one of those fucking teases?? One of those gold diggers, or what? If she is either of those.. she's wasting her time with me.. because I don't want a girl that wants/likes me for what I have.. I want a girl that will like/love me for WHO I am on the inside.. and not love me for how I look.. or what I have.

But it seems like all the girls these days care about.. is looks. Looks won't keep your partner around forever.. because looks change over time. We all age.. in other words. What true love is... is loving someone for who they are on the inside.

But anyhow, should I try and spark a conversation with her the next time I see her? Or, just let it go? I think she has two kids too... which, I don't mind.. I love kids! But, yeah.. I'm not sure if I should pursue her.. or just let it go and see if she comes to me again.

Any help/advice with this would be greatly appreciated.


p.s. - I realize that a Methadone Clinic/office isn't the greatest/ideal place to meet someone.. especially a girl, but man.. this girl doesn't look like she's had two kids. I mean she's really good looking and seems like a nice girl.. for the two days that I've talked with her. Anyhow, thanks.

Morgan Lynn

Active Member
since when do guys use shampoo?

my hair is at least a few inches long and i never ever use anything to wash my hair, warm water does fine. if your hair is dry or frizzy and gross, its becuase you're washing it. it's supposed to feel a little oily, the natural oils are the best thing for your hair. its the only thing that makes hair look healthy without using products.
I completely agree with you. Finally someone who gets it! I rarely use shampoo. If I do my hair is a puffy mess. I run water through it and massage my scalp. If my hair or skin feels "dry" I use olive oil. Yes, I have olive oil in my shower. My hair is never greasy since I have a naturally light complexion. Also, natural oils on your face is better than any anti-aging product you can ever buy. If I don't have to go anywhere important or if I'm just going to the store, I never put makeup on. I go days and days with out make up and only wash my face at night. Of course if you are naturally oily or have acne you have to wash twice or sometimes 3 times a day. In addition to anti-aging, I do NOT go tanning or sit in the sun. If I want to be tan I buy a bronzer or some sort of lotion that gradually tans my skin. My mother sits out in the sun too much and she looks 10 years older than my dad does but she is actually a year younger.

Morgan Lynn

Active Member
I personally like a women with 'about' shoulder length hair.

Speaking of women...

for those of you who know what a Methadone clinic is.. I go to one every single morning to get my daily dose, except Sundays. They give us our daily dose on Saturday, then they give me a take-home dose for Sunday. Well, this past Monday morning.. this really cute girl just started talking to me.. and that's kind of a big deal for me because usually girls don't talk to me. Hell, I haven't had a REAL gf since... Junior High school.. and I'm 29 years old now. So yeah, I have almost ZERO experience talking to girls. Anyhow, she started talking to me.. so of course I talked with her. Then Tuesday morning when I got there, I got there before she did.. but I was still waiting for the nurses to call my number so I could get my daily dose of medicine.. and while I was waiting on my number to be called, the girl came into the waiting room and waved at me and immediate sat down RIGHT next to me and we began another conversation. She seems really nice.. for the two days I've talked to her.. she just has these eyes that.. I dunno.. I can't say I know her, after two days of casual 10 minute conversations.. but there's just something about her that I can't get her out of my mind!

Well, this morning... I pull into the parking lot around 5:55am this morning right? Well, I go inside and I see her out of the corner of my eye, but I told myself not to look her way.. and just wait and see if she sparks up another conversation with me. Well, I walk up to the front desk to check in for the morning.. and I notice her looking at me, out of the corner of my eye.. checking me out (again.). After I checked in at the front desk, I walk right past her and into the waiting room.. hoping that she would say hello or good morning.. or maybe even come into the waiting room and have another conversation with me.. but, it didn't turn out that way. She didn't even say hello or anything to me. She didn't come into the waiting room either.

I think maybe it was because she was next to be called up to the nurses window.. and maybe was in a hurry this morning. There's all kinds of possibilities of why she didn't say hello or come into the waiting room with me. You just never know..

But at the same time, its like.. okay, are you just one of those fucking teases?? One of those gold diggers, or what? If she is either of those.. she's wasting her time with me.. because I don't want a girl that wants/likes me for what I have.. I want a girl that will like/love me for WHO I am on the inside.. and not love me for how I look.. or what I have.

But it seems like all the girls these days care about.. is looks. Looks won't keep your partner around forever.. because looks change over time. We all age.. in other words. What true love is... is loving someone for who they are on the inside.

But anyhow, should I try and spark a conversation with her the next time I see her? Or, just let it go? I think she has two kids too... which, I don't mind.. I love kids! But, yeah.. I'm not sure if I should pursue her.. or just let it go and see if she comes to me again.

Any help/advice with this would be greatly appreciated.


p.s. - I realize that a Methadone Clinic/office isn't the greatest/ideal place to meet someone.. especially a girl, but man.. this girl doesn't look like she's had two kids. I mean she's really good looking and seems like a nice girl.. for the two days that I've talked with her. Anyhow, thanks.

Maybe she didn't want to bother you since she thought you didn't notice her or maybe she knew you noticed her and it seemed like you weren't interesting in talking to her.