KonaGirl420 1st Grow All By Myself


Well-Known Member
very good very good, waiting for my daily bud delivery :) , nice new avy , am gonna miss the dog tho , lolz


Well-Known Member
am tring to smoke nuff to hallucinate, people say that these buds can do it and my buddy says it hass happened to him, but i just get reall fing high and start laughing :(


Well-Known Member
Oh ya he wishes he could get to me in the middle of the Pacific Ocean hahahaha, I guess he could try, he has a number, no address, but he has not even cared enough to use it to check on his lil girl :( He only would like to kill me if it was convienent for him....he doesn't have enough money to fly all the way out here and figure it out! That is weird how it tells us 2 diff times, on mine it says 2:21 and on yours 4:21 hehehe, but either way you can almost count on me always smoking lol :) I am very excited about finally being able to get high off my own supply YAY!!!

Trichy Bastard

Well-Known Member
am tring to smoke nuff to hallucinate, people say that these buds can do it and my buddy says it hass happened to him, but i just get reall fing high and start laughing :(
It's happened to me- usually more of a sativa thing- and i guess you have to be predisposed to it. I've literally been on a "pot trip" before haha


Well-Known Member
i have been "pot tripping" before..... but it isn;t actualy halucinating, i'll tell you that much. you start to see lights brighter, with aura's around them.... no color change or kaleidoscope effects, just funny lighting.

and i have NEVER gotten it from smoking. i've smoked a 1/2 OZ to myself in under 5 hours (smokefest) and only gotten realy high off of it. for marijuana to effect me like thast i have to eat it.

honestly, an eighth of mushrooms is like $15. and will make you trip balls. if you want to hallucinate, do mushrooms :D

Gymnopilus sp.
Panaeolus cinctulus
Psilocybe aquamarina
Psilocybe cubensis
these are halucinogenic mushrooms that grow in kenya.


Well-Known Member
lolz no shrooms for me, didem once , never again. it started all nice all i remember is looking at my friends playboy clock and when i went outside for a smoke, i looked at the sky and the moon was a playboy clock, later on it got wors when i thought snakes were on my feet on the drive home, and after that all down hill i freaked out, and i only ate like a handfull. but the whole smoking my self to see shit is just to see if mj can actually do it, every one here says it can i just don't see it, maybe al just get alot of bud and make like 1/2lb of canna butter :)

Trichy Bastard

Well-Known Member
lolz no shrooms for me, didem once , never again. it started all nice all i remember is looking at my friends playboy clock and when i went outside for a smoke, i looked at the sky and the moon was a playboy clock, later on it got wors when i thought snakes were on my feet on the drive home, and after that all down hill i freaked out, and i only ate like a handfull. but the whole smoking my self to see shit is just to see if mj can actually do it, every one here says it can i just don't see it, maybe al just get alot of bud and make like 1/2lb of canna butter :)
It's probably less likely now that your tolerance is up. When it happened to me I was a teen. It happened almost everytime I smoked, and usually it was only after a couple hits to be honest. I remember once I was "walking" my hands all around my friends house because I could swear I felt a magnetic sensation pulling my hands to the outside walls of his house. Other times I literally thought I was somewhere else than I was, like I thought I was back in my elementary school looking into the bright hallway out of the schoolroom, but in reality I was in my buddies garage looking at a white refrigerator. I doubt there are many people that are as sensitive to thc a I was, although I was always privelaged to the finest smoke. I took shrooms and didn't even get as messed up as I did off weed. I still only take a couple hits at a time to this day otheriwse I get very paranoid/uncomfortable- or start laughing uncontrollably haha. Funny thing was even when younger that I could guzzle hard liquor out of the bottle like no one's business, but pot I was always a wimp with. I don't mind though- it keeps my costs down ;).

Trichy Bastard

Well-Known Member
wow guess that what i get for starting with shwag :(
Haha- I had unfair advantage... I used to sneak and nip from my dad's stock, and he got the best. I also was privelaged to a sample of some that was heading to Roy Orbison's son- thats the one that got me the worst. To this day I have never encountered anything so strong smelling or beautiful in my life- none of the pics I've ever seen on this site looked like it- twas almost magical lol...


Well-Known Member
I was blazing with a buddy when I first started smoking and one night I thought a huge line of trees bristling in the wind was a herd of dinosaurs walking by. LOL it was pretty trippy. they were moving and everything. First time I ever smoked kush this girl I know told me to lay face down on the ground, and she and someone else lifted up my arms and legs slightly... it really felt like I was free-falling/skydiving or something haha... if u run across any first time smokers do that to them...


Well-Known Member
Hehehe I was really sensitive to it too at first and did not really like to smoke lol I did not become a heavy smoker until after all my brain injuries hahahaha!!! Now I need it!!


Well-Known Member
KOnna you should try cooking some medibles if smoke bothers you, sometimes you get a lot more high than smoke and for longer, but to tell you the truth, nothing is as good as the smoke :)