-maybe if you actualy ready it PROPERLY (yes, properly means IN CONTEXT).
-this is fucking retarded kitty.....
-get your shit straight. if your to ignorant to even google something for your own personal gain then thats on you.
-where did yopu get your degree from kitty?
[close friend of mine is in 2nd year horticulture at kwantlen, and she's pretty sure there's no cannabis in the curriculum.... just sayin'
-you should know i dont pick fight's, i only give out the true scientific information......... unlike some of the people on here......
[this still makes me lol, btw]
-grownups live in the REAL WORLD
-if your posting here to bitch @ me (not just you kitty, anyone....) then its probably not the greatest thing to do.....
-THAT is the BS im talking about with the last thing quoted here..... have the last word kitty, you think i care? your the fool who thinks shes right. im telling you to PROVE me wrong, but you cant, can you......
-Orly now? your not smart enough to understand English then......