My thoughts are slowly clearing up, maybe haha, just spent another 2 and a half hours in the bath, a lord of leisure

As you say, hitting a strategic political target instead of the Orange shop would be a heck of a lot more sense and a heck of a lot more productive and thought provoking, but i think something is a'foot. I think there are instigators behind the looting with clear objectives, that is to say someone has given them orders. One minute people are rioting because a policeman can't keep his finger off the trigger, the next minute it's nothing to do with the incident but just looting, and now the police have the authority to lpock and load rubber bullets as they please. The looting has completely taken away form the actual issue, and i don't think by accident. I think there is an active push for drastic law changes at hand which will severely reduce our liberties but as a result sort out some of the issues the government has been utterly failing at.
Who knows

government ought to be hung by their neck though, that's for sure

The thought has also occured that wow, who's heard anything more about the imminent collapse of the eurozone and world economies, that whole story seems to have vanished

riots riots riots riots, and the MSM are doing their very best to terrify the country, radio 1 today was nothing but talking about how they were going to play happy songs to keep spirits up and remove fear from the terrifying events. A woman who worls at the bank has told me she is terrified of cycling home at 4pm each day now. Somethings afoot
Not to worry, only anhour or so and i'll get some beer in me and shut the fuck up