The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
just ordered a litre of fatty acids for 20 squid......makes 50 litres........................morning robbie.....


Well-Known Member
ah right i have some neem repel , dont know when cut off is regarding use in flower though :s
ive used neem til last few weeks..........this is just something which is less messy, can be used to have several things to hand .....


Well-Known Member
RIGHT THATS FUCKIN IT!!!im just on and ive heard the word 'work' at least twice and 'occupation' at least once.ENUFF, are you fuckers trying to give me a heart attack!!! im goin for a wee lie down now.......


Well-Known Member
well off to my alcohol therapist and then to see my probabtion officer....theyve got offices in the same building....less than 200 yards from my front door....isnt that awfly thoughtful of them?


Well-Known Member
So they've started to riot in Irland now, they looted an Argos store last night and are still standing at collection point C


Active Member
ttt dont agree with hurt as many police as u can as they are all fighting friends and family no doubt,its a job protected by some stupid law.these cunts are jus doin ther job and the bad apples should get fucked i agree but random violence against police is pointless someones gotta do it.

who would protect people from these rioting fannys jus out for a bit of mob feeling an an ipod? selfish cunts jus out for ther own gain hope they all fuckin get culled,no fine,no prison

jus fucked by a gang of huge rapist black polis

i agree with u about the government but trashin somewhere of importance would make the point simpler not for material possesions fuks sake....

didnt think u would like cricket...never heard of any1 liking that game before lol i hate footy too haha makes me puke playin 5,asides haha


Well-Known Member
Further bad news about the rioting that has spread to Ireland.

Poor Paddy has just smashed his laptop screen, after trying to loot ebay.