FDD's De-MODification PARTY.!!.


Well-Known Member
damn fdd they removed your name and everything,I cant believe you quit.
I guess since im the most qualified for it I'll take your mod job.

And by the way I got a great deal on a FDD infracton for just the low price off 499.99,There's no photoshop in this shit.
did he really quit?

or was he 'quitted'.... hmmm...

i guess babysitting the forum got old huh???

hey fdd how long did your modding career last??? was it a job or did ya just do it for fun's sake and then got bored of the BS???


Well-Known Member
did he really quit?

or was he 'quitted'.... hmmm...

i guess babysitting the forum got old huh???

hey fdd how long did your modding career last??? was it a job or did ya just do it for fun's sake and then got bored of the BS???
I assumed he quit cause I cant really see them firing him.


Well-Known Member
Hey party is still goin! Sweet!

I brought some booze! :bigjoint:

It's gonna be a good night...:blsmoke: Yea it's brandy and root beer, so what...bongsmilie

Michael Sparks

Active Member
This is great comedy! FDD i had no idea, i am taken back.. i will return after my party time. Devastated by this turn of events.


Well-Known Member
lmao got neg rep. why? thought this was an open forum. i'll be looking over the 'agree here' legalities.. whats wrong with u guys????????!!
Maybe you got neg rep for mentioning young buck, LMAO, wtf... It's all good dude... I know you can see who reps you these days... Does it show you who neg repped you?...

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
I assumed he quit cause I cant really see them firing him.

If administration actually listened to the complaints some people have against him he would have been 'fired' a lonnnnnnnggg time ago.... he hasn't changed his practices.. though I should point out i'm not shit talking to fdd. I assume he knows i don't agree with any of the complaints people have about him

i would just assume he got tired of baby sitting an endless flow of childish posts on his computer screen :???:

Now what will people complain about though :? :lol: :lol: