
Michael Sparks

Active Member
I am curious to learn what phobia's some of us have, what is the assumed cause and how one overcame such fear/phobia.

simply how do we come to fear what we do.
what have we done to overcome such fear.

For instance i am scared of heights :roll: so i rock climb to overcome my fear :mrgreen: although i still have a physical fear e.g. I see a first person view of some one very high up
(could be on tv or in a picture) and i feel my hands getting clammy and my feet feel weightless and tingle.


Well-Known Member
Im afraid of death, so i just ignore it
Im afraid of confined spaces, like caves and play tubes at mcdonalds, so I avoid them
Im afraid of heights so i force myself to go as high as i can, but as long as its safe to go up and come down, and i have to keep my eyes closed going up


Staff member
im afraid of waking up during surgery ( so ill just never get it done rofl), also im afraid of tanning beds,, im probably the only girl afraid of tanning beds


Well-Known Member
i'm afraid of heights and clear, deep water.

heights because i'm wobbly on my knees. i often stumble on flat even ground. if i get a few feet off the ground and don't have anything to lean against i get some serious vertigo. we were at the lake the other day, on the lookout tower, and the whole thing was shaking. as i walked closer and closer to the guardrail i got an intense body rush.

i'm afraid of clear deep water because i know for a fact there are monster hiding down there. they'll come up and suck you off the top of the water before you realize they are even coming. fuck all that.


Active Member
Im afraid of open water... I dont mind pools, but lakes and oceans... FUCK NO!!! And snakes!! Id say my biggest fear though is reaching down a girls pants and feeling a dick hahaha wait... thats not my fear thats my fantasy... had that a little mixed up lmao j/k


Well-Known Member
ive always had a spider phobia but for a good reason...ive had to kill so many though im pretty much desensitized to them...just when im caught off gaurd


Active Member
i'm afraid of clear deep water because i know for a fact there are monster hiding down there. They'll come up and suck you off the top of the water before you realize they are even coming. Fuck all that.

amen brother!!!


Well-Known Member
awe were afriad of the same shit
yea that would be the worst waking up during surgery.I've had surgery done a couple times because I had to or my wrist would of been disformed.They loaded me up on a bunch of liquid valium before it though so I didn't even care.Before it kicked in I was so nervous,sweating and shit lol.
Spiders are just fucking nasty and there poisonous.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
im also afraid of drinking water. havent had any in 84 days. for some reason my body feels kind of wierd. should just pass though.

Michael Sparks

Active Member
i'm afraid of clear deep water because i know for a fact there are monster hiding down there. they'll come up and suck you off the top of the water before you realize they are even coming. fuck all that.
Seriously fuck all that! Now i appreciate clear water but i am going to be thinking this shit now, why they hell did i create this thread...

Michael Sparks

Active Member
Im afraid of open water... I dont mind pools, but lakes and oceans... FUCK NO!!! And snakes!! Id say my biggest fear though is reaching down a girls pants and feeling a dick hahaha wait... thats not my fear thats my fantasy... had that a little mixed up lmao j/k

Had me rolling ! I give Rep for making me piss myself from laughter.


Well-Known Member
used to be spiders and snakes...but i worked as a contractor and went into a lot of cob webby basements so i lost the spider phobia...Now I would just bust right through a bunch of thick cob webs without a second thought....

Still have snakes as a phobia....Sometimes so bad that when I walk out in the yard I look down in the grass to make sure I don't step on one or come across one.

Michael Sparks

Active Member
I can see being afraid of spiders all those legs and eyes, but i have always saved them, mostly all bugs i have gone out of my way to NOT kill.