do people really randomly put on their friends dirty pants?


Well-Known Member
What if your like a medium and the pants your wearing are a xL? Oj got away w murder bc the glove didn't fit surely you could play the same defense.
however, possession is 9/10 of the law.


Well-Known Member
If I ever had a false leg i'd hollow it out and stash it with drugs....

do you think the cops would search my leg? :lol:

Or I could be like...." UHHH... IT'S NOT MY LEG :shock:"
The guys in wheel chairs sit on their stuff because their usually not going to fuck around getting a cripple out of his chair to search


Well-Known Member
If the cops get to privy tot the pants it is possible that wearing other peoples pants will become illegal or u may face fines for trowser tresspassing and youll have to get pant registration ,in a ridiculous society this is possible........o wait hmmmmm nah nevermind.


Well-Known Member
heard while watching COPS ...

"i just bought these pants at the thrift store 3 hours ago. i haven't even looked in the pockets yet. that meth is NOT mine."



Well-Known Member
saw that as well. these people come up with the most bs excuses. i love when the cops call what they are going to say be4 they say it.


bud bootlegger
i was just watching cops this morning, and dude said that the meth in his pocket wasn't his because he just bought the pants from the thrift store two hours ago, lol..i thought he was on to something till the cop asked which thrift store and dude hadn't a clue as to which thrift store he just bought them in two hours ago, lol..


Active Member
There was one episode where a guy had a mason jar filled with weed in his jacket, and tried saying it was someone elses jacket!! The cop laughed at him and said, you didn't feel a huge jar in the jacket and didn't look at what it was? And then continues to tell hi. Just to be honest cause weed is not that big of a deal.... The guy finally got honest and got a fine and walked away.


bud bootlegger
The guys in wheel chairs sit on their stuff because their usually not going to fuck around getting a cripple out of his chair to search
yah, i used to have on dope dealer who was in a chair and he'd always be sitting on his dope.. the only problem with him is he would get all effed up on the dope he was supposed to be selling and would be sitting all nodded out on the corner in his chair sticking out like a mofo..


Well-Known Member
Iremember back to my 40th Birthday party, my wife, God Bless, got me a stripper.
She the stripper was to meet us at the local VFW bar for a surprise party.
Well she was late and by the time she got there I was pretty well lit.
Long story short, she stripped I was drunk so I stripped and everyone had a good time.
When I got home my son and Dad had to wrestle me down to get the strippers thong off me.
Did I mention she was 1 ugly bitch?? Remember my wife got her for me......:-|


bud bootlegger
What if your like a medium and the pants your wearing are a xL? Oj got away w murder bc the glove didn't fit surely you could play the same defense.
however, possession is 9/10 of the law.
well, i had thought that this was quite common for the wanksters look? most of them around my way wear their pants like 20 x's too big for them.. i know when the rave scene first came out in the early 90's, i used to wear like sized 44 pants when i really only wore 34 or so...
they might have a case if they wore xl and had on mediums, but that is pretty much the style today with that damn tight look that i can't stand..


Well-Known Member
I laugh my ass off when I see these youngsters wareing their pants down around the bottom of their ass cheeks.
Don't they realize some old fucker like me could kick their ass?
What kind of Gangster gets a beat down from a 60 year old???

Total Head

Well-Known Member
has anyone ever gotten away with the fingerprint defense? if one were to wipe the pipe clean of prints and spit, couldn't they say, "i never even touched that shit" and make a defense of it? the lack of prints makes a good case for a set-up, doesn't it? if the pants aren't yours (or have recently been worn by someone else) and there are no prints, isn't that reasonable doubt?


Active Member
I laugh my ass off when I see these youngsters wareing their pants down around the bottom of their ass cheeks.
Don't they realize some old fucker like me could kick their ass?
What kind of Gangster gets a beat down from a 60 year old???

I hate that shit!! Its ridiculous, looks stupid, and they sound dumb!! They spell like idiots on the computer... And think they're Pablo Escobar if they're holding an ounce! Especially white guys! Blacks are bad enough, but they dont look half as ridiculous as suburban white boys!


Well-Known Member
dude i was watching cops yesterday and like 3 different people said these ant my pants.One kid got caught with E and said it ant his another bald tweaker with a axe necklaces said he just bought these shorts and it was already in them lol