• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Close calls with police?


Well-Known Member
I had one the other day...
I made the mistake of choosing to smoke while in the car driving...

I had just finished my 3rd 1g bowl of white widow and wonder woman and I am heading home when I look in my rearview mirror and see flashing red and yellow lights... ooh shit here we go...

I proceed to pull over the first thing I hear is ... "I smell burnt marijuana." They proceeded to search my truck and find the roughly 3gs of ground white widow and my glass pipe. While I am getting searched I am having a full on conversation with these cops on how they used to smoke all the time in highschool but they made sure to remind me it's still illegal.

Long story short the police officers dumped out my weed and kept my glass pipe* (still loaded with bowl #4) I did not go to jail that night and despite the fact that I was feelin pretty good they let me drive away scott free! It could have turned out much much worse, like losing my job for getting arrested for possession - This was in Texas.

*My theory is that they were going to smoke that loaded bowl after I pulled away... I just know it haha


Anyone every had any close calls with the police?


Me and my friend were smoking in his car before going to see Rise of The Planet of The Apes when the cops rolled up on us, we got all our weed taking away, roughly 9 grams all together. Took our names and all that. He let us go, still made it to the movie on time. This was like two days ago, I gotta go buy more weed.


Well-Known Member
My closest call with the police would have to be when i was maybe 13 or 14.

We wanted a ride so we got my friends older sisters boyfriend to drive us, even though he didn't have his license. So his dumbass took the main road and 5 minutes later we saw those flashing lights behind us. There were 5 people in this little ass car, 3 kids all out past curfew and a driver who didn't even have a license in a car that belonged to my friends dad..

So we pull into a little parking lot, I ditch my 8ball under the seat and the cop comes up to the car. He asks his typical cop questions and takes the drivers name. All he made us do was park the car and call someone to come get us (which they did AFTER the cop left) but me and my friend just hiked it to our destination.

No arrests, no taking names, no warnings. Coolest cop I have ever encountered to this day. He didn't even question why we were out that late.


Well-Known Member
Got caught with a grip of needles one time and let go, was weird, running red light speeding smoking blunt no blinker, cop started searching and questioning us, was all fucked up he found needles and cut us loose with shit still stashed in the shoe and didnt even give us any tickets


Well-Known Member
First story.... I roll up on a party just in time to see all my buddies walking down the street, I ditch my six pac on the hood of a car and follow, get around the corner and some big ol meth head like thirty at least we were all about 18-22 is arguing with one buddy, then he goes to swing at another buddy of mine, who I grab and pull out of harms way, Thats when I hear a loud crack, and the meth head is standing there all confused saying "nun-chucks, somebody hit me with nun-chucks?" apparently the first friend had broken a pair of nun chucks on this tweaker's head, so someone calls the cops cause now the guy is bleeding everywhere, everyone ditches into the bushes, Me and two buddies just start walking down the street cause we didnt do anything wrong, so a cop pulls up weapon drawn and she screams at me, whats that blood on your arm, Im like "what blood?" look down and yes I have dried red paint all over my sweatshirt, so we get detained for a witness to look at us, are forced to give a voluntary statement, and basically get shook down for like an hour before they decide that we dont know anybody at the party and cant believe we are being questioned about a tweaker getting beat up with nunchuck by a bunch of hicks.... oh and the whole time myself and one buddy had freshly aquired 1/8s in our pockets, the other buddy who was holding was patted down cuffed and put in the back of a squad car for being lippy, they missed the pocket with the stash.

2nd story... oh to many to recall for yall.

Psychedelic Breakfast

Well-Known Member
Hey there,

My wife and I were driving back from our vacation in Colorado and I, without noticing, ended up speeding well over the speed limit. We had about a quarter of weed and an half full bottle of vodka from a couple nights before in trunk. My wife sprayed air freshener just incase the smell was in the car, instead the cop thought the smell was alcohol and interrogated us for a good minute or so about what we had been doing.

Gave us a scare considering the circumstances, instead he let me off with a minor speeding ticket even though the speed was more. I consider myself lucky, but tickets are dumb :eyesmoke:


New Member
When my car got stolen me and the cops were looking for it around the area it was stolen. They went into the apartment where the lady who took it lives and came back out, got in the car and said "you smoking marijuana in here" I just said "no" but I had a quarter on me and my grinder. Glad they didn't ask if I had any on me, probably just didn't want to be dicks about it.


Active Member
HAHAHA this comes at the perfect time. Last thurdsay I got stupid drunk, finished a 26 of 90 proof rum in 2 hours lol, smoked a couple bowls and smoked a joint which ended up being laced with roofies. Everything from here until I say so is not from my memories, but from what the officer, my mom, and the other guys at the party said. I got kicked out of the party because I was fighting, the cops picked me up with about 1.5 g of bud, a couple roaches, a pipe and a spool. Miracoulasly I have convinced them that it wasn't mine, as it was in a small black pipe bag, I even denied knowing what's in it. Spent the night in the drunk tank, and have to go back to the cop shop on tuesday to talk to my AO. I am not charged yet, but may be getting like a curfew or some shit.

BTW; I am currently with my mom because my university coach gave me a suspension for the first couple of weeks when he found me with steroids.


cops came to ma house nd i hada medi grow but i had way over limit nd i jus smoked a huge sas nd they tried to come in a askd wat for nd if they hada warrent nd they didnt but he searched me found a 100 bag of weed like 6 7 grams of good head bud nd he jus poketed it thn said good nite nd left haha stupid piggys


Active Member
cops came to ma house nd i hada medi grow but i had way over limit nd i jus smoked a huge sas nd they tried to come in a askd wat for nd if they hada warrent nd they didnt but he searched me found a 100 bag of weed like 6 7 grams of good head bud nd he jus poketed it thn said good nite nd left haha stupid piggys


Well-Known Member
Ok so Im driving way over the speed limit, get a tail for about 4 miles, he finally flashes and I pull over into a parking lot, the officer approaches and does the usual I smell weed, and keeps telling me im high, I dont have any weed and havent smoked in days so I get lippy about how seaweed is the only smell in here cause I got my waiters in the back, he calls for back up, they talk, keep threatening with a k-9 unit, finally the officer has me close my eyes and count thirty seconds, when I finish he says it took me 45 seconds and that Im obviously intoxicated he goes back to his car and they are talking I over hear "one of those guys" so i get pissed and start asking what one of those guys means? and what their badge numbers are and who their supervising officer is. this whole time my buddy is sitting there just looking so scared and telling me to cool it cause im gonna get us arrested. finally they give me back my license give me a warning for doing 70+ in a 60 and left us alone.... I go to drop off my buddy and realize that I have a 1 foot bong wrapped up in the back seat in such a way that the officer, could have easily identified what it was and just reached back and uncovered it, hahaha

Not to long ago I took a little stroll around the block, I had been at a bar and needed to medicate a little before dealing with the crowd any longer, so I roll one of my famous 3 gram Js and take a walk, I just get down to to when the paper is burning my lips and ditch the J take two steps and turn a little as I pass between two foot patrol officers on the sidewalk, hold my breathe as I walk halfway down the block and finally exhale my last hit. glanced back and they didnt seem to notice.


Well-Known Member
cops came to ma house nd i hada medi grow but i had way over limit nd i jus smoked a huge sas nd they tried to come in a askd wat for nd if they hada warrent nd they didnt but he searched me found a 100 bag of weed like 6 7 grams of good head bud nd he jus poketed it thn said good nite nd left haha stupid piggys
Why do you call them stupid when they let you off?


Well-Known Member
Cops were looking for me and they pulled over the bus I was on and didn't even see me.They came on deep as shit in both doors saying my name and description but didn't even notice me.I had different clothes on from earlier in the day though.


Well-Known Member
17 years old, living in arizona, driving up the road with my buddy and his sister, smoking some schwag.

a motorist behind us called the cops on us and we got pulled over a few miles up the road.

pulled me out of the car and explained why they stopped me, had me do a field sobriety test. i passed every part except the part where you follow the pen with your eyes without moving your head.

they then asked if they could search the car and i said "not without a warrant".

they then proceeded to field test my buddy who passed the eye test. they had him drive and let us go without any citation.

for anyone listening, never submit to a field sobriety test, it is never required and just a tactic for them to gain more information. they can even lie about the results just to bust you for nothing if they want.


Well-Known Member
18 years old, living in arizona. just got done selling my buddy a 20 bag, had a QP in the trunk.

took a few bong rips before i left, the last one being stale, yellow smoke that made my eyes water for a long time.

barely left his place when i got pulled over for a tail light not working.

cop asked why i was so nervous, i simply responded that i get nervous whenever i am pulled over. bloodshot eyes, reeked of weed, he let me go with no citation.


Well-Known Member
20 years old, living in arizona. my buddy and i are driving around a residential area, smoking a bong. he decides to stop at the grocery store for something.

his dumbass parks in the fire lane, i am sitting in the car with a big bong.

as i am waiting for him, a cop comes almost out of nowhere and starts to scold me for his actions. i hid the bong behind my leg.

my buddy gets out while the cop is scolding me, and then lays it on him. apologies from my buddy, and we headed out, no citation.