What's your Avatar about?


Well-Known Member
mine is about kicking ass and showing foolds how we go 150+ MPH down in orange county , CA...so cal bitches


Well-Known Member
Did you get your sn from cowboy bebop?
I've always liked that too. Space Cowboy.
Actually Steve Miller is one of my favorite rockers...and Space Cowboy is one of my favorite songs by him.....

I just did a youtube search for Space Cowboy...Found a show in HD from 2011 but I like this older version better.....



Global Moderator
Staff member
mine is about kicking ass and showing foolds how we go 150+ MPH down in orange county , CA...so cal bitches
New bikes are the shit - technology has come a long way !
Years ago I owned a 1973 Kaw Z-1 900 - Uncle Sam decided I needed to keep working for him & tossed me some green so I poked & stroked her from 903cc to a touch above 1400 with the help of MTC engineering. Even though I heavily massaged the frame w/ gussets & such it was a plumbing nightmare, but boy would she go !
Running a quad of very large smooth bore carbs & a Kerker 4x1 uncapped, one twist of the wick in any gear . . .
Damn !!
Here's a stock 903 cc Z-1
Edit: Oops, just saw some turbo Z's in the vid - didn't have one of them.


Well-Known Member
I just loved the way the buds in my avatar looked when I found the pic. I kept going back to it and wishing I had it for real.


Well-Known Member
mine is about kicking ass and showing foolds how we go 150+ MPH down in orange county , CA...so cal bitches
Please tell me you're not one of those guys that slows down traffic on the 405 to say "look at me" and pops wheelies with his friend side by side, only to hold back traffic?

Charlie Who?

Active Member
Great topic. I, too find the choice of nyms and avatars quite interesting. None of us got to choose our "real" names, but we each get to choose our on-line monikers. Thus, that coice is likely to be frought with below-the-surface significance.

Ive had several on-line nyms, but I chose Charlie Who? for THIS venue for several reasons. Primarily because "Charlie" is so common a name as to be almost a non-name. Adding the "Who?" makes it even more anonymous.

It also reflects a part of my past that is significant to me. I lived on an island in the Carribbean for several years and had 3 froends who all hung together. Each of them was named, "Charlie". So, in any conversation where "Charlie" was mentioned, somebody would ask, "Charlie who?"

Two of the three Charlie's are dead now and for all I know, so is the third. Im 61 and at my age, friends are dropping like flies. So, keeping the old quesrion, "Charlie who?" alive is kind of my tribute to those three friends.

The avatar? Im just a big fan of r.crumb, LOL.
