I guarantee this will make you laugh, if not you have issues!!!!


Well-Known Member
Look at this naked girl!!! You can see boobs and a crotch!!!


OOOOOOHHHHH WAIT!!!! That is just ARM FAT from the girl next to her!!!!!
The "naked" girl is a friend of a friend on Facebook and I thought this picture was just wayyyyyyy toooooo funny to not get spread around the net!!!


Well-Known Member
At first I was like this jokes lame and readying myself for the comment....


Dude that was awesome! It looked so real I thought that was it +rep :D


Active Member
Look at this naked girl!!! You can see boobs and a crotch!!!

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OOOOOOHHHHH WAIT!!!! That is just ARM FAT from the girl next to her!!!!!
The "naked" girl is a friend of a friend on Facebook and I thought this picture was just wayyyyyyy toooooo funny to not get spread around the net!!!
funny pic, but i already saw this somewhere, i think FailBlog.org or vSauce on youtube.... so i don't believe that this is a "friend of a friend" -_-


Active Member
i too saw this i think it was in the pics make you lol thread some time ago?
but it is funny.


Well-Known Member
funny pic, but i already saw this somewhere, i think FailBlog.org or vSauce on youtube.... so i don't believe that this is a "friend of a friend" -_-
Because I really would lie that it is a friend of a friend! I never said that this was my friend! I know a girl that knows her and was shown this picture from her facebook! Would be pretty foolish to take a picture from failblog.org and post it as your own (unless it is)!



Active Member
Because I really would lie that it is a friend of a friend! I never said that this was my friend! I know a girl that knows her and was shown this picture from her facebook! Would be pretty foolish to take a picture from failblog.org and post it as your own (unless it is)!

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well that picture has been traveling the internet for a while now, i didnt necessarily mean that you lied... maybe your friend's friend (or w.e) saw it online and posted it on their facebook for jokeess... cause wouldn't it be pretty crazy if that famous picture was actually your friends friend? i highly doubt that picture was taken, i'll say it once more, by your friend's friend. or your friends friends friend. or your friends friends friends aunts dog.

im not saying you're a liar!! and i love you.


Active Member
if you can show me more pictures of the same chick than it will be legit,, take a look at her other pics and see.


Well-Known Member
well that picture has been traveling the internet for a while now, i didnt necessarily mean that you lied... maybe your friend's friend (or w.e) saw it online and posted it on their facebook for jokeess... cause wouldn't it be pretty crazy if that famous picture was actually your friends friend? i highly doubt that picture was taken, i'll say it once more, by your friend's friend. or your friends friends friend. or your friends friends friends aunts dog.

im not saying you're a liar!! and i love you.
if you can show me more pictures of the same chick than it will be legit,, take a look at her other pics and see.
so just because a picture is "famous" means that I can't know someone that knows them. You make no sense! Go learn to grow some pot and you wont have to worry if the 1/8 you bought is really an 1/8! ( https://www.rollitup.org/toke-n-talk/449847-does-look-like-eighth.html )

Oh wait so because Jorge cervantes is famous I couldn't have met him either.
jorge and me1!.jpg
I proved myself enough! Get a life kid!


Active Member
so just because a picture is "famous" means that I can't know someone that knows them. You make no sense! Go learn to grow some pot and you wont have to worry if the 1/8 you bought is really an 1/8! ( https://www.rollitup.org/toke-n-talk/449847-does-look-like-eighth.html )

Oh wait so because Jorge cervantes is famous I couldn't have met him either.
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I proved myself enough! Get a life kid!
pfffffffftttt chill out bro.. i didnt mean you any disrespect (by the way) and i meant the odds of it were slim (and obviously i proved you wrong, and you're in a state of DENIAL)

like bro i really dont care whether you know that chick or not (or ur friend knows that chick.............) but ur stupid obviously cause the quote says "The Awkward moment when your friends arm fat makes you look naked" dude who the fuck would say that? thats just ignorant to that big chick....

like i wasnt trying to be a dick bro... just hoping you werent THAT dumb. guess u are eh? and you didnt prove yourself at all unless that chick was Jorge Cervantes and just got a sex change...

wow ur fucking stupid man


Well-Known Member
they are all friends with each other on facebook........................even if they dont know each other.


Well-Known Member
pfffffffftttt chill out bro.. i didnt mean you any disrespect (by the way) and i meant the odds of it were slim (and obviously i proved you wrong, and you're in a state of DENIAL)

thats just ignorant to that big chick...
You have in no way proved me wrong! The person taking the picture (the one who put it on their Facebook page) isn't friends with the fat girl and that is the reason the picture is on the internet, otherwise you would have be right about it being RUDE to the fat girl. You are right I don't have more pictures of the people in the picture because the person taking the photo doesn't have a bunch of pictures of her friend and a fat girl she didn't even really know. You should also learn the definition of the word "ignorant", Then you wouldn't sound ignorant and "fucking stupid man"!


Active Member
You have in no way proved me wrong! The person taking the picture (the one who put it on their Facebook page) isn't friends with the fat girl and that is the reason the picture is on the internet, otherwise you would be right about it being mean to the fat girl. You are right I don't have more pictures of the people in the picture because the person taking the photo doesn't have a bunch of pictures of her friend and a fat girl she didn't even really know. You should also learn the definition of the word "ignorant", Then you wouldn't sound ignorant and "fucking stupid man"!
The word "ignorant" is an adjective describing a person in the state of being unaware and is often used as an insult.

The person who wrote that quote on facebook is ignorant ... unaware of the feelings the big chick would have. ;) so you should learn how to use it.

and regardless of whatever i feel no encouragement to continue this argument... as neither you, or I have proof of what we are arguing about, and as people already said, who gives a flying fuck.

EDIT: as for my theory of defining ignorant...: of course i meant, that if the picture WAS actually your friend's friend, it would be IGNORANT for them to put that, but if not, the word IGNORANT doesn't really come in play that much, but still does make sense.

so, i'll lead the way with maturity, and let you know that if you're cool, i'm cool and we can all be a big happy family.