I guarantee this will make you laugh, if not you have issues!!!!


Well-Known Member
The word "ignorant" is an adjective describing a person in the state of being unaware and is often used as an insult.

The person who wrote that quote on facebook is ignorant ... unaware of the feelings the big chick would have. ;) so you should learn how to use it.

and regardless of whatever i feel no encouragement to continue this argument... as neither you, or I have proof of what we are arguing about, and as people already said, who gives a flying fuck.

EDIT: as for my theory of defining ignorant...: of course i meant, that if the picture WAS actually your friend's friend, it would be IGNORANT for them to put that, but if not, the word IGNORANT doesn't really come in play that much, but still does make sense.

so, i'll lead the way with maturity, and let you know that if you're cool, i'm cool and we can all be a big happy family.
Leading the way with maturity would have been not making a second post! Your "theory" of the definition of the word ignorant is wrong! The word theory fits there because I believe you have an abstract thought!

a : destitute of knowledge or education <an ignorant society>; also : lacking knowledge or comprehension of the thing specified <parents ignorant of modern mathematics>
b : resulting from or showing lack of knowledge or intelligence <ignorant errors>
: unaware, uninformed
&#8212; ig·no·rant·ly adverb
&#8212; ig·no·rant·ness noun
See ignorant defined for English-language learners »
See ignorant defined for kids »
Examples of IGNORANT

He is an ignorant old racist.
She was ignorant about the dangers of the drug.
It was an ignorant mistake.

Definition of THEORY

: the analysis of a set of facts in their relation to one another
: abstract thought : speculation
: the general or abstract principles of a body of fact, a science, or an art <music theory>

Given that you are pretty ignorant (see above definition) we can let it go!


Well-Known Member
Hey, we JUST got done with my dumbass drama, come on, just quit. not taking sides, but everyone is getting fed up with drama on here


Active Member
Leading the way with maturity would have been not making a second post! Your "theory" of the definition of the word ignorant is wrong! See the word theory fits there because I believe you have an abstract thought!

a : destitute of knowledge or education <an ignorant society>; also : lacking knowledge or comprehension of the thing specified <parents ignorant of modern mathematics>
b : resulting from or showing lack of knowledge or intelligence <ignorant errors>
: unaware, uninformed
&#8212; ig·no·rant·ly adverb
&#8212; ig·no·rant·ness noun
See ignorant defined for English-language learners »
See ignorant defined for kids »
Examples of IGNORANT

He is an ignorant old racist.
She was ignorant about the dangers of the drug.
It was an ignorant mistake.

Definition of THEORY

: the analysis of a set of facts in their relation to one another
: abstract thought : speculation
: the general or abstract principles of a body of fact, a science, or an art <music theory>

Given that you are pretty ignorant (see above definition) we can let it go!
lmao.. okay well i dont give a fuck about what i said with theory, even though im sure it makes sense aswell but basically i just meant my thoughts

and as for ignorant, it DOES make sense! BASICALLY ignorant means to say something you really dont know about.... to just blert something not knowing what it means

on one of the definition sites, they used this as an example of the word:

Derek walked up to Shavam, noticing that he looked like he was from India, and asks him, "Are you Indian?" Shavam replies, "Yes." Derek then asks, "Say somethin' Indian." Shavam, confused, walks off. Kaitie, who was watching the whole conversation, walks up to Derek and tells him he is ignorant because of what he said.

if you read what i said, and compare it to that example, you'll see they both match up and are very much alike (shit wanna just define 'compare' for me to?) lol just kidding

and theory meaning i'm honestly not completely positive about my statement, but pretty sure.

NOW we can let it go :) well i dont care you can reply to this one, i dont mind :)


Well-Known Member
oh shit fat people deserve to be poked fun at for eating all that food or haqving a slow metabolism... as punishment fatty..... is that raciest??? are you fat people another race?? i have more in common with skinny people whatever color fattys cant keep up in the mountains chew on thAT FATTY

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Because I really would lie that it is a friend of a friend! I never said that this was my friend! I know a girl that knows her and was shown this picture from her facebook! Would be pretty foolish to take a picture from failblog.org and post it as your own (unless it is)!

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You can even tell it's a computer screen.... you couldn't photoshop over it like that and make it look legit :)


Well-Known Member
I heard about that pic on a "Heidi and Frank" podcast a while back. Still funny though...
Frank Army bitches!


Well-Known Member
So this pic has been round for, at the very least, a year on the internet...what is the upload date on your friends Facebook? If it's recent then you know it's just a funny pic that has been uploaded and tagged and obviously not a friend of a friend. Not rocket science to prove.


Active Member

You can even tell it's a computer screen.... you couldn't photoshop over it like that and make it look legit :)
-_- not that it matters anymore, but as i said before, the person probably saw that pic on the internet and thought it was funny, so posted it on their facebook for all to see.

(and really, you could photoshop it than take a picture.. but that's not the point, i dont think NoGutsGrower is a liar at all, what i thought was that he saw it on facebook and thought that it was someone's actual pic, meanwhile, as i just said, they posted it for jokes.)

but it doesnt matter anymore.


Active Member
So this pic has been round for, at the very least, a year on the internet...what is the upload date on your friends Facebook? If it's recent then you know it's just a funny pic that has been uploaded and tagged and obviously not a friend of a friend. Not rocket science to prove.
EXACTLY! thats all i wanted to know aswell.