Ever hate someone on here?

Ever hate someone on here

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Well-Known Member
I never thought I would say this, but I aboslutely hate someone on here. I didnt know that was possible. What are your feelings about this?
I don't hate anyone here... There are a few I strongly disagree with and do not like, but no hate here...
hating someone is like holding a hot coal
with the intention of throwing it at someone
you are the one that gets burned
sorry about that, you do have a point, but seriously, its almost close to like stalking me from thread to thread, badgering me
I guess but man, is there anyway to block them?

Well who is it? If you hate them, then you should have no problem exposing them to the world. Hate is only reserved for those that commit murder, rape, and guys that cowardly strap bombs to themselves and blow up rave parties. I don't have a problem with anyone here, even though I disagree with some of them. Reserve your hate for those that deserve it, not for those that are bored at home just like you and me.
Yeah, I get pissed too. You know what I do about it? I go on youtube and talk shit to all those teenage little fucks that make music videos out Sonic the fucking Hedgehog. It's all good and well Urca, but if you feel like you are really being harassed you can report them. Or pm me who it is and I'll start harassing them for you.
Just use the ignore button, I don't even argue with people or deal with their b.s anymore. Thats why there are ignore buttons in forums/games, you don't like the person, then put them on the ignore list and you won't hear from them again! :)
i do have some people on ignore but no one has been rude to me other than this one guy called fabfun. i do not ignore him however. the people i ignore i dont even know or hate, i jst found them to be pompus idiots.