Ever hate someone on here?

Ever hate someone on here

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I hate someone well a couple of people which are some dr greenthumb spammers they don't grow shit but yet all they do is say he is the best breeder. I don't hate them for that tho I hate them for the personal attacks against me.
boy, am i good at this game or what?? maybe we should replace jeopardy with guess who hates urca, i could really mop up at that one...
Its the fucking internet. Winning a argument here is like winning a gold medal at the special olympic games. Your still a spastic.lol
Hate Is Too Strong Of A Word For My Herb Loving Self.
I Disagree with certain people but i won't Ever Hate you for
a stupid thing such as a disagreement.

p.s In My books if u can hate THAT easily you ain't smokin enough herb ;).:leaf:

Don't take RIU so serious. Hit the ignore button and be done with it. I find it funny when people fuck with me. It's all entertainment, if it affects your emotions you're definitely taking the internet too serious.
i smoked a friend out and now he wants me to give him a tug job, should i ask him to pull mine first?
There are plenty of people who have 'attacked' me, 'rubbed me up the wrong way', or I've simply found unpleasant or intimidating, but I'd much rather see the good in people. I think conflict is most often instigated by misunderstanding. Rather than being bitter, be the first to offer yourself up. If you are being 'attacked' anyway, you have little more to lose by making the other person understand you have nothing to hide. In that, I'm sure you can find some common ground, and all the more reason not to fight.
There are plenty of people who have 'attacked' me, 'rubbed me up the wrong way', or I've simply found unpleasant or intimidating, but I'd much rather see the good in people. I think conflict is most often instigated by misunderstanding. Rather than being bitter, be the first to offer yourself up. If you are being 'attacked' anyway, you have little more to lose by making the other person understand you have nothing to hide. In that, I'm sure you can find some common ground, and all the more reason not to fight.

Well than SCREW YOU!

j/k :D

I agree that a lot of it comes down to misunderstanding. It's hard to infer someone's intention through something they've typed on the internet. I've been called an asshole more than a few times because people think I'm fucking with them, or that I have an attitude when 99% of the time it's the exact opposite. Any issue you have with someone just try and squash it. There's no reason to let someone else ruin the fun of rollitup.
This thread is done. If I could remove it I would.

Sometimes silence hurts worse than words ever could-
Why do you continue to lash out at me in silence?
Some scars you can not see but that does not make them any less painful.
lol what are you talking about, you're awesome

Are you being sarcastic?
I was thinking you must really hate me because you ignore all my posts and didn't listen to the songs I posted from youtube and tell me how they make you feel.
The first one I posted makes me cry but the second makes me feel stronger.
I hope your not just trying to make fun of me and get me to let my gaurd down and trust you so you can hurt me again.
are you being sarcastic?
I was thinking you must really hate me because you ignore all my posts and didn't listen to the songs i posted from youtube and tell me how they make you feel.
The first one i posted makes me cry but the second makes me feel stronger.
I hope your not just trying to make fun of me and get me to let my gaurd down and trust you so you can hurt me again.
your a trip.......
i dont really "hate" anyone on here because its the internet and i dont even know you guys BUT i remember when i first became a member and fdd2blk gave me 2 back to back warnings for cussing at someone and someother lame ass shit, i didnt like that very much and it was lame as fuck seeing as how you have to be 18 to be on here and adults are allowed to cuss and stuff in real life... but i dont hate the guy
the why does urca hate me thread and the "have you ever hated someone" thread were right next to each other on my screen !!!! crazy this forum is going to shit ..... talk about weed or ask questions about it but wtf stop being babies and get sum friends in REAL life